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Электронный DX Бюллетень WorldDX
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Всемирный DX Бюллетень 18 11.05.2005 ---------------------------------- КВ Австралия 17820 RCVoice has been heard with poor signal on 27 but fair to good signal on 28 in Thessaloniki at abt 0900 On 4.5 and 0840 nothing heard (Zacharias Liangas - CumbreDX 1115) Албания 7120, ALBANIA, R.Tirana, 2131-2143, May 2, English, S/on in progress, prg. hi-lites, Albanian news re E.U. integration, feature "Our Calendar" re May Day celebrations w/ and w/o Communist rule. Commentary re July general elections, local music. Fair at best, need USB to seperate from 7125 slop. (Scott R. Barbour-NH - hard-core-dx 29, 9) Аляска Похоже KNLS все же запустила второй передатчик с начала мая. Только что, 0800-0905, принимал передачи сразу на двух частотах - 11765 и 11870 кГц., согласно заявленному расписанию. В апреле прием наблюдался только на одной частоте. (Федор Бражников, Иркутск - open_dx 736) Ангола 4950, ANGOLA, R.Nacional, 0250-0305, May 10, Portuguese, Discussion/banter b/w several announcers. Music bridge w/ full "Radio Nacional-Angola" ID in passing at 0258. Pips/ID at 0300 into presumed news headlines. "Zinger' ID at 0304 into ballads. Poor/fair at best. (Scott Barbour-NH - hard-core-dx 29, 11) Аргентина 5100 AM1710, Buenos Aires, the new Xband station is hear on the true frequency of 1700 Khz. Today, I head that station on 5100 Khz (1700 x 3) between 1040-1100 UTC. Romantic music in spanish selection. ID & ann. at 1059 as: "mande sus mensajes a traves del sitio de nuestra emisora en www.am1710.com.ar", 34443 (Arnaldo Slaen, Argentina - CumbreDX 1122) Боливия 4498,1 Radio Estambul, ?Guayaramerin?, 1003-1023, May 08, Spanish. Ann. by female at 1003, short song and announcement and greetings by male as: "6 de la ma?ana con 6 minutos, 6 de la ma?ana con 6 minutos....tenemos las mejores felicitaciones para los 15 a?os de......". Strauss's vals. Ann. & ID as.: "compartiendo momentos inolvidables, aqui en Radio Estambul, para que puedas pasar un dia inolvidable....Radio & Television Estambul.....que estan junto a nosotros y los saludamos con todo cari?o en este amanecer...". Song. Ann. & ID: "venga para aca....en la Radio Estambul, vengase para aca.....".- Other TC as: "las 6 de la ma?ana con 20 miniutos, las 6 con 20...", 24432 (Arnaldo Slaen, Argentina - hard-core-dx 29, 9) 3310 R Mosoj Chaski, May 5th, 01.25, Quechua (pres.), talk, ID; O=3 4409.8 R Eco, May 5th, 00.10, mensajes, ID; O=3 4684.7 R Paitit?, May 8th, 00.05, comunicados; O=2 4716.8 R Yura, May 5th, 00.20, mensajes, ID; O=2 4796.5 R Mallku, May 5th, 00.25, Andean music; O=2 4900.3 R San Miguel, May 5th, 00.30, international news, sports results, ID; O=3-4 5580.3 R San Jos?, May 4th, 23.50, religious program, prayers, ID; O=2 5926.8 R Dif. Miner?a, May 4th, 23.30, soft pop songs, ID; O=2 (Michael Schnitzer - hard-core-dx 29, 10) 4409.8, BOLIVIA, (P)R.Ecos, 0020-0121, May 10, Spanish, OM w/ talks at t/in, presumed ID at 0025 though too much echo effects for a positive ID; only copied "onda corta". Programming from this point until 0121 t/out consisted of very nice S.American music and ballads w/ the OM announcer, briefly, every 3-4 songs. Booming signal! S-5 on the R75. Still going at 0240 re-check w/ same format though much more static. Gone at 0256 re-check. Thanks Bjorn Malm tip. (Scott Barbour-NH - hard-core-dx 29, 11) Болгария 7400, BULGARIA, R.Varna, 0128-0146, May 9, Bulgarian/English, BG and EG pop music, banter b/w OM and YL at 0136. Back to music at 0140. Cover of Blondie's "The Tide is High" in EG. Poor, noisy. (Scott Barbour-NH - hard-core-dx 29, 11) Ботствана/США 9815, BOTSWANA, VOA, 2121-2130*, May.2, French/English, YL w/ news, NBA scores; Palestine; soundbites by Condi and G.W.. English ID/s-off announcment/IS at 2130. Fair/Good. (Barbour-NH - hard-core-dx 29, 9) Ботствана 4820 kHz 8/5. R.Botswana,BOT,20:29-20.33,Ar,Mx local y pop,SINPO 34332 (Jose Miguel Romero - hard-core-dx 29,11) Бразилия 4825 Radio Cancao Nova, Cachoeira Paulista, SP, 0912-0918, May 05, Portuguese, Catholic religious programme (Holy Rosary prayer) by male & female, 24432 (Arnaldo Slaen, Argentina - CumbreDX 1116) 4895 Radio Novo Tempo, Campo Grande, MS, 2337-2345, May 02, Portuguese, Religious programme. Ann. & ID as: "as maiores acontecimientos da Brasil y o Mundo voce encontra en a Radio Novo Tempo, Campo Grande, Mato Grosso do Sul"; after, song by female; 24432 (Arnaldo Slaen, Argentina - CumbreDX 1116) Венесуэла 4939,8 Radio Amazonas, Puerto Ayacucho, 0957-1002, May 08, Spanish. Local songs, ann. & ID as: "...en la sintonia de Radio Amazonas.........insuperable!!!", Ann. "feliz dia de las madres les desea....para todas las madres de la region del Amazonas y del mundo...........las madres en su dia". 24442 (Arnaldo Slaen, Argentina - hard-core-dx 29, 9) 4939.7 R Amazonas, May 5th, 00.40, romantic songs, ID; O=2-3 (Michael Schnitzer - hard-core-dx 29, 10) Гана 4915 kHz 8/5. Ghana Broadcasting C.,GHA,20:44-20:47,In,locutor con comentarios.SINPO 24332. (Jose Miguel Romero - hard-core-dx 29, 11) ?/Гамбия (clandestine) 9430 Save Gambia 1956 a signal with harsh audio . Crash opening with talks in French then in local lang , with references to Gambia Senegal . S10 44444 sometimes with short audio gaps>Also 29 at 2012 talks in a local lang with several words in English as leader , national alliance democratic development. IN 201300 YL starting with bonjour but immediately stopped , 35 secs after with highlife music having several audio gaps and at 201530 audio gone leaving just background buzzer . A strong background noise in the audio channel (Zacharias Liangas 28+29 - CumbreDX 1115) STDGP, 9430, via Germany, also heard Apr 28 at 2000 when the program in English with parts in FRENCH already had started. In French, it talked about support from Senegal to the Victory of Democracy in Gambia (!). May be it is better, to give Democracy in Senegal before asking this for the neighbours. Reception nice, but sometimes some problems with the audio (Christian Ghibaudo, France, DSWCI DX Window May 4 via DXLD 5076) Гватемала 4799.8 R Buenas Nuevas, May 7th, 02.10, religious program; O=2 (Michael Schnizter - hard-core-dx 29, 10) Гвинея 1385.9 R Rurale, May 5th, 21.45, French, reports, ID; O=1-2 (Michael Schnitzer - hard-core-dx 29, 10) Гондурас 3249.7 R Luz y Vida, May 6th, 02.50, religious program, ID; O=3 3340 HRMI (presumed), May 6th, 03.05, talks; O=1-2 (Michael Schnitzer - hard-core-dx 29, 10) Джибути 4780 Rdiff. TV de Djibouti (presumed), May 6th, 19.45, monotone singing, audible under utility; O=2 (Michael Schnitzer - hard-core-dx 29, 10) Замбия 4965, ZAMBIA, RCV, 0105-0119, May 1, English, Music prg. "Saturday Nite w/ Danny and Joanna", banter, "Voice" promos. Fair. (Scott Barbour-NH - hard-core-dx 29, 9) 4910 kHz 8/5. R.Zambia,ZMB,20:41-20:43,Mx local.SINPO 34422. (Jose Miguel Romero - hard-core-dx 29, 11) Зимбабве 6045 ZBC, May 6th, 01.00, Afro music, ID; O=4 (Michael Schnitzer - hard-core-dx 29, 10) 11770 kHz 9/5. SW R.Africa,18:10-18:21,Ingles,locutor con comentarios "En Zimbawe se vive la t?pica situaci?n colonial",se pide democracia y se compara con Botswana y Sudafrica, sufre Jamming discontinuo.SINPO 53443. 12145 kHz 9/5. SW R.Africa,18:03-18:10,Ingles,locutora con comentarios, Mx pop,comentarios con referencias a la democracia, Zimbawe y Mugabe.SINPO 44433. 15145 kHz 10/5. SW R.Africa,17:05-17:25,In,locutora con entrevistas, se hacen referencias a Zimbawe y Mugabe.SINPO (Jose Miguel Romero - hard-core-dx 29, 11) Египет 15810 Cairo 1145 prg in tai At 1215 with prg in Malay mixed with arab songs . S9 44343 . Low modulation (Zacharias Liangas - CumbreDX 1115) Индонезия 15150 RRI 1930 in English with signal S5 24222 on quite noisy floor 26.4.5 15150 also on 4.5 with dangdut songs (kopi dangdut,bang toyib)at 1342Z . At 1400 heard talks in Malay abut on 1520 nearly nothing heard though ripples found on AM mode .Fair to extreme QRM from VoIRI (Zacharias Liangas - CumbreDX 1115) 4604.96 RRI Serui 1200-1245.Vocal music; ID at 1203 as "Radio Rebublik Indonesia Serui...," then joined Jak program in progress; returned to local programming at 1218 with older C&W vocals with no anmts until about 1245. Good signal. (John Wilkins 5/3 - CumbreDX 1116) 4749.98 RRI Makassar noted May 1-3 around 1200-1300 either off the air or extremely weak. They are usually the strongest Tropical Band Indo here. Possibly a very weak carrier on 4749.98 but hard to tell with weak stations on 4750/4750.1 adding to the mix. (John Wilkins-CO - CumbreDX 1116) 15149.8, INDONESIA, VOI, 2016-2036, May 2, English, As previously reported ex-9525 w/ commentary, feature "Getting to know Indonesia", familiar RRI Overseas Svc ID and web info announcement. YL w/ talks over lite instrumental music thru t/out. Poor/fair at best w/15155-WYFR slop. (Scott Barbour-NH - hard-core-dx 29, 9) 4605 RRI Serui, May 6th, 20.00, interval signal, local ID, news; O=3 4790 RRI Fak-Fak, May 4th, 20.20, pop music, local ID; O=2-3 4870 RRI Wamena, May 4th, 20.40, Indonesian pop songs, ID; O=3 (Michael Schnitzer - hard-core-dx 29, 10) Йемен 9779.8, YEMEN,(T)Republic of Yemen R., 2107-2117*, May 2, Arabic, Whisper-quiet OM b/w musical bits. Alternating YL and OM b/w music at 2110. OM over music at 2115 w/ tent. ID. 2117 s/off caught me off guard so ID is tentative at best. Poor/weak. (Scott R.Barbour-NH - hard-core-dx 29, 9) Мавритания 4845 kHz 8/5. ORTV Mauritania,MTN,20:34-20:40,Arabigo,locutor con comentarios.SINPO 33332. (Jose Miguel Romero - hard-core-dx 29, 11) Мали 4783v, MALI, RTV Malienne, 2330-0002*, May 7, French, Lengthy discussion b/w 2 OM, musis, announcer at 2350 w/ talks b/w music until NA at 0000. Fair/Good. (Scott Barbour-NH - hard-core-dx 29, 9) 4783 kHz 8/5. RTV de Mali,MLI,20.25-20:28,Ar,locutor con comentarios, SINPO 34332. (Jose Miguel Romero - hard-core-dx 29, 11) Марокко 15335, MOROCCO, RTV Maroccaine, 1316-1336, May. 9, Arabic, Nothing special; interview followed by AR music but this was // 15340 while listed // 15345 was silent. Punch-up error? Poor, weak signal while // 15340-fair. Even though they are two different streams, one to Europe the other N.AFrica, I do find it odd that they would be 5-10 kHz apart. (Scott Barbour-NH - hard-core-dx 29, 11) Мексика 4810 XERTA, May 7th, 03.55, music, ID; O=2 6010 R Mil, May 7th, 03.45, talk, ID; O=2 6185 R Educaci?n, May 6th, 01.20, political information, ID; O=4 (Michael Schnitzer - hard-core-dx 29, 10) Молдова Radio DMR heard on new 5910 May 5th following tip off from Edwin Southwell, World DX Club, opened 1600 with identification in English followed by news about the celebration of VE Day, fair on clear channel. (Mike Barraclough, UK - CumbreDX 1117) Папуа-Новая Гвинея 4890 - в 12.30 довольно явственно было слышно передачу с музыкой и вроде как английскими комментариями. Значит, точно Папуа-Новая Гвинея. Сильные помехи от 4895 кГц. (Владимир Коваленко - open_dx 735) 4960 Catholic Radio Network (presumed), May 6th, 19.05, instrumental music, O=1-2 (Michael Schnitzer - hard-core-dx 29, 10) Парагвай 9736.9 R Nacional de Paraguay, May 7th, 22.45, nice love songs from PRG, ID; O=4 (Michael Schnitzer - hard-core-dx 29, 10) Перу 4899.16, PERU, (P)R.Huanta, 0905-0938, May 3, Spanish, OM b/w musical selections, Various ads/promos at 0927, announcer over music at 0930, YL at 0935. No discernible ID noted. Poor/fair, noisy by 0930. (Scott Barbour-NH - hard-core-dx 29, 9) 6536.2, PERU, (P)R.Huancabamba, 0054-0100*, May 1, Spanish, Quecha/Spanish vocal music and choral-like balllad at s/off w/ no ID/announcment. Poor. (Scott Barbour-NH - hard-core-dx 29, 9) 6957, PERU, RLV de Campesino, 0105-0121, May 1, Spanish, Familiar format w/ fast-paced OM b/w musical selections. Weak but readable. (Scott Barbour-NH - hard-core-dx 29, 9) 4386.6 R Imperio, May 5th, 02.50, mensajes, ID; O=3 4485.9 R Frecuencia VH, May 7th, 01.15, Christian songs, preview on coming programs, ID; O=2 4746.8 R Huanta 2000, May 6th, soccer match; O=2-3 4775 R Tarma, May 5th, advertisement, ID; O=2-3 4826.5 R Sicuani, May 5th, 02.40, huayno music, ID; O=3 4950 R Madre de Dios, May 5th, 01.45, latino pop, ID; O=4 4955 R Cultural Amauta, May 6th, 00.20, huayno music; O=3-4 4990.9 R Ancash, May 7th, 00.45, huayno music, time anns, ID; O=2 4995.6 R Andina, May 5th, 01.55, huayno music, mensajes, ID; O=2 5014.6 R Altura, May 5th, 02.00, report about natural medicine, c/d 02.06, ID; O=3 5019.9 R Horizonte, May 7th, 00.35, pasillo music; O=2 5070.7 Ondas del Suroriente, May 7th, 23.05, cultural report about mothers day, ID; O=2 5544.7 R San Andres, May 7th, 01.40, pasillo music, ID; O=2 5939.4 R Melod?a, May 4th, 23.40, political reports; O=2 6020.2 R Victoria, May 4th, 23.25, talk; O=2 6047.2 R Santa Rosa, May 5th, 01.05, advertisement, ID; O=2 6173.9 R Tawantinsuyo, May 5th, 00.50, huayno music, mensajes, ID; O=3-4 6193.4 R Cusco, May 5th, 01.00, mensajes, advertisement, ID; O=3 6520.4 R Paucartambo, May 5th, 02.10, political information, ID: "R Paucartambo en onda corta internacional"; O=3 6536.1 R Difusora Huancabamba, May 6th, 00.40, huayno music, mensajes, ID; O=2 9720 R Victoria, May 6th, 01.30, religious program, ID; O=3 (Michael Schnitzer - hard-core-dx 29, 10) Peru, 5939.30, Radio Melodia, 0013-0030 Mainly man in Spanish comments which was probably news. Others joined in periodically. Signal was fair. (Chuck Bolland, May 10, 2005 - hard-core-dx 29, 10) Peru, 6193.37, Radio Cuzco, 0050-0102 Noted a man in comments. Live ID on the hour "... Cuzco ...". Signal was poor with splatter. (Chuck Bolland, May 10, 2005 - hard-core-dx 29, 10) Разное 6130 kHz 7/5. R.Free Europa,USA,22:02-22.13,serbo-croata,ID "Radio Free Europa",locutor,noticias con referencias al antifascismo,corresponsal para R.Free Europa desde Zagreb.SINPO 55555. 7380 kHz 7/5. Voice of Biafra Internacional,NIG,21:38-21:46,Ingles, locutor y locutora,comentarios.SINPO 34422. 9565 kHz 7/5. R.Mart?,USA,21:46-22:01,es,ID "Est?n escuchando a radio Mart?",locutor y locutora,programa cultural, cu?a sobre la politica migratoria de los EEUU,dan frecuencias, SINPO 34322. 11530 kHz 8/5. Dengue Mesopotamia,IRQ,07:02-07:29,Ku,locutor con comentarios,seg. MX,rezo del coran,locutora y seg. Mx clasica.SINPO 43322. 12015 kHz 8/5. Minivan Radio,MLD,16:49-16:53,vernacular,locutora con comentarios e invitado,seg.Mx.SINPO 33222. 12120 kHz 8/5. V.o.Ethiopian Nacional United Front,ETH,17:12-17:19, vernacular,comentarios,locutor.SINPO 55433. 13800 kHz 8/5. Radio Internacional,IRN,16:43-16:49,farsi,locutora comentarios.SINPO 34332. 15670 kHz 8/5. V.o.Ethiopian salvati?n,ETH,16:53-16:58,vernacular, locutor con comentarios,seg. Mx con comentarios, final del programa,sintonia.SINPO 23322. 15670 kHz 8/5. V.o. de Oromo liberati?n,ETH,17:00-17:07,vernacular, locutora en presentaci?n con seg. Mx,locutor con comentarios, referencias a Oromo.SINPO 34232. (Jose Miguel Romero - hard-core-dx 29, 9) Россия 12065, Radiostantsiya Tikhy Okean, 0852-0900 Noted Russian comments by both a man and woman until 0857 when a brief segment of music presented. At 0959 possible ID by a man and then off the air. Signal was poor with noise. (Chuck Bolland, May 10, 2005 - hard-core-dx 29, 10) Северная Корея Checked all VoKOR channels in past days. I can state, that the station has OVERCOME now the serious main power problem, usually happens during Korean winter season. Voltage drops down then, which forces the txs to operate at slight odd frequencies on reduced power. Power tolerance of the Swiss made Brown Boverie Cie rxs seem very wide. All VoKOR transmissions are now on even x.00 frequency, much improved against main power suffer in winter season. Newly selected VoKOR frequencies - mostly in-band frequencies - suffer much by co-channel QRM here in central Europe: 15245 French 1600, by DW Bosnian from Sines-POR, 250 kW powerhouse. 13760 French 1600, by CRI Kashi English, 500 kW powerhouse. 12015 German 1600, by RMI / DTK Juelich, "Radio Minivan" to Maldives. (Jeff White - R Miami Internat. brokered). 9990 English 1600, by R Cairo Abis-EGY, in Albanian, latter produces 100 Hertz off buzz tone on 9990.10 kHz. (Wolfgang Buechel - hard-core-dx 29, 7) 11710.07, KOREA(DPR), VO Korea, *1300-1311, May 9, English, IS/ID loop, "This is the VO Korea". Usual news re U.S. aggression against Korea; Korean unification. Fair w/ 11715-KJES slop. I'm all for worshipping how one sees fit, but KJES was creepier to listen too than VO Korea! (Scott Barbour-NH - hard-core-dx 29, 11) Соломоновы о-ва 5019.9 SIBC, May 6th, 19.00, relay BBC news, south sea music at 19.10; O=2 (Michael Schnitzer - hard-core-dx 29, 10) США 9975 KVOH has reactivated this night-time channel after a long absence. This is in addition to their daytime frequency of 17775. 9975 is currently used from 0100-0300 daily. All this per the station. (Hans Johnson, Naples May 6 - CumbreDX 1117) Судан (clandestine) 17660 Sudan Radio Service *1500-1525. Guitar theme, s/on in EG with sked, address, FAX, etc., then into typical Sudan-related news items. Good signal. (John Wilkins 5/4 - CumbreDX 1116) Суринам 4990.1, SURINAME,(P)R.Apintie, 0238-0302, May 3, English/Dutch, Music prg. featuring 80's era movie pop ballads. OM in Dutch b/w selections. Whisper-quiet "canned" ID at 0301, back to ballads. Fair w/ static. (Scott Barbour-NH - hard-core-dx 29, 9) 4990 R Apintie, May 5th, 01.50, country music, ID; O=2 (Michael Schnitzer - hard-core-dx 29, 10) Уганда 4976 kHz 8/5. R.Uganda, UGA, 20:48-20:50, locutor conversando con invitado.SINPO 23332. (Jose Miguel Romero - hard-core-dx 29, 11) Центрально-Африканская Республика 9590 kHz 8/5. R.Centroafica,CAF,20:51-20:58,Fr,Mx Afropop,SINPO 55444. (Jose Miguel Romero - hard-core-dx 29, 11) Эквадор 3279.5 R Mar?a (via La Voz del Napo), May 6th, 03.00, religious program; O=4 4815 R El Buen Pastor, May 6th, 02.00, Christian music, presumed ID as "R Alli Michic"; O=3 4909.3 R Chaskis, May 6th, 02.40, stn closing down, clear ID; O=3 4960 R Federaci?n Shuar (presumed), May 7th, 23.40, talk; O=2 (Michael Schnitzer - hard-core-dx 29, 10) Эфиопия 6940 R Fana, May 4th, 19.05, phone-in program in local language, ID (Michael Schnitzer - hard-core-dx 29, 10) ----------------------------- СВ/ДВ Великобритания 963 Club Asia, London, May 6th, 21.42, ID: "Club Asia on 963 and 972 AM", // 972; O=3 1035 Northsound Two, Aberdeen, May 6th, 22.13, ID: "Northsound Two, the Rock Hall of Fame" 1386 Carillon Radio, May 7th, Loughborough ID and phone number (Michael Schnitzer - hard-core-dx 29, 10) Доминиканская Республика 1640 R Juventus Don Bosco, May 6th, 03.35, soft pop music, ID: "Radio Juventus Don Bosco en la frecuencia de 1640 kHz ..."(Michael Schnitzer - hard-core-dx 29, 10) Иран 1430 IRIB 1 Esfahan, May 5th, 01.05, Farsi, Iranian pop music, // 1467 (Michael Schnitzer - hard-core-dx 29, 10) Канада 1400 CBG Gander NL, CBC Radio 1, May 7th, 03.30, nostalgic songs, ID; O=2-3 (Michael Schnitzer - hard-core-dx 29, 10) Китай/Молдова 1413 May 9 1600- MDA: China Radio International via Grigoriopol, Transdniestria. This relayed programme has also moved here from 1467 kHz. Thanks to the tip in VoR's "Klub DX". (Mauno Ritola, FIN - hard-core-dx 29, 10) ОАЭ 1575 R Farda, May 4th, 23.35, pop music, ID (Michael Schnitzer - hard-core-dx 29, 10) Перу 1470 CPN Radio, May 7th, 01.50, report about mothers day, ID; O=2 (Michael Schnitzer - hard-core-dx 29, 10) США 1390 WEGP Presque Isle ME, May 5th, 03.58, talk, ID: "Radio America Radio Network"; O=2-3 1470 WLAM Lewiston ME, May 7th, 03.06, "Smoke gets in your eyes" by the Platters; sung ID "WLAM" 1500 WTOP Washington D.C., May 5th, 02.53, news, ID: "WTOP news time"; O=3 1510 WWZN Boston MS, May 7th, 04.30, sports talk, ID, fade out 05.20; O=3 1660 WWRV Jersey City NJ (presumed), May 7th, 03.05, man in Korean, O=3 1660 KRZX Waco TX (presumed), May 6th, 04.36, "ESPN dot com Sports Radio" 1680 WTTM Princeton NJ (presumed), May 7th, Indian music; O=3 1690 WPTX Lexington Park MD, May 6th, 04.30, "This is CNN Radio news" (Michael Schnitzer - hard-core-dx 29, 10) Таиланд 1476 R Thailand (presumed), May 4th, 22.20, instrumental music, phone-in; O=2-3 (Michael Schnitzer - hard-core-dx 29, 10) ----------------------------- World Utility News 5/5/05 02:35 8419 CBV Valparaiso, Chile - CW ID marker - S-4 from here. 5/8/05 03:00 8476.5 RFLIE French Navy, Fort de France - RYRY idler - S-6 from here. (Jeff Seale - wun 13, 13) ----------------------------- QSL Грузия 4540, The Georgian TV Radio Corporation. After 15 weeks I received a QSL card from English Service of Radio Georgia. The card shows an antenna on a hill. The other side was a QSL text with all details. However, this text was pasted upon the old QSL text of TV- Radio-Tbilisi, USSR! (Max Van Arnhem, Netherlands, May 03, DSWCI DX Window May 4 via DXLD 5076) Папуа-Новая Гвинея R. Southern Highlands in PNG, 3275. Date/freq only letter in 68 days for US $1.00 and English report. V/s: Andrew Meles, Director Provincial Radio. Letter mentions that the Japanese government donated a 10kW tx'er for them in 1990 which improved their strength. (Al in CNMI in rec.radio.shortwave May 4 - via Hans Johnson CumbreDX 1116) ------------------------------ News/Новости Россия Radio Station Pacific Ocean, in addition to being on 12065 kHz shortwave, is carried in parallel on Primorye Radio [aka "Radio 810"] on 810 kHz in Vladivostok. This service can be heard streamed live in stereo from the web site of Primorye TV & Radio at http://www.ptr-vlad.ru/tv&radio/listen/ There are five links to the audio stream on the page, however I find that only the 4th one in the list actually works. If you'd like to listen to a clip of RSPO signing-on at 0835 gmt go to Interval Signals Online at http://www.intervalsignalsonline.com, click on "What's New" and follow the link to the Russia page - in a very clear recording you can hear the subtleties of sound you've maybe not noticed when listening to it on shortwave, such as the sound of the sea lapping on the shore! Further down the page, there's a "vintage" clip of RSPO recorded round about 1998. (Dave Kernick - hard-core-dx 29, 11) ------------------------------ Техника Chuck Bolland Dipole, R390A Clewiston, Florida, USA Scott R Barbour Jr-Intervale,NH-USA R75, 200' Beverage antennas ------------------------------- 73 всем - И.Л.
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