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"РУСЬ-DX ПЛЮС" выпуск # 21 (18/12/2002) - Радиовещание и радиосвязь - Россия, страны СНГ и Балтии (информация на англ. и русск. языках).

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РУСЬ-DX ПЛЮС  # 21  (18/12/2002)
Радиовещание и радиосвязь.
Россия, страны СНГ и Балтии.
Выходит еженедельно по средам.

Редактор : Анатолий Клепов

Время везде : МСК — МОСКОВСКОЕ

Ответственность за достоверность сообщений лежит на их авторах и
цитируемых источниках информации

Язык : русский и английский.

TWR Central Asia noted via Yerevan Kamo on 5855 and MW 864.
1955-2110 daily, 2110-2140 Sundays. En daily 2010-2025. Ru Tue
1955-2010, Mon-Fri 2040-2110. The other languages are Korean,
Kazakh, Turkmen, Uzbek, Persian. (Rumen Pankov-BUL, BC-DX Dec 3)

9960, V.Armenia, 2339, SIO-322, anthem and "Yerevan" ID, program
and frequency announcements in English, then woman with news
about Armenia. (Racenis-07/DEC / Cumbredx digest, #136)

The bubble carrier on 7106v is modulated with Minsk FS \\ 7210.
They have had freq generator problems in the past, so now we are
there again. As I reported already last evening, the wobbler on
7106 was the Minsk- Kalodzishchy tx with a technical problem.
(Olle Alm-SWE, BC-DX Dec 8)

Heavy Bubble JAMMING from an unknown site observed at 2300
onwards on v7105 kHz. (wb Dec 8)

Abkhazia back s-on at 1700 daily on v9490. (Rumen Pankov-BUL,
BC-DX Dec 1)

4010 Kyrgyz R, Bishkek, at 0500, ID by YL, into what appears to
be nx by OM and YL. Weak but readable with QRN. (Dan Henderson,
Maine DXPedition Nov 22 / BC-DX #603).

YL reading nx in En at 0325-0330. (Local Mon-Fri only) 45343 //
4795 (33343). (Anker Petersen-DEN, dswci DXW Dec 2 / BC-DX #603)

Today I received a QSL card and letter from R Nord for a
reception report on their special progrme on the 30st of June,
2002 via 9980, 100 kW from Sitkunai, Lithuania. V/s: Ronny
Forslund, Box 90, SE-82723 Ljusdal, Sweden. (Max van Arnhem-HOL,
hcdx Dec 9 / BC-DX #603)

5960 "R Pridnestrovye" was on the air Wed, Nov 20, but actually
at 2000- 2030 (not 2100-2130 !!!) (Cf. DX-Window no 208. Ed).
English. Man announced that next time will be next Wednesday.
Their progr is standing alone (i.e. Tune up tone noted at 1955+,
off at 2030). More interesting: The freq is not coordinated
(usually Moscow does it for this enclave). (Vlad Titarev-UKR,
dswci DXW Nov 20 / BC-DX #603)

5960 R Pridnestrovye, Tiraspol, Wed. Dec 4, *1959-2030*, En
progrme, "Here is Tiraspol, the capital of the Trans-Dniester
Moldavian republic" (TMR). National hymn. Nx about what the TMR
President and the TMR Supreme Council has been doing the past
week including talks on withdrawal of Russian troops from TMR. A
letter to the President of Moldova asking for selfdetermination
of TMR. Comments and closing ann. 43443 heavily disturbed by R
Nederland on 5955. The next bc will be on Wed Dec 11. (Anker
Petersen-DEN, DXplorer Dec 4 / BC-DX #603)

6005 [7325 in A-02] The progrmes for the Circassian minority in
the NE, produced by the regional state bc companies GTRK
"Adygeya" in Maykop (Adygeya) and GTRK "Kabbalkteradio" in
Nalchik (Kabardino-Balkariya) seem to be bc now on 6005 kHz
(Tbilisskaya 100 kW, 190 degr) from 2100-2200, after the end of
the VoRussia bcs to that region. The langs used seem to be
Adygei, Kabarda (both are belong to the Circassian lang group),
Arabic and Turkish. However, the exact schedule and lang usage
is rather unclear. Has anybody monitored these bcs? (Bernd
Trutenau-LTU, BC-DX Nov 20)

Monday 2100-2200 in Adygean, Arabic, Turkish; and Friday
2100-2200 in Adygean by Adygean Radio Maycop. Wed, Thu,Sun
2130-2200 in Kabardin/Balkarian(?) by K.B. Radio Nalchik, heard
on Oct 27, all on 6005 kHz. (Rumen Pankov-BUL, BC-DX Dec 6)

7460 IBC-Tamil via presumed Novosibirsk, *0300-0400*, 2357
testtones, Indian folkmx, Tamil ID by YL, Tamil song, political
talks by man and woman, no En nx 0350 that night, x11570 (not
heard) 35444. (Anker Petersen-DEN, dswci DXW Nov 21 / BC-DX

There has been some discussion about the powers used by Yakutsk
on its various freqs. R Rossii information from early 2001 says
that 7200 has 250 kW. Monitoring shows, however, that there is a
rather strong 2nd harmonic on 14400. These harmonics are usually
produced by the Sneg model txs produced in the '50s and early
'60s. The power levels of these txs are 50, 100 and 200 kW. As
the current HFCC shows 100 kW for 7200, this is likely to be the
power now used. No harmonics have been observed for the other
freqs (6150, 7140, 7345). It also seems clear now that the new
6150 is a change from 4825. (Olle Alm-SWE, BC-DX Dec 5)

V. of Russia, new 6235, Nov 30 *0000-0058*, En news, commentary,
jazz mx progr. Weak; better on // 7300, 7340, 5950. New time for
English? (Brian Alexander-PA-USA, DXLD / BC-DX #603)

St.Petersburg-RUS: 6235 2100-0100 27,28 S.P 200 265 218 RUS RRS

English to Europe
07.00-09.00 1548, 603
09.00-13.00 1323, 603
18.00-19.00 1386, 1323, 1215
19.00-21.00 1494
21.00-22.00 7340, 7290, 6175 , 5950 , 1494
22.00-23.00 7360, 7340, 7290, 6235, 6175, 5950
23.00-24.00 7390, 7340, 7290, 6235, 6175, 5950, 1548, 1386
00.00-01.00 7390, 7340, 7300, 6235, 6175, 5950, 1494, 1386
Satellite bcs via WRN

German 21.00-22.00 7300, 6235, 1386, 1323, 1215, 603. (wb df5sx)

R. Pomorya, 6160, 0710 Nov 14, ID "Govorit Arkhangel'sk, R
Pomorya", local nx in Russian // 918, SIO 242. (Robert
Petraitis-LTU, Dec BDXC-UK Communication Dec 6 / BC-DX #603)

6275 kHz Russian is DEFINITE R Rossii progr. Much stronger in
past days, maybe a spurious fair signal of a Russian tx site
somewhere. // heard 5905 6060 6125 6160.

Maybe via Noginsk-Moscow or Ekaterinburg site I guess.
Calculation 6275 minus 5905 would result to 370 kHz,

divided by 2 = 185 kHz apart.

6275 minus 185 kHz 6090 where the VoRUS Arabic powerhouse from
Moscow area is bc at same time.

'Estimated' spurious signal of R Rossii in Russian on 6275 kHz
left the air at 2300 , when fundamental 6090 kHz V. of Russia in
Arabic lang signed off also. Accompanied 5905 R Rossii still on
air after 2300 [185 kHz apart] (wb)

Freq change for Voice of Russia in Vietnamese: 1500-1600 NF
15460 (55555), ex 15470 // 6205 (OBSERVER#230)

Winter B-02 schedule for Radio Mariya via SAM
0900-1115 Mon-Sat; 1000-1200 Sun on 12060; 1900-0200 Daily on
7400 (OBSERVER#230)

RUSSIA/LITHUANIA: Excellent signal in BUL for new clandestine V
of Reform in Ar 2200-2400 on 7590 (55555) tent.via ARM 100 kW /
285 deg or SIT 100 kW / 259 deg (OBSERVER#230)

Sergey Kolesov in the Ukraine provides this fascinating look at
the flourishing pirate scene in the Russia and the neighbouring
republics. Sergey writes: Below is some info on pirate
activity in CIS. Hope, it would be of interest: Working
frequencies: 1610-1800, 2850-3150 (2890-2930 usb), 3900-3930,
6600-6660 usb, 10450-10470 usb. Majority of stations are going
on air in order to establish contact with similar stations. Some
of them are working in group: a few stations from the same
region are standing by on one frequency, most powerful one is
calling all stations and when contact is established, head
station gives microphone to other group stations to have a
contact one by one. Outstanding stations are Radio Samorodinka
working by fixed schedule and a few more stations like Russian
Roulette, Natalie etc working on 3900-3930 with programmes
sounding like Western European pirates. Below are some logs from
31.10.2002: 10460 usb 179-173 Radio Taktica 2920 usb 184-190
Radio Kantemir (tent.), Belgorod 3030 1919-1934 Radio Ryabina,
Poltava (group: Radio Reaonans, Radio Blokha; both Poltava) 3085
1934-1949 Radio Piramida, Orel with group 3118 2001-2016 Radio
Skvoznyak, Kursk (group: Istoric, Orel; Dedushka, Sigareta) 3075
2320-2335 Radio Student (group: Mercuriy) 3117 2337-2353 Radio
Avtobus, Voronezh (group: Turbina, Voronezh; 45, Voronezh; Atom,
Saratov; Festival) 01.11.2002: 3077 2019-2034 Radio Partizan,
Lipetsk with group 3135 2027-2042 Radio Sigareta, Kursk 2930 usb
2330-2345 Radio Ugolyok. This is Christian station. They are
preaching Gospel on 6660 usb too. 3100 2358-0003 Radio Mercuriy
3924 0008-0025 Radio Samorodinka, Moscow 3100 0035-0050 Radio
Dozhdik, Kursk 3145 0056-0111 Radio Dvoika, Maikop (group:
Vertolyot; Rodina, Belgorod; Melodia; Snezhok; Ispania) 3101
0117-0132 Radio Cristall, Kursk with group 02.11.2002 6660 usb
2120-2135 Radio Diplomat, Lugansk 3055 2137-2152 Radio Batareya,
Tula 3125 2238-22 Radio Volna, Voronezh 3090 22-230 Radio
Sigareta, Kursk 1769 0029-0033 Radio Udacha 2980 0051-0105 21,
Voronezh (group: Salut, Kursk) 2994 0109-0124 Pauk, Tambov 3000
0129-0130 Radio Cometa, Lugansk 3005 0138-0153 Radio Svoboda,
Tambov 03.11.2002 10460 usb 1116-1140 Dinamit, Kursk 10460 usb
1158-1207 Controller 10460 usb 1340-1355 05, Lipetsk 3090
2252-2307 Radio B52, Voronezh (group: Vodopad, Regulator, both-
Voronezh) 3075 2326-2341 Radio Rodnik, Moscow 3040 0040-0055
Radio Filin, Southern Ukraine, with group (Radio Without
Licence, Dec World DX Club Contact, via editor Paul Watson, DXLD
/Bernd Trutenau, Lithuania)

RFE/RL via Dushanbe also 6160 RFE Turkmen at 0500-0600, and
Persian 6140 at 2200-2300.

RFI Pushtu 1900-1930, Dushanbe-TJK 6015. (NWDXC Dec 8 )

Другие новости
GERMANY EAST Looking back, From the New York Herald Tribune, Nov
6, 1952. 1952: SOVIET RADIO OFFENSIVE. BONN: The Soviet Union is
building five new giant txs in East Germany which Western
experts believe will be used in a new radio offensive against
Western Europe. The txs are expected to go into operation some
time during 1953. Experts say that the Russians' jamming
equipment in East Germany already is adequate, so that these
five txs could only logically be used to drastically increase
propaganda bcs to Western Europe, particularly to West Germany.
My oldest WRTH is the 1964 edition, and stns in the Ge
Democratic Republic n the book were more or less as they have
been until the Fall of the Wall: has anyone books, magazines or
personal records so that we can identify those stns which went
into operation from the GDR in 1953? (SOUTHERN EUROPEAN REPORT
with Stefano Valianti, Dec BDXC-UK Communication / BC-DX #603)
1952-1959 Undoubtly NOT the USSR was built up these txs on
Soviet Zone of Germany/GDR soil these days. The ex-AEG firm
FUNKWERK KOEPENICK in East Berlin-GDR capital built up five
powerful 250 kW mediumwave txs for the GDR state radio
organization Deutschlandsender at: Berlin Uhlenhorst 611 kHz,
Woebbelin 728, Burg 782, and 2nd unit for clandestine usage of
"DFS 904" or "DSS 935" programs. Wilsdruff 1043. The sixt tx at
Wachenbrunn followed in 1959 on 693 kHz. (wb df5sx)

Following up Bernd Trutenau's monitoring of fade times on 4050
and known freqs in CAs : I checked fade out times on Nov 30 here
in Denmark: 4010 Krasnaya Rechka, KGZ 0330 4050 UNID 0330 4635
Yangi-Yul, TJK 0345 4930 Ashkhabat, TKM long after 0345 4940
UNID Not heard 0315-0345

It seems from this monitoring that the UNID on 4050 has sunrise
at the same time as Bishkek on 4010 which means that it is
located in a belt passing Kabul (AFG), Kulyab (TJK), Andizhan
(KGZ), Bishkek (KGZ), Almaty (KAZ), Zyryanovsk (KAZ),
Krasnoyarsk (RUS). (Anker Petersen-DEN, dswci DXW Dec 3 / BC-DX

4050 1950 Hit Music Shortwave (Unid Central Asian). Central
Asian and Western sounding mx interspersed with En ID "hit SW"
and "hit mx on SW". (old Kyrgyz freq - from Kyrgyzstan?) 233
10/11 (Dave Kenny, Sheigra; BDXC-UK Communication Dec / BC-DX

4050 1945 Hit Music Shortwave (via Kyrgyzstan?) Indian style
pop, En ID. 243 05/11. (Alan Pennington, Sheigra, Scotland
DXpedition, BDXC-UK Communication Dec / BC-DX #603)

Raimo Makela list of tropical band stations. In each line you
will find: frequency (kHz), station, location and country.
2500.0 ULW Time Signal Station, Uzbekistan 3922.0 Radio
Samorodinka, Russia 4820.0 Khanty-Mansiysk Radio, Russia 4825.0
Radio Rossii, Yakutsk, Russia 4850.0 Uzbek Radio, Uzbekistan
4875.0 Radio Khara, Georgia 4876.0 Radio Samorodinka, Russia (v)
4895.0 Tyumen Radio, Russia 4930.0 Turkmen Radio, Turkmenistan
4940.0 Radio Mix Master, Russia 4940.0 Voice of Russia via
Tajikistan 4965.0 Voice of Russia, Tajikistan 4975.0 Radio
Tajikistan, Tajikistan 4996.0 RWM Time Signal Station, Russia
5000.0 ULW 4 Time Signal Station, Uzbekistan 5015.0 Turkmen
Radio, Turkmenistan 5025.0 Radio Tashkent, Uzbekistan 5035.0
Radio Tashkent, Uzbekistan 5040.0 Georgian Radio, Dusheti,
Georgia 5040.0 Radio Tashkent, Uzbekistan 5060.0 Radio Tashkent,
Uzbekistan v = variable frequency (Raimo Makela's Tropical Radio
Stations' at the web, last updated: 3 November 2002, via JKB /
DX MAGAZINE 12/2002)

CLANDESTINE from SITE to KAZAKHSTAN 9925 Dat Radio 1910 talk by
man in Russian, with what sounded like a quick ID at 1911.
(Johnson Javaradio Sweden Dec 12 / Cumbredx digest, #136)

CLANDESTINE from CIS to MIDDLE EAST 11530 Voice of Mesopotamia
1555 with tones, *1600 to local music. 1611 man and woman in
chorus with ID. Then woman interviewing man. (Johnson TX Dec 12
/ Cumbredx digest, #136)

CLANDESTINE from CIS to SYRIA 7470 Arabic Radio 1905 with ID in
Arabic and then comment on Syria. Strong signal but bubble
jammer starting up at 1609. (Johnson TX Dec 12 / Cumbredx
digest, #136)

RUSSIA; 6235, VRWS, 0055, SIO-433, "Going Back in Grammar"
program, ID and mailing address given. (Racenis-07/DEC /
Cumbredx digest, #136)

Anatoly Klepov,
Russian DX League.
Bulletin "RUS-DX".
Moscow. RUSSIA.


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