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Еженедельник "РУСЬ-DX ПЛЮС" # 20 (11/12/2002) - Радиовещание и радиосвязь: Россия, страны СНГ и Балтии (на русском и английском языках).

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РУСЬ-DX ПЛЮС  # 20  (11/12/2002)
Радиовещание и радиосвязь.
Россия, страны СНГ и Балтии.
Выходит еженедельно по средам.

Редактор : Анатолий Клепов
E-mail : dx-league@mtu-net.ru
Web : http://rusdx.narod.ru

Время везде : МСК — МОСКОВСКОЕ

Ответственность за достоверность сообщений лежит на их авторах и
цитируемых источниках информации

Язык : русский и английский.
E-Mail Adresse Nationales Radio Armenien, Yerevan pr@armradio.am
(Marina Melikyan, German Service, National Radio Armenia /
Willschrey / JAPAN PREMIUM, No.241)

9155 V.O.Assyrian Movement at 1901-1908 34322, Talk and local
mx. ID at 1901. (Kouji Hashimoto-JPN, JPNpremium Nov 20 / BC-DX

Re Dmitry Mezin's comments in DX_signal on the Bishkek txs: the
new one on 4795 kHz has 15 kW acc to official info from Oct
2002; this is not the 100 kW which used to be on 4050 kHz (with
formerly Kyrgyz R 2). That is another reason why the unID on
4050 kHz might indeed be the 100 kW in Bishkek. It also seems
that the txion times on 4050 were moved one hour ahead when CIS
countries changed to winter time on 27 Oct. In CeAsia, only
Kyrgyzstan and Kazakhstan have DST during the summer months.
(Bernd Trutenau-LTU, DXLD Nov 30 / BC-DX #602)

Listening this morning, I heard 4050 go on with carrier at about
0510 and mx just after 0530. The signal faded gradually i pace
with 4010. Both freqs are slightly off nominal and both
transmitters seem to produce a weak second harmonic (2x
fundamental). The likelyhood that 4050 is the old Bishkek 2nd
progr tx is indeed very high. (Olle Alm-SWE, BC-DX 2 Dec)

4939.95 Hit Shortwave, at 1834 internat popmx and annts "Hit
Shortwave" or "Hit mx on SW". 33333. (Patrick Robic-D, A-DX Nov
30 / BC-DX #602)


Via Latvia. For the past couple of years, Latvia has been a
favourite spot for UK bcers with links to the offshore and "free
radio" scene. Stations such as CMR, Sky Radio, R Caroline and
LaserRadio have been using Latvian txs on various occasions to
air their progrmes on SW and mediumwave to listeners in Europe.
The transmitting centre in Ulbroka near Riga has a large variety
of bcing facilities and is looking back on 56 years of radio

Another day, another stn. The annt that the US is to begin yet
another international radio sce, this time beamed to Iran, will
come as no surprise to those who have been following the
so-called public diplomacy policies of the Bush administration
in recent months. But while the increasingly fragmented
structure of US international bcing apparently makes sense to
policy makers in Washington, it remains hard to see from here
what exactly they're hoping to achieve.

I've tried to explain why I take this view in a new editorial. I
do of course welcome your comments, especially if you disagree
with me! Here at R Netherlands, we're happy to air all shades of
opinion http://www.rnw.nl/realradio/features/html/editorial.html

I am constantly reminded of international bcs from the Eastern
bloc during the Cold War. The Russians operated R Moscow and R
Station Peace and Progress, using the same studios and some of
the same staff, but with a different slant on international
events. While R Moscow was the voice of the Soviet govt, R
Station Peace and Progress described itself as "the voice of
Soviet public opinion", and later as "the voice of Soviet public
organisations." Few in the west were fooled by the slogans. By
claiming to be independent of the state, R Station Peace and
Progress could - and often did - say things that would have been
diplomatically awkward for the Soviet regime to say officially
over R Moscow. We hear a lot about 'branding' these days. Most
international radio listeners instantly recognise the acronym
BBC, which - if you read the Corporation's own publicity - is a
byword for trustworthiness. This 'brand image' has been built up
over more than three quarters of a century, and for the most
part has served Britain well. The British govt has indulged in a
bit of international bcing of its own, independent of the BBC,
but in most cases these efforts had little or no effect on the
outcome of the situations which led to their creation. Some were
just plain awful. R Atlantico del Sur, which bc to Argentina
during the 1982 Falklands War, is remembered for all the wrong

In the US, the Voice of America - partly, I suspect, because of
its name - has never achieved the same international standing as
the BBC. Even though its journalists strive to be objective,
they are saddled with the widespread perception of an
organisation that is primarily there to serve the interests of
whatever administration is in power. Apparently cognisant of
this, the policy makers in Washington are increasingly
abandoning the VOA brand in favour of specific stn names. That
must be doing wonders for morale amongst VOA staff!

I find it hard to understand why the US model of international
bcing is creeping closer and closer to the one that American
govts so strongly criticised during the Cold War. The US
describes itself as the world's greatest democracy. But the
image it presents to the world through its portfolio of govt-run
sces is anything but that. I am convinced that, were the US to
create an independent and renamed entity to carry out those same
tasks, the talent and professionalism of the bcers would shine
through and transform the image of the United States amongst the
very people the current patchwork of sces is trying to reach.
What also worries me about the present policies is that they
imply a patronising attitude to the target audiences. It seems
to be assumed that the only way to gain the attention of young
people in the Middle East - and indeed elsewhere - is by playing
popular mx. Yet only the evening before I wrote this editorial,
I heard some BBC interviews with teenage boys in Saudi Arabia
who spoke perfect English, and were making some very
well-informed observations on US policy in the region. I wonder
if the politicians who proscribe the policies have ever actually
engaged in a dialogue with listeners in the target areas? I wish
the US bcers well in their endeavours. I don't doubt the
sincerity of those who formulate and carry out the policies. I
just think that the model is outdated and flawed. I look forward
to being proved wrong. (Andy Sennitt-HOL; This editorial
represents the opinions of the writer, not those of R
Netherlands. Nov 30/ BC-DX #602)

A Lebanese radio stn identifying itself as Voice of Freedom has
been heard bcing in Arabic on 11515 from 1900-2000 since 22 Nov.
The advance group of Ch technicians in charge of modernizing R
Bata, Equatorial Guinea, arrived in the city on 21 Nov. More
details on these stories at
http://www.rnw.nl/realradio/html/medianews.html ({c} RNMN NL,
Nov 29 / BC-DX #602)

В-02 schedule
of tx SIT 100 kW / 259 deg to Eu and 310 deg to NoAm:
0300-0400 Daily  7325
Radio Vilnius in Lithuanian/English to NoAm
1100-1200 Sat    9710
Fundamental Broadcasting Network in English to Eu
1200-1300 Daily  9710
Radio Vilnius in Lithuanian/English to Eu
1400-1500 Sun    9710
Awaye Ashena in Persian to Eu?
1500-1600 Sun    9710
Fundamental Broadcasting Network in English to Eu
1600-1700 Sun    9710
Universelles Leben in German to Eu
2000-2035 Daily  7470
Radio Barobari in Persian to Eu?
0200-0300 Daily  9875
Radio Vilnius in Lithuanian/English to NoAm
(OBSERVER # 228)

Voice of al-Aslah is to launch Dec.07, a test transmission on
7590 for two hours 2200-0000 Local Mecca time. Details here
[http://islah.org/radio1.htm#3] ...Developing (Fathi Dec 6) 7590
led me to the TDP website where there a listing for a Radio
Alislah daily from 2200-2400 on 7590. Bumped around on the
islah.org site, which is in Arabic, but has an English link.
Went there and found an article entitled the American Phenomenon
and the Bin Laden Phenomenon is which Bin Laden is referred to
as a "good warrior." Presumed site based on past usage. (Johnson
Dec 6 / Cumbredx digest, #128)

5960 R of the Dniestr Moldavian Republic heard 2000 sign on Nov
27th with ID by male annr "Here is Tiraspol, the capital of the
Dniestr Moldavian Republic", nx items, ID 2015 "Here is the R of
the Dniestr Moldavian Republic", political commentary,
information on a Dniestr town, progrme credits, addr announced
as Programme Pridnestrovye, ul Rozy Luxembourg 10, Tiraspol,
Dniestr Moldavian Republic. Next progrme announced for Wednesday
Dec 4th at 2000. Off with incidental mx. Strong signal but
adjacent channel splash from even stronger 5955 R Netherlands,
used synch AM and passband shift. (Mike Barraclough-UK, BC-DX
Nov 28)

Very good reception in BUL for R Pridnestrovye in En on Nov 27:
2000-2030 Wed only on 5960 (55544). (R BUL Observer, Ivo Ivanov
and Angel Datzinov, via BC-DX Nov 29)

5960 Indeed, there was an En bc from Tiraspol from 2000. Carrier
on at 1952 , 1052.5 Hz tones. You can also see that Flevo 5955
was not so much a problem, the het is 25 db below the audio
level of the tune-up pips. At -50 db, so not audible anymore but
still noticeable in the spectrum is a 15 kHz het, caused by
Moosbrunn 5945 I guess. Indeed, there was an En bc from Tiraspol
on 5960 from 2000. Carrier on at 1952, 1052.5 Hz tones straight
until progrme start at 2000 with jingle, no time signal and time
annt. Somewhat low modulation, mike audio noticeably different
from the Russian progrme on 999 (muffled and with noticeable
reverb), so apparently this bc was produced in another studio.
There were several interruptions by Russian light mx, probably
feed mess-ups (but which progr source could contain light mx
instead of nx immediately after the hour?), probably production
screw-ups. The absence of a time signal could indicate that they
do this particular txion by playing out a tape at the tx site
rather than using the STL from Tiraspol. The progrme was annd as
edition #22, so these SW txions apparently exists for a half
year now... Unfortunately one of the mentioned glitches killed
the annt "prepared by the editorial staff off" - but I guess
they would have said nx agency Olvia, since Olvia announces this
bc on its website http://olvia.idknet.com/newweben.htm I again
include a record, hoping 372 kB will still be acceptable for all
of you. The muffled sound is corrected here as much as possible
without making the background hiss too sharp. As was recently
noted and is written on the web page yopu gave, the address they
give is in Rosa Luxemburg Str. I know that some years ago this
address was already given in the Russian SW progrme, while the
others (English ...) used a different address ul. 25 Oktyabrya
45. I remember that this was once explained to be the office
location while the building at the street called affter Rosa
Luxemburg would be the studio building. I guess the meanwhile
well-known picture I include once again shows the latter one
location, especially considering the satellite dish typical for
Russian C-band equipment, certainly in use to relay R Mayak when
no own progrming is on air. (Kai Ludwig-D, BC-DX Nov 28)

RUS / Россия
Дополнение к ранее опубликованной информации:

27/10/2002 — 29/03/2003 кГц / МСК / кВт /

радиостанция Самара Исключить 6035 0000-0100 200 FGM 9925

0000-0100 250 RVI Добавить 5880 2100-2200 сб/вс 250 BVB 7380

2300-0015 сб/вс 200 BVB Краснодар Добавить 7435 2000-2115 пн-пт

100 BVB 7435 2000-2200 сб 100 BVB 7435 2000-2300 вс 100 BVB 7465

2100-0100 100 RVI

Сокращение : BVB = Bible Voice Broadcasting Network RVI = Radio
Vlaanderen Internationaal FGM = Fang Guang Ming Radio (Николай
Руднев, Белгородская обл. / "Русь-DX № 109)

Региональное радиовещание. КВ.
С 27/11/2002 произведены следующие изменения частот :
Новая   Старая  кВт     МСК     Передатчик
кГц     кГц
6030    5290    5       0400-1900       Пермь
6085    5290    50      0100-2100       Красноярск
6150    4825    50      2300-1900       Якутск
(Николай Руднев, Белгородская обл. / "Русь-DX № 109)

Камчатская обл.
ГТРК "Камчатка" транслирует специальную программу для рыбаков по
воскресеньям 1200-1300 местного времени ( 0300-0400 МСК) через
передатчики в

г.Елизово (Петропавловск-Камчатский РЦ) на частотах (кГц)
Зима    Лето    кВт     Азимут
5910    5910    100     263°
7360    7365    100     244°
11975   11980   200     064°
(Николай Руднев, Белгородская обл. / "Русь-DX № 109)

21790 DW-VOG RELAY Nov 25 0242 EE 444 OM with ID and mention of
a new program called, "Inspired Minds". Off the air 2344 hrs.
(MacKenzie / JAPAN PREMIUM, No.241)

Today 11515 was from a CIS site with pips up to 1958. The
carrier came on very early. Before the Moscow master control
pips I heard the normal Samara procedure. (Olle Alm, Sweden, 29
Nov / BC-DX #602)

Remembered just in time to try 11515 [Samara, see Observer item]
again : Carrier already on at 1857 tune-in, I just caught a
single pip, then silence til progr audio kick-in at 1900. Would
fit to a CIS site but this certainly needs some further work.
(Kai Ludwig-D, BC-DX Nov 28)

11515.42, Rally For Lebanon-Free Patriotic Movement "Michel
Aoun" stn, poor but sudible, carrier on 1549 Nov 22, on-off
tones 1853-1858, 1900 Lebanese NA, prgm of talk and spirited
vocal mx. 1925 tune-out due to poor signal, but still going.
(Jerry Berg-MA-USA, DXplorer Nov 22 / BC-DX #602)

11515 [via Samara] Sawt Lubnan Al-Houriya. During the first 3
days, and although we are targeting the ME in our txion (region
39), we have received many RRs from many European countries.

FPM R Station: Voice of Free Lebanon (Sawt Loubnan Al-Horriyah);
Daily bc at 1900-2000. Email: <radio@tayyar.org> Web:
<http://www.tayyar.org>; (FPM, hcdx Nov 25 / BC-DX #602)

Reception not as brilliant today. Signal strength only fair at
tune-in (1920) with moderate fading, plus chattering (utility?)
interference noticeable across that part of the band.
Deteriorating further by 2000 , so difficult to copy at close.
Programming I heard was just continuous Arabic songs. (Alan
Pennington-UK, BDXC-UK Nov 25 / BC-DX #602)

This is indeed a TDP-brokered txion, see seventh position at
<http://www.airtime.be/schedule.html>;, not a Pirate stn action
like San Marino or EuroSonor Sofia Konstinbrod case.

Right now 11515 comes in with a good signal and slow fading,
very good audio quality. Would need to take a look at the sign
on behaviour to find out whether or not this is a CIS tx. (KL /
ed. Nov 26 / BC-DX #602)
Addr: Rassemblement pour le Liban/France 63, Rue Sainte Anne,
F-75002 Paris, France

11530 [Samara/Griogoriopol-MDA], V of Mesopotamia, 30 Nov
1629-1645, Arabic-like instrumental mx, ID by W with presumed
Kurdish annts over instrumental percussion mx. Brief talk by W,
then into very exotic vocal by M accompanied by percussion. W
annr again taking a phone call from W.Did mention Iraq once.
Fairly good and clear. (Dave Valko-PA-USA, Cumbre Nov 30)

12125 [via Tbilisskaya], Voice of Biafra Internat, 2214-2240,
political talk by man in En about Nigeria. After Nigerian vocal
selection, nice ID before discussion about Pres of Nigeria.
Fair. (Rich D'Angelo-PA-USA, DXplorer Nov 30)

NG: Yakutsk(?) 7200 was again S9 at 1110, and today had a co-ch
stn. I failed to ID the lang positively, but note that HFCC says
HUH goes off 1100 and LIN does'nt come on til 1300. 7345 was
S5-7 at 1130 - no local progrmes heard at this time. Does anyone
hear Yoshkar-Ola these days?

OA: No Yoshkar-Ola any more. They went off months ago and have
not returned.

NG: Rossii via 7250 appeared at 1105 after VAT had departed - I
note Rudnev says "Moscow" while HFCC says "SRP" - perhaps means
the same? Another one listed for 0 deg.

OA: SRP is one of the ghost sites in the Moscow area. The actual
site is Noginsk, using a 100 kW rig, according to R Rossii,
reportedly using a rhombic antenna. The 0 deg beam is also found
on 5910.

The same R Rossii source from Feb 2001 also confirms that the
two Taldom rigs (formerly SSB) are 250 kW. The site is called
Severnyy, which is the village at the Taldom site. Finally this
source confirms that 9720 was changed to Kurovskaya, 100 kW.
This site is called Avsionino, also a nearby village.

NG: Another interesting noise was that of "white noise" on 6015
around 1120 peaking to S5 - I assume this is to jam Liberty via
KOR. I could'nt hear that stn. (Noel R. Green-UK/Olle Alm-SWE,
BC-DX Nov 28)

Arkhangelsk 6160 [I assume] appeared Wed mixing with CKZN 6160
at 1040, but there was no trace of it today - and
Murmansk/Monchegorsk 5930 was not audible either. (Noel R.
Green-UK, BC-DX Nov 28 / BC-DX #602)

Yakutsk 7140 also confirmed in Sweden today with regional
progrme from 1210 \\ 7200+7345. 4825 not audible at that time
today. 7140 is badly affected by co-channel KRE.

Yakutsk on new 6150 now also confirmed at 1330 with regional
progrme \\ 7200, 7345. Still no signal on 4825, but may be due
to poor 5 MHz propagation. (Olle Alm-SWE, BC-DX 28 Nov)

I also hear the Korean progrme of VoRUS via Khabarovsk studio at
1345 on 11695 [IRK] - it's been many moons since I've heard
Khabarovsk! Some nice mx - and do they speak Korean with a
slightly different accent? I did'nt immediately recognise the
lang, but found 11695 was clearly \\ 7305 [NVS] - there were
traces of the other 7 MHz outlets too. (Noel R. Green-UK, BC-DX
Dec 1)

11750 Voice of Russia, A full data QSL, 26 days, showing the
Arbat square and Kalinin avenue. For my report of October 26.
Sent to: <letters@vor.ru>. (Emmanuel Ezeani, Sokoto, Nigeria
Cumbredx digest, #128)

For an extended period of five years, AWR was on the air SW from
a total of a dozen different txs at six different radio
facilities located throughout Russia. These external relays
began in 1992 and they were finally terminated in 1996. In
addition, AWR was on the air internally in Russia at the same
time over a network of almost 1,000 stns; LW, tropical SW,
international SW, and cable radio. Today's story is about the
AWR international bcs that were on the air from SW stns located
in Russia and Siberia. The first AWR relay from a Russian SW stn
began on March 1, 1992 from a huge SW complex located near
Novosibirsk in Siberia. Some of these txs had been in use during
the Cold War as jamming txs in an attempt to discourage
listeners in Russia from tuning in to radio bcs from foreign
countries. Initially, the AWR progrming was heard over a single
100 kW tx, though two weeks later, a second unit at 100 kW was
also brought into sce. At first, the two txs were synchronised
on the same channel, though two years later, the two units were
operating on separate channels. At the height of usage, AWR was
on the air 23 hours daily from Novosibirsk in Siberia. The final
AWR bc from Novosibirsk in Siberia was aired on Oct 28, 1994.
Two months after the inauguration of the AWR relay from
Novosibirsk, three more locations in Russia were brought into
sce for the relay of AWR progrming. These stns were designated
as Samara, Yekaterin'burg and Moscow. However, through the
research of Olle Alm in Scandinavia, it was later discovered
that the stn designated as Moscow was in reality three widely
separated tx sites. These facilities were located at Kurovskaya
(KEW-ROFF- SKY-a), Taldom and Lesnoy, all clustered around
Moscow. All three of these stns carried AWR progrming utilizing
txs at 250 kW. Throughout the year 1993, the AWR usage of the
relay stns in Russia was phased out, until Samara was the only
one left that was still carrying the AWR progrming. This AWR
relay continued for another two years until this also was closed
out on Oct 25, 1996. The AWR progrming for bc from the Russian
stns was co-ordinated by Peter Kulakov in the large four
storeyed Adventist Media Center in Tula, half a day's journey
south of Moscow. You will hear an interview with Peter later in
this progr and he will tell you about his personal xperience
regarding the AWR relays from the radio stns located in his
country. AWR was the first Gospel stn to go on the air from SW
stns in Russia and that was on March 1, 1992. We were closely
followed two days later by FEBC Manila, and they took out a
relay over a 20 kW tx that had been on the air previously as a
jamming facility. On one occasion, the AWR relay via Samara
contained a special annt in En for the Nordic DX Championship on
Sept 10, 1994. They issued a special QSL for this particular bc.
These days, AWR QSL cards verifying our relay from the six tx
sites in Russia are quite rare and they have become collector's
items. The rarest of them all is the QSL card confirming the
reception of the Moscow relay via Lesnoy, which was in use for
only a few days, beginning March 27, 1993. The specific tx in
use at that time is designated as RV193, a Russian made tx with
a power of 250 kW. Olle Alm in Scandinavia tells us that this
actual tx is pictured on a QSL card issued by R Netherlands.
They were also on the air during that era with a relay of their
international progrming from the same tx, RV193. AWR ON THE AIR
IN RUSSIA TIME LINES Location Year Date Transmitters Events
Novosibirsk 1992 Mar 1 1x100 kW AWR relay began 1992 Mar 15
2x200 kW Increase in power 1994 Sep 25 2x100 kW in \\ 6165
(x12055) 1994 Oct 28 2x100 kW Last bc Samara 1992 May 3 1x250 kW
Service began 1994 Jun 12 1x250 kW Now only AWR relay 1996 Mar
31 2x100 kW Combined, 250 kW also 1996 Oct 25 2x100/250 kW Final
bc Yekaterin'burg 1992 May 3 2x100 kW Service began 1994 Jan 24
2x100 kW Service ended Lesnoy 1993 Mar 27 1x250 kW On air a few
days Moscow 1992 May 3 4x250 Began 10 hours daily 1994 Jun 12
4x250 Dropped in favor of Samara Taldom 1992 May 3 2x250 kW AWR
relay began A and B 1992 Sep 27 3x250 A, and B & C combined 1994
Jan 24 3x250 AWR relay ended Kurovskaya 1993 May 3 1x250 kW AWR
relay began 1994 Jun 12 1x250 AWR relay ended (Adrian Michael
Peterson, AWR Wavescan Dec 1 via DXLD / BC-DX #602)

4760 0100-0200 RFE RL10 TA DB 045 degrs
4760 1630-1700 RFE RL10 TA DB 045
4995 1500-1700 RFE RL-7 KA DB 045
5035 0200-0300 RFE RL-9 KY DB 045 (wb df5sx Nov 27 / BC-DX #602)

VOICE INTERNATIONAL via Tashkent / Uzbekistan
Hindi to zone 41 0400-0700 11850 TAC 100 kW / 153 deg >>>>> new
txion (OBSERVER#227 / 02-12-2002)

6025 R.Tashkent 1515 talk by man, English, very muffled. Fair
signal, in the clear. 1520 music, 1524 more talk. Off at 1528.
Found parallel at 5975, fair signal, lots of splateer, clean in
LSB. No IDs heard. (Dan Ziolkowski Dec 3 /Cumbredx digest, #124)



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