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"Русь-DX Плюс" (выпуск # 18) - Новости радиовещания в России, странах СНГ и Балтии, эфирные наблюдения наших коллег по хобби...
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************************************ РУСЬ-DX ПЛЮС # 19 (04/12/2002) --------------------------------------- Радиовещание и радиосвязь России, стран СНГ и Балтии. Выходит еженедельно по средам. --------------------------------------- Редактор : Анатолий Клепов E-mail : dx-league@mtu-net.ru Web : http://rusdx.narod.ru --------------------------------------- Время везде : МСК - МОСКОВСКОЕ Ответственность за достоверность сообщений лежит на их авторах и цитируемых источниках информации ================================ Центральное радиовещание. Ретрансляция радиостанции "Голос России" через КВ-передатчики на территории РФ. 27/10/2002 - 01/03/2003 кГц МСК кВт Москва 5940 1900-0100 250 5975 2200-2400 250 6130 2000-2400 250 6145 1900-0100 250 6185 0300-0600 500 7260 0500-0700 500 7290 2000-0100 250 7340 2000-0100 250 7360 2000-0100 250 7365 1600-1900 250 7390 1900-0100 250 7410 0300-0600 500 7425 2100-2200 250 7440 1900-2300 250 9470 1500-1800 500 9470 1800-2100 250 9480 2000-0100 500 9830 1800-2300 250 12055 1500-1900 500 15460 1500-1800 500 Санкт-Петербург 6030 2100-2300 400 6090 2000-2300 200 6195 0300-0600 800 7130 2000-2100 400 7130 2130-2300 400 7230 2130-2400 400 7340 1900-1930 200 7350 0300-0700 800 7370 1900-2200 400 7370 0000-0100 400 9840 1800-2100 400 11820 1000-1300 200 12010 0900-1200 200 12055 1900-2000 400 Калининград 5920 1900-2300 160 6235* 2100-0100 160 7445 1800-0100 160 12010 1300-1400 320 * альтернативная частота 5865 Самара 5935 1800-2300 250 6000 2100-0130 200 6175 2100-0100 200 6185 1600-2200 250 7105 1600-1900 250 7215 2100-2300 250 7315 1700-2000 250 7320 2000-2300 200 7330 1900-2200 200 7350 2200-2300 200 7370 2200-2400 250 7390 0300-0600 500 7420 2200-2400 200 9900 1600-1900 250 15510 1600-1800 250 Краснодар 5925 1800-2300 100 5945 0400-0600 800 5950 2100-0100 500 6005 1800-2100 100 6155 0500-0700 500 7300 1900-0100 250 7440 0300-0700 500 9865 2000-2200 500 9940 1500-1900 500 11655 1600-1800 250 12015 1800-2000 500 15535 1600-1800 500 15540 1300-1400 250 Екатеринбург 6045 1700-0100 200 7125 1900-2200 200 7310 2100-2400 200 7380 1900-2300 200 9450 1900-2300 200 11965 1600-1700 200 Новосибирск 7155 1800-2200 500 7170 1800-2400 500 7305 1300-1800 200 7305 1800-2000 500 9450 1300-1800 200 9490 1600-1800 200 11695 1300-1400 500 15490 1500-1600 500 Иркутск 5995 1600-2200 100 6170 1500-1700 250 7355 1300-1700 100 17655 0900-1200 500 21790 0900-1100 250 Чита 6205 1500-1600 500 6205 1700-1900 500 7335 2000-2300 500 7350 1500-1900 500 9875 2000-2300 500 Владивосток 3995 1300-1800 100 5940 1400-1700 100 7315 1300-1500 250 9875 1700-1900 500 15445 0500-0900 500 Хабаровск 6145 1400-1800 100 7340 1400-1800 100 7490 1300-1600 080 12020 0500-0900 100 15275 0900-1300 100 15470 0900-1300 100 Комсомольск-на-Амуре 7155 1500-1800 250 12010 0500-0900 250 17665 0900-1300 250 Петропавловск-Камчатский 5930 1300-1800 100 13665 0500-0900 250 15595 0500-0900 100 17565 0500-0700 100 17595 0500-0900 250 (Николай Руднев, Белгородская обл. / "РУСЬ-DX" № 109) Ретрансляция радиостанции "Голос России" через КВ-передатчики за пределами РФ. 27/10/2002 - 01/03/2003 кГц МСК кВт Армения 9965 0300-0600 500 11510 2000-2300 500 15735 2300-0100 500 Молдова 6190 2200-2400 500 7125 0400-0900 500 7180 0400-0900 500 Таджикистан 4940 1600-1800 100 4940 1900-2000 100 4965 1600-1800 100 4965 1900-2000 100 4975 1600-1800 100 4975 1900-2000 100 7510 1800-2300 200 7570 0300-0600 500 9945 0500-0600 500 11500 1500-1800 500 17495 1100-1300 500 17525 1100-1300 500 Украина 7240 0500-0700 500 КНР 11500 1800-1900 120 Ватикан 7230 0000-0030 250 9765 0500-0600 250 (Николай Руднев, Белгородская обл. / "РУСЬ-DX" № 109) "Голос России". Всемирная Русская Служба. КВ. 27/10/2002 - 29/03/2003 кГц МСК кВт Передатчик 5895** 2300-0100 200 Екатеринбург 5930 1700-1800 100 Пет.-Камчатский 6045* 2300-0100 200 Екатеринбург 6145 1600-1700 100 Хабаровск 6145 2100-2200 250 Москва 6145 2300-2400 250 Москва 6185 1600-1700 250 Самара 6190 2300-2400 500 Молдова 6205 1700-1800 500 Чита 7105* 1600-1700 250 Самара 7125 0500-0700 500 Молдова 7155 1600-1800 250 Ком.-на-Амуре 7170 2300-2400 500 Новосибирск 7240 0500-0700 500 Украина 7260 0500-0700 500 Москва 7310 2300-2400 200 Екатеринбург 7315** 1600-1700 250 Самара 7315 1700-1800 250 Самара 7315 1900-2000 250 Самара 7350 0600-0700 800 С.Петербург 7360 2100-2200 250 Москва 7360 2300-2400 250 Москва 7365 1600-1700 250 Москва 7370 0000-0100 400 С.Петербург 7440 0500-0700 500 Краснодар 7445 2300-0100 160 Калининград 9450 1600-1800 200 Новосибирск 9480 0000-0100 500 Москва 9490 1600-1800 200 Новосибирск 9875* 1700-1800 500 Владивосток 9875** 1700-1800 250 Самара 9875** 1900-2000 250 Самара 9920** 1700-1800 500 Владивосток 12010 0500-0700 250 Ком.-на-Амуре 12055 1900-2000 400 С.Петербург 15460* 1600-1800 500 Москва 15510 1600-1800 250 Самара 15595 0500-0700 100 Пет.-Камчатский 17565 0500-0700 100 Пет.-Камчатский 17570** 1600-1800 500 Москва 17595 0500-0700 250 Пет.-камчатский * = по 01/03/2003 , ** = с 02/03/2003 (Николай Руднев, Белгородская обл. / "РУСЬ-DX" № 109) "Голос России". Служба "Содружество". КВ. 27/10/2002 - 20/03/2003 кГц МСК кВТ Передатчик 5895** 1700-2300 200 Екатеринбург 5995 1800-2200 100 Иркутск 6045* 1700-2300 200 Екатеринбург 6185 1700-2200 250 Самара 7105* 1700-1900 250 Самара 7155 2000-2200 500 Новосибирск 7170 1800-2300 500 Новосибирск 7315** 1700-1900 250 Самара 7365 1700-1900 250 Москва 7440 1900-2000 250 Москва 7445 1800-2300 160 Калининград 9470 1900-2000 250 Москва 12015 1800-2000 500 Краснодар * = по 01/03/2003 , ** = с 02/03/2003 (Николай Руднев, Белгородская обл. / "РУСЬ-DX" № 109) ====================== ARM / Армения 4810, V.O. Armenia (pres.), 2357 MOR instru. mx, M anncr at 2358, then deadair, and signal gone. Think this could be fairly easy w/more favorable propagation conditions. (Valko 28 Nov. / Cumbredx digest, #118) == BLR / Беларусь R Minsk is the only En lang ext sce in Belarus'. Structurally it comes as one of the departments at R Station Belarus' - the oldest international radio bcer in the country. The idea that lied behind the establishment of R Station Belarus' in 1962y was to provide the Belorussian communities abroad (mainly in the European region) with a link to their homeland. Originally the bcs went out only in the Belorussian lang and focused on the politics, economy and culture of Belarus'. At that time the radio stn was an integral part of the Soviet Union's unified external bcing system and the progrs also had to convey Moscow's point of view on world affairs and events. The fact that the output was aimed at the Western listener affected the general nature and style of reporting. The senior management in Moscow realized that the progrs would be more convincing and appealing if they were more or less comparable to international standards. Unlike all the other bcers catering for internal audiences in the country the staff of R Station Belarus' was allowed greater liberty in its coverage and analysis of news. In 1985y when on the threshold of Perestroika an enthusiastic team of journalists working at R Station Belarus' undertook an initiative to expand their audience and launch a new sce in the Ge lang. They had to get over innumerable bureaucratic barriers to obtain permission from the headquarters in Moscow. After the disintegration of the Soviet Union in 1991, as the whole country plunged into the maelstrom of independence, R Station Belarus' gained an opportunity to add to its traditional focus an international perspective and thus increase the interaction between Belarus' and the international community. Along with obvious advantages the independence however also brought in an array of new problems which have to a great extent been a drag on further development but which the radio stn has been struggling to overcome. In January 1998y new progrs started to go out in En and Russian. The En lang sce primarily deals with political and economic nx from Belarus' and CIS states, relations between Belarus' and the world, analysis of current issues with an emphasis on the international aspect, culture and mx. Address: R Minsk, vul Chyrvonaya 4, Minsk 220807, Belarus. Fax: +(375-17) 2848574. E-mail: <radio-minsk@tvr.by> R Minsk on the web at <http://www.tvr.by> (via Dr. Juergen Kubiak-D, Nov WWDXC via DXLD / BC-DX #601 27 Nov 2002) == GEO / Грузия Radio Republic Abkhazia s-on one hour later, at 1800 in Russian & Abkhazian, from Nov 16th. (Rumen Pankov-BUL, BC-DX Nov 16) == KGZ / Кыргызстан 4010 Kyrgyz Radio 0258-0317 Alternating test tones, until the NA was heard at 0301. Talk by YL, brief theme music, then alternating talk by YL and OM. Ham and ute QRM increased at 0317, while piano music was heard. Thanks to Henderson alert. SINPO 12331. (Maroti Nov 22 / Cumbredx digest, #115) == LTU / Литва Radio Vilnius in English also noted 2200-2230 on MW 666. [and 2230-2300 VoGreece in English is also heard here on co-channel 666; // 7475. (Rumen Pankov-BUL, BC-DX Oct 27) Freq change for Radio Barobari in Persian effective from Nov.25: 2000-2030 NF 7470 (55444) probably via SIT, ex 7480 (OBSERVER#226) LITHUANIA Radio Vilnius has a new email address: <radiovilnius@lrt.lt>. (Bernd Trutenau, 29 Nov / Cumbredx digest, #119) == MDA / Молдова [? via Grigoriopol?] 7460 Payam-e-Doost R (P) 0524 with test tones and start of progr at 0530. Talk by woman in Persian, easy mx. No ID. I could get due to strong splatter, but matched to audio on website. Had been reported to be using 7465 for new 0530-0615, but that freq is blocked here by Overcomer via WWCR. R International, a clandestine directed to Iran, was reported to be using 7460 at 0530. A look at their website doesn't mention 7460 at 0530, just the well-established 7490 bc. The Bahai site still lists 7465. My guess is that the report of R International here mixed them up with the Bahai and that the latter is using 7460 instead of listed 7465. Site presumed on tones and the fact that they have been using Moldova. (Hans Johnson-USA, Cumbre Nov 19) 7460, R International (pres via Grigoriopol-MDA), *0525-0715*, open carrier with familiar Russian test tones until 0532 opening instrumental mx followed by man with presumed opening in Farsi. Mix of talks and mx until s-off. I've also seen reports for Payam-e-Doost R here as well. Poor reception with significant ARO and WWCR slop (7465) reducing quality. (Rich D'Angelo-PA-USA, BC-DX Nov 21) Freq change for VoIran in Persian eff from Nov 21: 1930-2130 NF 11575 (55555), via KCH 500 kW / 116 deg to ME, x17510. (R BUL Observer, Ivo Ivanov and Angel Datzinov, via BC-DX Nov 25) Vail action; I guess, this is still from Issoudun-France site, ed. 5960 R Pridnestrovye, in En Wed only at 2100 (probably to 2130), per annt in Russian progr. Announced address: Pridnestrovskaya Moldavskaya Respublika, Tiraspol, ulitsa Rozy Luxemburg 10, R PMR, Programa "Pridnestrovye." This, and Russian on Fri at 2100-2130 on 999 MW are the only two "external sces" from Tiraspol these days. (Vlad Titarev-UKR, BC-DX Nov 20) No sign of the announced R Pridnestrovya txions Wed from 2100 on 5960 here, also nothing elsewhere on 49 and 41 metres. There is a very faint carrier on 5960, but so weak that it should be rather Meyerton or whatever other stn but not Grigoriopol. Nothing on MW either, 999 is running open carrier, 1467 has VoR progrming with sharp-sounding studio audio. (Kai Ludwig-D, BC-DX Nov 20) SIC time, seems currently reported bcing at 2000-2030 . Heavy sidesplash from RNW Flevoland-HOL 5955. On upper flank poor signal of IRIB in Turkmen on 5965 kHz. wb Nov 21 * "R.Pridnestrovye" was on the air today (Wed), but actually at 2000-2030 (not 2100-2130 !!!). English. M announced that next time will be next Wednesday. Russian anmt which I've heard on Fri (2100-2130 999 kHz Russ) was obviously wrong (or I've got them wrong?... anyway: they ancd: "1700 Central European Time" which is hardly equal to 1700 UTC). Their progr is standing alone (i.e. Tune up tone noted at 1955+, off at 2030). More interesting: QRG is not coordinated (usually Moscow does it for this enclave). Co-channel CNR in Ch (unid progr closed, s-off time -2100*): Quiet mx (instr.European type), classic, M/W talks. ID "chung yang renmin quang po tien tai" before going down. (Vlad Titarev-UKR, BC-DX Nov 22) Indeed R Pridnestrovya had a Russian bc today [Fris] at 2100 on 999. After the switch-over from VoR first R Mayak audio was carried, I guess this was in fact the R Pridnestrovya feed. Probably all Mayak txions from Grigoriopol are technical-whise merely R Pridnestrovya, putting Mayak on the output circuit when no own progrming is on air? (Kai Ludwig-D, BC-DX Nov 22) Superb recording, Kai. I checked the 999 kHz channel in past week, especially on Wed 20-21 . But heard always a progr in undoubtedly Romanian lang at that hour. Here in SW Germany signal strength is 'one third' of the much stronger co-channel COPE Madrid 50 kW stn. Moved my ICF-2010 around by 90 degrees apart of Spain direction, to get the minimum signal of the Sp stn. (wb) Yes, the VoR progr which goes out on 999 between 2000-2100 is in Romanian, \\ 7320 and 7380 according their website. Would be a task to compile a complete schedule for 999 ... Today prior to 2200 a children's radioplay in Russian or probably Ukrainian instead was carried until an abrupt switch to Deutsche Welle exactly at 2300. This freq offers a real conglomeration! The slot used by R Pridnestrovya on Fridays (2100-21830) is otherwise, probably with the exception of Sats and Suns, vacant and 999 either off or they burn electricity by transmitting a silent carrier. (Kai Ludwig-D, BC-DX Nov 23) 5960 Radio of the Dniestr Moldavian Republic heard 2000 sign on November 27th with identification by male announcer "Here is Tiraspol, the capital of the Dniestr Moldavian Republic", news items, identification 2015 "Here is the Radio of the Dniestr Moldavian Republic", political commentary, information on a Dniestr town, programme credits, address announced as Programme Pridnestrovye, ul Rozy Luxembourg 10, Tiraspol, Dniestr Moldavian Republic. Next programme announced for Wednesday December 4th at 2000. Off with incidental music. Strong signal but adjacent channel splash from even stronger 5955 Radio Netherlands, used synch AM and passband shift. (Mike Barraclough, Letchworth, UK / Cumbredx digest, #117) Very good reception in BUL for Radio Pridnestrovye in English on Nov.27 2000-2030 Wed only on 5960 (55544) (OBSERVER # 226) == RUS / Россия According to station announcement VoRussia "Sodruzhestvo" will be on the air from 1200 already since Nov 18; frequencies not given. (Rumen Pankov-BUL, BC-DX Nov 16) On Thur Nov 14th Voice of Russia in German reactivated the DX progr compiled by Mrs. E. Hoshova, noted at 1942-1952 on 6145 7300 7380 7390 etc. (Rumen Pankov-BUL, BC-DX Nov 18) But there is an entry for the 'forgotten' extreme Far east Russia near Alaska border, from Petropavlovsk Kamchatskyie at 65 degrs: 7180 1800-2200 25,26 P.K 250 65 218 RUS VOR GFC 25 USSR, N of 60 deg N, 155-170 deg Ea 26 USSR, N of 60 deg N,Ea of 170 deg Ea (wb) 11560 Vladivostok, Tues 1700-1730. Von der Dienstag-Sendung der Voice of Khmer Krom auf 11560 kHz aus Wladiwostok keine Spur! (Andreas Tschauder-D, A-DX Nov 20 / BC-DX #601 27 Nov 2002) Da tuen sich die Asiaten leichter: 11560 V.O.Khmer Krom Radio on Nov 12 1700-1707 32332 Cambodian, 1700 s-on with opening mx. ID and opening announce. Local mx. 1705 Full ID. (Kouji Hashimoto-JPN, JPNpremium Nov 6-12) Habe ich auch schon mal in den vergangenen Wochen versucht, ohne Erfolg.Nur schwacher Traeger gehoert. Aber 230 Grad aus Vladivostok nach Richtung Vietnam ist ja nicht gerade die Richtung nach Europa. Schaetzungsweise muesste letztere 320 Grad sein, d.h. von der Antennenwand noch 90 Grad nach rechts gedreht 230 + 90 Grad ! das bedeutet fast ein Null-Signal, ausser die Signale geistern mit Reflektionen ganz anders um den Erdball. (wb A-DX Nov 20 / BC-DX #601 27 Nov 2002) The progrmes for the Circassian minority in the NE, produced by the regional state bc companies GTRK "Adygeya" in Maykop (Adygeya) and GTRK "Kabbalkteradio" in Nalchik (Kabardino-Balkariya) seem to be bc now on 6005 kHz (Tbilisskaya 100 kW, 190 degr) from 2100-2200, after the end of the VoRussia bcs to that region. The langs used seem to be Adygei, Kabarda (both are belong to the Circassian lang group), Arabic and Turkish. However, the exact schedule and lang usage is rather unclear. Has anybody monitored these bcs? (Bernd Trutenau-LTU, BC-DX Nov 20) Yakutsk 4825 confirmed in \\ with 7200/7345 past 1500, so is operating and may be full time. No signal on 4940, 6150 or 7140. Krasnoyarsk 6085 also heard on 18255, 3 x 6085. Old Novosibirsk txs continue to produce strong harmonics. From 1600 on 14610 (2x7305), 14780 (2x7390), 14875 (7390+7485), 14970 (2x7485), 18900 (2x9450, already reported). Other harmonics: 14500 2x7250 ( R Rossii, Noginsk), 14280 2x7140 (Pyongyang, KRE). Apparently the problem is in the basic design of early Sneg txs since it affects 50, 100 as well as 200 kW units. (Olle Alm-SWE, BC-DX Nov 20) Just heard Arabic R starting at 1900 on 7470 \\ 12085 although not running exact at the same time. Via Russia-Samara? Woman giving ID as 'Hureeya Hur-A-Arabeeya' twice at the start. Military style mx and chanting. Then a man giving a long drawn out speach, mentioning Syria, Yasser Arafat... ID and sign-off at 1930. 35343. (Silvain Domen-BEL, DXLD Nov 20 / BC-DX #601 27 Nov 2002) 7470 must be new replacing the other 12115 MHz freq (gh, DXLD) [SYRIA non]. Re: "Just heard Arabic R starting at 1900 on 7470 \\ 12085 although not running exact at the same time. Via Russia-Samara?". Perhaps rather Tbilisskaya, considering the quite limited operation of the Samara site these days (as I recall problems with the main power supply were mentioned as reason when RVI and R Maryja txions were moved to Tbilisskaya), but anyway most likely via Russia, and using 25 metres in summer but 41 metres in winter is typical Russian freq selection. But the actual mystery is still the pseudo-\\ 12085 which apparently originates neither from the CIS nor from another one of the usual suspects. (Kai Ludwig-D, DXLD Nov 23 / BC-DX #601 27 Nov 2002) [Tatarstan] As as matter of fact, there is an ongoing dispute between Kazan and Moscow about the introduction of this alphabet, you can read more on the same site: <www.intertat.ru/index.php?cat=et&bigoffset=0µoffset=0&id=12562> (in English). (Bernd Trutenau-LTU, BC-DX Nov 25) Die Stimme Russlands gab in ihrer DX Sendung bekannt, dass fuer Zuschriften per email neben der bekannten <letters@vor.ru> auch neu <post-de@vor.ru> benutzt werden kann. Auf der Heimatseite <http://www.vor.ru> unter "German" sind auch erstmals die Senderstandorte aufgelistet, die fuer die Ausstrahlung der deutschsprachigen Sendungen zum Einsatz kommen. (Uwe Volk-D, A-DX Nov 22 / BC-DX #601 27 Nov 2002) 7485 kHz Novosibirsk HAM schedule: <http://www.highadventure.org/progchina.htm> auf dieser HomePage ist aber noch 13590 kHz aus dem Sommerplan genannt! WWDXC vom 19.11.meldet WSHB [sic] 1500-1600 Vari (x13590) 7485 NVS 1600-1700 En (x13590) 7485 NVS 1700-1900 Vari (x13590) 7485 NVS aus Novosibirsk. 73 wb Ich hoerte heute um 1510 Uhr UTC mal rein. Englisches, religioeses Programm. Klare ID: "High Adventure Ministries". Was stimmt nun...? (Andreas Tschauder-D, A-DX Nov 21 / BC-DX #601 27 Nov 2002) Bisher waren nur sehr spaerliche Informationen ueber die 7485/13590 kHz Aussendungen bekannt. Im Winter B-01 gab es schon die 7485 kHz Aussendung, zuerst ueber Palau, dann ueber Novosibirsk-Russland, dann in A-02 Sommerfrequenz 13590 kHz. Hier nicht so bekannt, weil im Sommer co-channel Kiev sendete. Muesste HAM Programm sein. Auch mit VoHope Libanon, KVOH und Palau verbandelt. Das englische Programm um 1200 UT heisst donnerstags: 1500 Focus on the Kingdom - English 1515 Call to Obedience - English 1530 On a High Montian - English 1545 Voice of Hope Irgendwie sind das Begleitdienste zu den staatlichen 11. September-Offensiven, siehe auch HCJB Australia Aufbau. Dazu Voice International in Richtung Indien, AFG, und Richtung Moslemstaaten. HCJB und HAM in Liberia, ueberall werden die Schaefchen bekehrt. Die 'evangelische' Radiowelt ist sehr unuebersichtlich, da gibt's bei der anderen Fakultaet nur Vatican Radio, WEWN, Veritas und Fides, oder gibt es noch Renascenca? WSHB wurde mit High Adventure Ministries in einem Atemzug genannt, d.h. HAM hat WSHB Call und Sendeanlagen gekauft? Und auch noch mit TWR und FEBA verbandelt !? Juelich Sendeplan nennt auch noch Voice of Hope dazu! Und Meldungen aus Kanada verbandeln auch noch High Adventure Gospel/also nicht! Ministries? - mit Bible Voice BCing. Heute hoerte ich zum Programmende von High Adventure Ministries? - oder war es GFA?, ueber Al Dhabbaya-UAE 9785 um 1900-1927 zum Beispiel das TWR Pausenzeichen zum Programmende. Die Frequenztabelle mit Link auf Fernost Schedule: <http://www.highadventure.org/> aus Jerusalem studio und 7485 kHz schedule: <http://www.highadventure.org/progchina.htm> auf dieser HomePage ist aber noch 13590 kHz aus dem Sommerplan genannt! KVOH High Adventure Ministries, Inc. P.O. Box 100 Simi Valley, CA 93062 Ph. +1 805-520-9460 Fax: +1 805-520-7823 <www.highadventure.org> GFA is brokered by High Adventure Ministries [via MERLIN London]. 12 Studios are under construction. Future plan to bc in 200 langs towards Indian sub-continent and neighbouring countries. (Dietmar Fischer- D, Aug 2002; via Dr. Hansjoerg Biener-D, Sep 18 / BC-DX #601 27 Nov 2002) GFA Gospel For Asia, [like TWR or FEBA progrs, ed.] <http://www.gfa.org/> US address: 1800 Golden Trail Court, Carrollton TX 75010 USA Information: <info@gfa.org> Phone: Toll Free: 800.946.2742 ; 972.300.7777 Canada Address: 245 King St. E., Stony Creek, ON L8G1L9 Canada Information: <infocanada@gfa.org> Some additional freqs for Voice of Russia: 1600-1800 Russian WS on 5925 (45544) 2100-2200 Italian on 7425 (55555) 2200-2300 Greek on 6170 (53433) co-ch Radio Liberty in Ukrainian 2300-2400 Russian WS on 6170 (53433) co-ch Radio Liberty in Ukrainian (OBSERVER#226) Voice of Homeland in Arabic via RUS txs: 1900-1930 NF 7470 (55555), ex 12115 \\ 12085 strong co-ch R.Damascus in Turkish (OBSERVER#226) New station in Arabic Voice of Freedom/Radio Tayyar/Radio Streem: 1900-2000 on 11515 (55555) via SAM 250 kW / 224 deg to ME (OBSERVER#226) RUSSIA? 1466 R Mayak Nov23 1500 with Rekalma radio, Tones and ID , News Signal S9!! with the 16 random vertical (Liangas / JAPAN PREMIUM No.240) == TJK / Таджикистан At 24.11.2002 17:19 +0000, Piet Pijpers wrote: TAJIKISTAN 4940 Voice of Russia, Yangi-Yul relay, 1710-1800, signal drifting in pretty early, presumably language was vernacular. Signal poor and parallel to 4965 (not // listed 4975). IS at 1757 and 1759 but hard to get a good copy. Since carrier on 4965 was not there anymore after 1800, probably 4940 was signing off at that time. Left was AIR Guwahati and maybe Colombo. Anyone who knows more? (Pijpers, The Netherlands, Nov 24) VoR in Dari/Pashto. 4940 & 4965 are omnidirectional, while 4975 is 180° to the South and should be difficult to pick up in Europe. All three QRGs are supposed to have a break 1800-1900. (Bernd Trutenau, Lithuania / Cumbredx Digest # 113) 4635 Tajik Radio 0400 with "Injo Dushanbe" ID and into talk. Decent signal. (Johnson Nov 23 / Cumbredx digest, #115) 7245 R. Tajikistan 0500-0530 IS, then into brief music, presumed to be signature tune, or NA. Alternating talk by YL & OM. OM vocals at 0529 re-check. Ham QRM at times. SINPO 23332 (Maroti Nov 23 / Cumbredx digest, #115) 7515 RFA via Dushanbe. At 1955 Found this while optimistically hearing audio on 7530. Ch crash and bang mx heard over talking by OM. Found \\ freq on 7515 which was much better. (George Maroti-MA-USA, DXplorer Nov 23 / BC-DX #601 27 Nov 2002) == UKR / Украина Updated schedule of VoRussia bcs via Ukrainian MW facilities: 936 kHz - 1800-2300 Sodruzhestvo; 2300-2400 VoR Russian; 972 and 1278 kHz - 1700-2300 Sodruzhestvo. (Alexander Yegorov-UKR, RUI Nov 20 / BC-DX #601 27 Nov 2002) * New order of 1242 kHz usage (Oktyabrskiy, Crimea, 50 kw): 0629 (Sa/Su 0659) - 0200 R Muz (UR-3). 0200 - 0400 R Promin (UR-2) 0500 - 0629 (Sa/Su 0659) R Promin (UR-2) 549 kHz in Kyiv is silent. Transmitter in Brovary on 207 kHz is active since 6 Nov, but uses 50% power of 250 kW only. (Alexander Yegorov-UKR, RUI Nov 20 / BC-DX #601 27 Nov 2002) == GERMANY/RUSSIA/UK 9470 R Ibrahim, via Juelich, at 2340-2400*, Arabic progr of a drama, songs and talks, gave addresses in Paris, Cyprus and Lebanon, and URL <http://www.radioibrahim.com> Good. (Vashek Korinek-AFS, DXplorer Nov 7 / BC-DX #601 27 Nov 2002) 12025 R Ibrahim, via Merlin [Skelton Cumbria site] at 0000-0038, Male and female speakers in (assumed) Arabic. Some brief mx or group singing by males then by children. ID at 0030 with address in Stockholm. Continued beyond reported closure. Good strength signal marred by atmospherics. (Jones-PRG, dswci DXW Nov 15 / BC-DX #601 27 Nov 2002) 12025 0000-0130 37E,38 SKN 250 kW 165 degr (HCJB) Address at the URL is given as R Ibrahim, P.O.Box 56500, 3312 Limassol, Cyprus, <mail@radioibrahim.com> Schedule of SW freqs shown on the website is roughly the following (it has a couple of internal inconsistencies): 5935 at 2300-0015 Tue thru Sat, 2300-2400 Sun & Mon; 9470 at 2300-2400 Mon, Wed thru Fri, Sun, 2330-0015 Tue, 2300-2345 Sat; 12025 at 2300-2315 Mon & 0030-0130 Tue, 0045-0100 Wed, 0000-0030 Fri, 0000-0015 Fri, 0030-0100 Sun & Mon; 15335 at 1500-1515 Mon, 1415-1430 Thu, 1430-1445 Fri; 15715 at 0800-0830 daily; and 21590 at 1000-1015 Mon thru Fri, 1000-1045 Sat & Sun. Schedule credited to Christian Guibaudo-France gives a somewhat different winter schedule, and gives sites of earlier scheduled freqs as 5935 IBRA- Moscow, 9405 IBRA-Julich, 12025 HCJB-Ascension[sic Skelton-UK], 21590 Voice of Hope-Julich. So this looks like a progr broker offering Christian prgms for the Arab world. (Jerry Berg-MA-USA, via dswci DXW Nov 20 / BC-DX #601 27 Nov 2002) ============ 73! **************************************
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