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Business Unit Finance Controller

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Business Unit Finance Controller
In International Oil Company This role will act as the leader of the financial and accounting efforts of the Business Unit. This position has a dotted line reporting relationship to the Business Unit, Vice President, General Manager. Directs accounting staff to compile consolidated financial statements. Supports the operational functions to achieve growth and increase profitability and has responsibility for all financial and accounting activities for the Business Unit. Responsibilities include but are not limited to directing general accounting, cost accounting, budgeting, financial reporting and maintenance of financial records for the complete BU. Must work cross-functionally with strategic and results focus. Interprets financial operating results and makes recommendations on cost reduction and increased profit opportunities.

Brand Manager (new Brand)
International Pharma company is looking for a OTC Brand Manager Основная задача - Достижение запланированных результатов, управление брендом на локальном рынке Обязанности - Разработка и реализация долгосрочной и краткосрочной маркетинговой стратегии для препаратов. - Бизнес-планирование: задачи по доле рынка, оптимизация портфеля, планирование новых продуктов, участие в разработке годовых и долгосрочных планов по продажам - Планирование, управление маркетинговым бюджетом препаратов группы - Разработка, реализация и контроль проведения маркетинговых и рекламных мероприятий - Оценка эффективности маркетинговых расходов - Анализ рынка и мониторинг деятельности конкурентов - Анализ ценовой политики конкурентов, рекомендация цены для соответствующих продуктов - Работа с рекламными агентствами, включая планирование размещения рекламы, разработку творческих рекламных концепций - Взаимодействие с отделом продаж, отделом медицинской поддержки, отделом торгового маркетинга с целью реализации отделом планов по продуктам. - Разработка творческих идей и инновационных маркетинговых проектов - 5% коммандировок Образование - Высшее образование - Желательно дополнительное образование в области маркетинга Подчинение - Менеджеру по группе брендов

Sales Manager (fashion Retail)
International fashion retail company - The sales and achievement of the selling goals in wholesales - The development of franchising sales strategy in the concerned area. New partners search and development - The monitoring of the visual and strategic position of the Companie's patent inside the point of sale. - The promotion of important activities aimed at increasing sales. - The supply of market analysis on the concerned territory and definition of the strategy to be followed in accordance with the Sales Manager. - The management of the relationship to customers and further improvement of the relationship with the company

Business Development Manager (new Channels)
International pharma/medical company actively developing on Russian market New channel business development RUSSIA CIS - The goal is to actively develop new channels for a medical products - Responsible for sales targets - Responsible for executing development strategy Trade marketing - The goal is to create and execute trade marketing activities in new channels - Budget reponsible - Development and implementation of promotion programs of the company in main trade channels - Create strategies for brands, planning and implementation of trade marketing programs - Work with Marketing agencies - Participation in development of new product launch plans Reporting - The role is reporting to business unit manager

Financial Controller
International FMCG company o Month End / Quarterly Closing ў Monthly/Quarterly/Year-End Closing (IFRS transformation, adjustments calculation and SAP posting, Corporate Information System (CIS) & Treasury Information System (TIS) input, etc.) ў Ensure Off Invoice discounts and Trade Allowances Accruals calculation in accordance with Contracts and SAP input correctness (Russia, Belorussia, Export) ў Ensure Actual Off Invoice discounts and Trade Allowances correctness (results of splash transaction) for Russia, Belorussia and Export ў Ensure Net Sales reconciliation between all the systems (SAP, BI, CIS) ў Ensure CIS submission and consolidation for Russia and Ukraine group in accordance with corporate deadlines in close corporation with corporate headquarter o Treasury ў Coordinate cash flow actual and forecast calculation ў Coordinate hedging gain/loss forecast calculation o Management Reporting ў Prepare Brand Report (Sales, Margin I) for Russia, Belorussia, Central Asia and Caucasus ў Prepare Monthly/Quarterly SOI Comments ў Fixed Costs Report o ABP / Forecasts ў Fixed Costs Forecast o Compliance ў Ensure compliance with Company policies and procedures ў Policies and Procedures Maintenance ў Credit Control: Credit limits, Accounts Receivables, Aging report ў Contracts: trading terms check and approval o Coordinate ERP system maintenance and update ў B.One (SAP) ў Phoenix ў GCCR Maintenance o Liaison with Internal and External Auditors o Manage and Develop Financial Controlling team o Ad-Hoc Requests

Trade Marketing Manager
Our client, one of the global premium consumer goods leaders is currently looking for Trade Marketin - Take responsibility for trade marketing activities in traditional trade - Develop and implement the promo calendar for each category and brand within the channel - Analyse the brand presence, develop and implement solutions to impove it - Participation in anuual negotation with the KA

Finance Controller Russia & Cis
Swedish manufacturing and engineering company with more then 100 years of history. For the avoidance of doubt the Financial Controller, Russia and CIS will be responsible for the following activities within the CIS Finance Team: - Monthly management reporting and analysis for CIS Sales Regions including preparation of monthly finance (MD&FD) report; - Financial appraisal and support for CIS FD and CIS MD relating to all activities within the CIS Sales Regions; - Work with the sales and operations/factory controllers to co-ordinate activities (quarterly financial forecast and annual budget processes budget etc) under framework set by Global Finance team; - Providing functional management support but also challenge and significant influence back into the CIS Sales Regions; - Support for Global Growth ambitions through acquisition, Greenfield development or new product launches within CIS Region.

Ar Accountant
Leading German company - Reconciliation with customers;<br/>- AR collection;<br/>- Invoices issues;<br/>- Work with primary documents for wholesale;<br/>- Preparation of weekly AR report to Sales department. <br/>- Communication with departments, answers on enquiries from customers

Бухгалтер на участок &quot;расчеты с поставщиками&quot;
Известный иностранный производитель пластиковых конструкций - Ведение операций по участку " Расчеты с поставщиками" в SAP ( ввод товарных накладных, актов, счетов-фактур, таможенных деклараций);<br/>- Контроль своевременности и полноты поступления документов по расходам;<br/>- Подготовка документов и справок в отдел валютного контроля в банк;<br/>- Оформление паспортов сделок по импортно-экспортным контрактам;<br/>- Проведение сверок с поставщиками и таможней;<br/>- Участие в ежемесячном закрытии бухгалтерского периода в SAP;<br/>- Участие в подготовке документов и информации для налоговых и аудиторских проверок.

Junior Key Account Manager
A leading international Non-Food FMCG company - Building and managing relationships with key players in the customer(s) or channel at the regional and/or store level. - Conducting negotiations as necessary (listings, planograms, displays, promotion execution etc) at regional office and/or store level - Implementing in-store tactics - Coordinating special events (store-level sell-in and communication, materials management in-store etc.) - Working with customer service to track orders, and achieve customer service KPI's. - Working with logistics to plan, analyse, and forecast customer's needs and to ensure on-time and complete delivery. - Monitoring competitive activity at store level, recording and consolidating key activities, monitoring distribution, and identifying competitive best practices and discussing with Business Development Manager so that they can proactively respond with strategic/tactical refinements.

Presale Consultant
One of the global leading provides of data storage and virtualization The Presale Consultant role will be responsible for providing support on a unique enterprise level software solution for various customers. - Provide technical support throughout the sales cycle to drive opportunities - Explain product capabilities, limitations, and implementation. Manage technical tradeoffs, implementation alternatives and advantages of products vis-a-vis the competition - Identify and developy innovative solutions to customer requirements - Research, compose, and deliver responses to RFPs from potential clients - Design and build customized demonstrations of the solutions including proof of concept and pilot installations

Pricing And Sales Analyst
Leading multinational tyre mnufacturer We are looking for Pricing analyst to perform: - data analysis - set sales objectives for the dealers - Sales statistics (on/pffshore - per region, per dealer, per week, per month) - High qiality pricing documentation producing - Timely Price-list addendums - Customer/Business needs analysis, dealers forecasting + GSF/ Sales statistics - Support marketing function in market analysis, trends etc

Бухгалтер по первичной документации
Ведущая международная производственная компания -Обработка первичной документацию и отражание в системе бухгалтерских проводок<br/>-Регулярное проведение инвентаризации кредиторской/дебиторской задолженности с целью предотвращения и устранения просроченной задолженности<br/>-Подготавка данных и отчетов по требованию руководителя<br/>-Произведение расчетов, калькуляции, начисления по соответствующим участкам учета, ведение вспомогательных аналитических таблиц<br/>-Подготовка документов по валютным операциям по форме и в сроки, предусмотренные валютным законодательством РФ

Младший финансовый аналитик
Ведущий прозводитель химии в мире - Мониторинг продаж<br/>- Анализ структуры продаж по номенклатуре продуктов<br/>- Подготовка бюджета расходов/доходов<br/>- Анализ прогноза расходов/доходов<br/>- Расчет и анализ ключевых показателей развития бизнеса<br/>- Подготовка плана капитальных вложений<br/>- Выполнение других поручений руководителя отдела контролинга

Старший бухгалтер по заработной плате
Ведущая международная FMCG компания - Расчет заработной платы, пособий и алиментов, <br/>- Расчет налоговых обязательств по НДФЛ и ЕСН в соответствии с нормами действующего законодательства, процедурами и политиками компании<br/>- Участие в подготовке бухгалтерской, налоговой и статистической отчетности<br/>- Проведение сверок по начисленным и уплаченным налогам

Старший бухгалтер по работе с покупателями
Ведущая международная FMCG компания - Расчеты с клиентами и поставщиками;<br/>- Взаимодействие с клиентами, сверка с поставщиками;<br/>- Активное взаимодействие с отделом закупок по вопросам налогообложения, внутренних процедур компании и т.д.;<br/>- Анализ дебиторской задолжности

Senior Financial Analyst
International FMCG company - Carry out monthly KPI analysis by key account <br/>· Review and manage Contracts review <br/>· Monitor accounts receivable by key account <br/>· Provide financial training to CDT team members <br/>· Manage DSO / ADP <br/>· Control the rebate/accrual process by key account <br/>· Control GTN by key account <br/>· Perform Return on Investment analysis of promotional activity <br/>· Analyze customer financial approach and financial statements (if available) <br/>· Meet with customer’s financial personnel for problem solving <br/>· Assist Team Leader with P&L monitoring <br/>· Assist BDM with promotional analysis <br/>· Track and manage cost to serve <br/>- Assist Team leader in T & C negotiation by providing adequate analysis of customers' profitability and ROI.

Бухгалтер по работе с иностранными поставщиками
Ведущая международная компания - Оприходование импортного товара<br/>- Проведение ГТД в 1С и SAP<br/>- Соблюдение правил валютного контроля<br/>- Своевременная подача в банк документов по Паспортам Сделок<br/>- Сверка с контрагентами <br/>- Общение с брокерами и Таможней (в части запросов по списанию Таможенных платежей) <br/>- Учет расчетов по Претензиям и возмещаемой части гарантии от производителя <br/>- Частичное ведение учета Основных Средств компании. (Приход, Амортизация, списание)

Sales And Marketing Manager (widescreen Printers)
International company - Engage and partner with clients at the executive level (widescreen engineering printers) in Russia and CIS - Develop direct and indirect sales and increase share in the market - Make strategic planning, forecasts and marketing (writing articles, preparation and making of presentations, trainings, etc.) - Supervising a team

Internal Communications Manager
Leading FMCG company - Develop effective internal communication's strategy - Continue developing existing communication tools - Attend business meetings to ensure the key trading messages are communicated - Prioritise and challenge all internal communications.

Бухгалтер на участок основные средства
Известная международная лизинговая компания - Учет ОС с отражением операций по поступлению, выбытию и списанию с оформлением первичных документов;<br/>- Контроль за правильностью оформления первичных документов и своевременностью их предоставления;<br/>- Определение финансового результата от реализации основных средств, начисление амортизации для бухгалтерского и налогового учета, подготовка налоговых регистров;<br/>- Контроль данных для начисления транспортного налога;<br/>- Учет НДС, относящегося к поступлению и выбытию ОС, записи книги покупок и книги продаж;<br/>- Подбор и подготовка пакета документов по требованиям ИФНС, запросам юристов и аудиторов;<br/>- Мониторинг действующего законодательства РФ в целях своевременного и правильного отражения операций в бухгалтерском и налоговом учете.

Senior Sales Manager
International Leader in Business Services with substantial growth achieved during the last 5 years Successful candidates will have the following background: - Fluent in English and Russian -University graduate, preferably with a Business or MBA degree -Should have international experience e.g. working with international clients or in a multinational corporation, living or studying abroad -Experience in a fast growing and dynamic working environment. -3+ year experience of successful value based B2B/consultative selling targeting senior executive level (HR Director, Purchasing Director and potentially CEO level in large corporations). -Genuine experience in identifying the needs of the company and creating a convincing value proposition that addresses critical business issues. -Strong pipeline management skills. -Maintaining personal network at Senior Management level within major Russian and multinational companies is mandatory (networking within HR Directors, Learning & Development Directors community is a strong plus).

Field Sales Manager (south Region)
One of the Leading Multinational FMCG companies Resposibilities: - Preparation, validation of the specific Business Plan, including market and competition analysis, identified issues and opportunities, selected priorities (portfolio, trade and other), strategy, action plans and projects / activities to be implemented. - Contribution to development of Area Strategy by consulting. - Being in line with business objectives and plans to control the budget performance of the Field Office. - The preparation of Sales forecast on the agreed Business Plans - The establishment and monitoring customer terms and conditions, negotiation of service fees. - The implementation of Trade Marketing Strategies and their applications; effective coverage of the retail in terms of frequency and quality of visits, POSM. - The development and coaching Sales Force, providing inputs and recommendations to development of Training programs, methods and tools.

Key Account Manager
Ona of the global leading providers of data storage and virtualization systems - Sell designated enterprise products to strategic clients and high-potential future accounts ($1 million+ sales) - Consistently build an effective pipeline and execute on each phase of the sales process - Establish relations with clients that allow the company to be seen as a trusted advisor

Operational Director
One of the leading retail companies in Russia - To create retail development strategy - To manage all the operations (retail, logistics, customer service) - To develop product strategy - To lead merchandising policy elaboration

Key Account Manager
Our client is the world's leading manufacturer and marketer of major home appliances - Contact assigned customer accounts or prospects to sell the organisation's products - Establish Annual Contract with Trade Partners - distributors, local chains and markets - Direct efforts to achieve sales goals in terms of units and profit - Negotiate Annual Trade Partner Plan - Educate Trade Partners on various products and services

Digital Crm Manager
Well-known multinational company Main responsibilities: - Lead of the cooperation with the digital agencies - Lead agency pitches and monitor agency performance through the year and feedback to foster high performance - Evaluate proposals in terms of creativity and effectiveness (coverage, CTR, etc.) - Responsible to develop a digital strategy and follow up on their implementation - Responsible to evaluate and build the first CRM strategy for the company - Responsible of the execution of cross digital activities and to manage all social media sites (i.e. Vkontakte, Facebook) in cooperation with BM's - Responsible to build one strong database - Analyze and interpret trends and information to identify and recommend opportunities

Business Intelligence Supervisor/analytics
Leading FMCG company - Ensure the Area sales organization is provided with accurate, updated and relevant data and reporting on a regular basis. - Sales analysis and forecast, business/product benchmarking, identifying targets for Area management reporting process in sales, brands and market performance indicators. - Provide information and analysis of retail and wholesale within the Area, distributors' activities. - Monitor Field Force results, call rates data, coverage by segments and trade channels in order to identify performance issues for Area Management. - Ensure the existing information systems and tools are properly administered and improved in line with the business needs and requirements. - Coordinate maintenance of the existing information systems and tools (sales cycle card adjutments, download and upload of the data, regular system maintenance). - Train Area Sales Force to work with sales reporting systems. - Manage, guide, motivate and provide structured feedback to Sales Information Team in the Area in order to develop their skills and competencies.

Marketing Manager
Worldwide company within the automotive industry This Marketing Manager position will have the following responsabilities: - market analysis, product's position, evaluation development trends - market researches - budget monitoring - business events - product & pricing positioning

Gr Manager
One of the worlds biggest retail companies - To lead all external communications' activities of the company - To develop press relations (Writing and translating texts, Press realeases) - To arrange materials for publications and monitoring reports or interviews. - To manage public relations and local events organization - To work closely with Board of Directors

Category Manager
International retail company one of the premium segment leaders of the fashion market - To develop brand's strategy and assortment - To control sales analytics and impove results day-to-day - To communicate with HQ to optimize collection for the Russian market - To manage pricing policy - To set up merchandising guidelines - To analyze the competitive environment

Senior Trade Marketing Manager
One of the leading FMCG companies - establish national Modern Trade investments strategy - build trade promotional plan jointly with KAM and RSM for key retail and top regional accounts - conduct development, execution, and performance of all co-packing projects - track promotional implementation, analyze investments efficiency, make result reports and presentations - provide sales with effective instruments for fast new launches listing, analyze listing targets - collect and relay feedback and suggestions from sales teams on activation results, promo-packs quality, off-takes and competitive offers

Консультант SAP BСS
Крупная международная горно-металлургическая компания Требования: - Высшее техническое образование - Опыт работы в SAP SEM BCS (настройка или поддержка функционирующей системы) от 2 лет - Базовые знания в области интеграции и работы модулей транзакционной системы SAP ERP (FI, CO) в части увязки с системой консолидации - Базовые знания BW (построение запросов/отчетов Bex, мэппинги) - Опыт работы в области консолидации отчетности, что выражается в знании методологии учета и консолидации в соответствии с МСФО - Английский язык (разговорный/письменный) - Готовность к командировкам (до 20% времени при необходимости) Обязанности: - Обработка инцидентов, выполнение запросов на изменение для SAP BCS - Поддержка формата загрузки данных DEF_BCS (техническая сторона) - Участие в обновлениях модуля SAP BCS, установки нот, поиск технических причин сбоев в работоспособности SAP BCS - Поддержка технической реализации mapping-ов для потока данных в КПС+ - Участие в технической реализации KPIs - Поддержка ролей пользователей в системе Консолидации SAP BCS - Подготовка технической документации для SAP BCS - Подготовка документации для обучения пользователей для SAP BCS - Проведения обучения пользователей SAP BCS - Разработка отчетов над кубами SAP BCS - Оказание методологических консультаций ключевым пользователям модуля SAP BCS Компенсационный пакет: - Зарплата до 150000 рублей Gross - Оформление по ТК РФ - "Белая" заработная плата + бонусы - Компенсация мобильной связи - ДМС, страхование жизни и здоровья - Офис м. Дмитровская (5 мин пешком от метро) С радостью рассматриваем кандидатов из других городов!

Ведущий консультант RE-FX (К4)
Крупная российская компания Требования: - Высшее образование (техническое или экономическое) - Опыт реализации следующей функциональности: - Ведение договоров по сделкам с имуществом, по услугам, связанным с имуществом; - Ведение сведений из правоустанавливающей и технической документации, хранение электронных копий документов; - Распределение на арендаторов затрат на обслуживание объектов недвижимости; - Корпоративное управление недвижимостью Обязанности: - Руководство группой консультантов по внедрению и развитию SAP RE-FX - Проектирование, реализация систем на базе решений SAP в части функциональности модуля RE-FX Компенсационный пакет: - Высокий уровень заработной платы до 200000 рублей (уровень зарплаты обсуждаем на первичном интервью в зависимости от опыта кандидата) - Полное соблюдение ТК РФ - Хорошая программа ДМС - Корпоративная мобильная связь - Полная компенсация командировок (не более 20%) - Программы профессионального и дополнительного обучения внутри компании - Бесплатные возможности заниматься спортом - Дружелюбный и профессиональный коллектив - Бесплатный английский язык - Рабочий день с 09:00 до 18:00 часов - Возможность профессионального роста

Старший консультант SAP MM
Крупная торговая компания Требования: - Высшее техническое образование - Опыт работы от 2х лет в аналогичной позиции или с аналогичным функционалом - Знание MM; желательны базовые знания LE, IS-Retail, BI, ABAP - Навыки Участие во внедрении SAP - Умение работать в команде Обязанности: - Настройка и сопровождение модулей MM/LE - Интеграция с WMS системой - Интеграция с SAP BI - Написание инструкций - Постановка ТЗ на доработку стандартных функциональностей - Оптимизация существующих бизнес - процессов Компенсационный пакет: - Зарплата до 170000 рублей NET - Территориальное расположение м. Дмитровская - Оформление и соц.пакет по ТК РФ - График работы 5/2 с 9:30 до 18:00

Disctribution Sales Manager
Our Client is a leading international measurement and testing equipment producer The position will include partner sales of measurement equipment, so we are looking for an experienced distribution network development specialist with a knowledge of the similar equipment

Technical Sales Manager
Leading internation test and measurement equipment producer The job is to advice clients directly for the technical side of the equipment at the sales process and after the equipment had been sold Our client produces measurement equipment and we are looking for a professional with a good understanding of this type of equipment

Sales Manager
Крупная международная нефтегазовая компания ищет кандидата на позицию Менеджер по Продажам (Моторные Обязанности: развитие и продвижение на рынок продуктов нефтехимической промышленности смазочных материалов крупной транснациональной компании разработка и заключение контрактов данных станций создание, расширение и последующее поддержание клиентской базы

В избранное