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Marcom Manager

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Marcom Manager
A global leader in imaging technology in industrial printing, medicine and optics - To manage all aspects of marketing communication for the Russian office, including planning, budgeting, execution and tracking of all kinds of marketing activities. - To support web, print, and other types of communication inside and outside the company. - To work in close connection with all divisions of the company, including head office, and with the company's partners and service providers. Requirements: - Creative, self-initiative, responsible, result-oriented and stress-resistant person able to work in extremely tight deadlines - At least 3 years of experience and fluent English are a must - Budgeting and account management experience is desired
Tax Manager
Fast growing pharmaceutical company * Tax risks and control * Tax compliance Requirements: * Higher degree in finance * 5+ years of experience in tax and legal area * Fluent English * Ability to work hands on
Business Analyst
World leader of the specialized equipment for maintaince and construction - To conduct the market and business analysis; - To provide Intelligence on macroeconomic situation, market trends; - To provide sufficient development of data packs, market overviews, industry analysis. Requirements: - High education; - Strong analytical skills; - Strong communication skills; - Previous proven experience in business analysis within leading foreign companies; - Soft skills: MS Office, VBA, SPSS; - Fluent English
Marketing Manager
World leader of the specialized equipment for maintaince and construction To act in: - Product Management; - Brand Management; - Marketing Communication Requirements: - High education; - Strong analytical skills; - Strong communication skills; - Previous proven experience in Marketing in leading foreign companies; - Fluent English
Business Analytic
World leader of the specialized equipment for maintaince and construction - To conduct the market and business analysis; - To provide Intelligence on macroeconomic situation, market trends; - To provide sufficient development of data packs, market overviews, industry analysis. Requirements: - High education; - Strong analytical skills; - Strong communication skills; - Previous proven experience in business analysis within leading foreign companies; - Soft skills: MS Office, VBA, SPSS; - Fluent English
Retail Sales Manager
World leader of the specialized equipment for maintaince and construction - To lead the Sales team; - To develop sales channels. Requirements: - High education; - Strong analytical skills; - Strong communication skills; - Previous proven experience of sales in Retail, B2B; in leading foreign companies; - Fluent English.
Head Of Retail Division
One of the biggest casualwear chains in Russia - To assume fiull responsibility for retail unit operations of the company including sales, marketing and visual merchandising structures. - To work in tight cooperation with purchasing, sales and visual merchandising divisions to achieve the goals set by the Board. Requirements: The successful candidate will have the following: - A sound experience of managing a retail chain in the sphere of fashion, durables or FMCG - A strong personality able to withstand the pressure of intensive work cycle. - Systemic mind and ability to build a strong organization that is able to function properly without constant supervision.
Генеральный директор по России и СНГ
Международная компания, владеющая известным мотобрендом Уникальная карьерная возможность Наш клиент - международная компания, владеющая известным мотобрендом, рассматривает кандидатов на позицию Генерального Директора по России и странам СНГ. Это уникальная возможность стать членом одной из самых успешных и креативных управленческих команд. Генеральный директор по России и СНГ Ключевые обязанности ∙ Руководство командой и развитие деятельности компании, направленное на достижение поставленных целей, включая рост продаж и увеличение прибыли, а также улучшение системы работы с потребителями. ∙ Активное развитие дилерской сети на территории России и стран СНГ. ∙ Обеспечение продаж мотоциклов, запчастей, аксессуаров и сопутствующих товаров. Выполнение планов по дилерским, розничным продажам и финансовым показателям. ∙ Повышение узнаваемости бренда и ценности бизнеса. ∙ Разработка кампании по развитию розничного сегмента. ∙ Обеспечение бесперебойного функционирования системы поставок. ∙ Эффективные внешние коммуникации с акционерами, клиентами компании, государственными органами, общественными организациями и представителями СМИ. ∙ Найм, обучение, оценка и развитие персонала компании. Профиль кандидата ∙ Обязательные требования предъявляемые к кандидату: высшее образование, свободное владение английским языком, международный опыт работы. ∙ Знание особенностей рынков России, стран СНГ и эффективное сочетание их с корпоративными принципами, принятыми в компании. ∙ Глубокие практические знания в сфере продаж, маркетинга и финансов обязательны. ∙ Кандидат должен обладать ярко выраженными лидерскими качествами и харизмой. ∙ Кандидат должен быть способным поддерживать высокий уровень репутации бренда компании, не только как продукта, но и как стиля жизни у всех целевых аудиторий компании. ∙ Успешный кандидат должен быть готовым проводить до 50% времени в командировках по России и за рубежом. Ваше резюме и сопроводительное письмо на английском языке присылайте, пожалуйста, Аллану Салливану (Executive Director) на электронный адрес asullivan@staffwell.com не позднее 14 августа 2010 года. В строке «тема письма» укажите, пожалуйста, номер данной вакансии-«APS 001».
Finance Controller
FMCG non-food company *Direct reportin line to F&A Director * Management accounting *Key person for Month End Closure full cycle *Compliance with internal Procedures and GAAP *Ad hoc and management reporting *SOX compliance *Constant processes improvement *Managing 25 subordinates Requirements: *Higher Degree in finance and accounting *4+ experience in Finance, preferrably in an international company *Strong GAAP knowledge is a must, certificate is an additional advantage *Fluent English *Experienced user of 1C *Advanced user of Excel *Good communication skills *Ability to work under pressure and ability to meet deadlines * Proven managerial experience
Head Of Treasury
International goup of companies To manage the funding and cash management of the group. Specific responsibilities include: - The management of staff - The bank relationship management - Managing the credit facilities with the banks and the internal loans and borrowings - Managing hedging activities in co-operation with the parent company - Managing the daily cash management - Managing the contingent liabilities like bank guarantees and letter of credits Requirements: Experience of work in international companies on treasury functions Candidates BOTH from St Pete and Moscow (willing to relocate for some time)
Главный маркетолог
Крупный российский FMCG производитель, лидер в своем рыночном сегменте в РФ Работодатель: ∙ Крупный российский FMCG производитель, лидер в своем рыночном сегменте в РФ ∙ Находится во владении фонда прямых инвестиций ∙ Расположен в г. Москва Функциональные обязанности 1) Сбор и анализ информации о рынках и конкурентах компании: ∙ Определение и прогнозирование объемов потребления по товарным группам/потребителям на рынках присутствия компании ∙ Изучение состояния и динамики потребительских привычек, предпочтений и степени удовлетворенности ∙ Мониторинг положения компании на рынке: доля рынка, лидерство по параметрам ∙ Мониторинг конкурентов: ассортимент, инвестиции, позиционирование, доля рынка 2) Разработка маркетинговых мер и их реализация, в том числе: ∙ Разработка, позиционирование и продвижение бренда/портфеля брендов; реализация комплекса соответствующих маркетинговых мероприятий ATL+BTL ∙ Участие в разработке новых продуктов и ассортиментной политики ∙ Участие в определении политики ценообразования ∙ Участие в развитии новых клиентов/групп клиентов ∙ Мониторинг и работа со СМИ, выполнение функций PR-менеджера, организация мероприятий ∙ Участие в формировании ежегодного бюджета компании, ее инвестиционной программы Требования к успешным кандидатам: ∙ Высшее образование, желательно профильное или экономическое ∙ Стаж работы в маркетинге и продажах не менее 4х лет (в том числе на руководящей должности с наличием подчиненных) ∙ Нестандартное мышление, способность быстро перестраиваться, умение работать в команде ∙ Аналитические способности, навыки решения проблем и прогнозирования ∙ Презентационные навыки ∙ Английский язык Компенсация: определяется в индивидуальном порядке по результатам интервью Кандидатам просьба направлять резюме на: vacancy_moscow@mail.ru
Директор по маркетингу
Крупный российский FMCG производитель, лидер в своем рыночном сегменте в РФ Работодатель: ∙ Крупный российский FMCG производитель, лидер в своем рыночном сегменте в РФ ∙ Находится во владении фонда прямых инвестиций ∙ Расположен в г. Москва Функциональные обязанности 1) Сбор и анализ информации о рынках и конкурентах компании: ∙ Определение и прогнозирование объемов потребления по товарным группам/потребителям на рынках присутствия компании ∙ Изучение состояния и динамики потребительских привычек, предпочтений и степени удовлетворенности ∙ Мониторинг положения компании на рынке: доля рынка, лидерство по параметрам ∙ Мониторинг конкурентов: ассортимент, инвестиции, позиционирование, доля рынка 2) Разработка маркетинговых мер и их реализация, в том числе: ∙ Разработка, позиционирование и продвижение бренда/портфеля брендов; реализация комплекса соответствующих маркетинговых мероприятий ATL+BTL ∙ Участие в разработке новых продуктов и ассортиментной политики ∙ Участие в определении политики ценообразования ∙ Развитие новых клиентов/групп потребителей ∙ Мониторинг и работа со СМИ, выполнение функций PR-менеджера, организация мероприятий ∙ Участие в формировании ежегодного бюджета компании, ее инвестиционной программы 3) Институционализация маркетинговой функции в компании, в том числе: ∙ Формирование лидирующей на профильном рынке маркетинговой команды ∙ Реализация мер по институционализации маркетинговой функции (формирование политик, процедур, подготовка отчетности) Требования к успешным кандидатам: ∙ Высшее образование, желательно профильное или экономическое ∙ Стаж работы в маркетинге и продажах не менее 4х лет (в том числе на руководящей должности с наличием подчиненных) ∙ Нестандартное мышление, способность быстро перестраиваться, умение работать команде ∙ Аналитические способности, навыки решения проблем и прогнозирования ∙ Презентационные навыки ∙ Английский язык Компенсация: определяется в индивидуальном порядке по результатам интервью Кандидатам просьба направлять резюме на: vacancy_moscow@mail.ru
Cfo (russian Or Expat!)
International company Looking for well-educated, logical professional experience Russian or expat candidates with proven experience in financial management of international companies Requirements: Completed ACCA and/or CPA and/or CFA and/or CIMA and/or CMA certificates Russian language plus but not crutial Candidates NOT changing jobs every 2-3 years
Key Account Manager
Leading baby food producer - Развитие дистрибуции продукции компании в закрепленных розничных сетях - Планирование, организация и контроль деятельности супервайзеров по работе с ключевыми клиентами - Организация и контроль эффективного целевого использования бюджетов направленных на развитие дистрибуции, мерчандайзинга и объема продаж - Подготовка периодических прогнозов продаж, планов по развитию розничной дистрибуции и продвижению торговых марок компании в формате, согласованном с руководством Компании - Личное посещение торговых точек и офисов клиентов для контроля качества обслуживания их торговыми представителями и оценки состояния рынка - Поддержание эффективных взаимоотношений с ключевыми клиентами - Обеспечение процесса обмена опытом и информацией между всеми сотрудниками отдела продаж, координация взаимодействия работы отдела продаж с другими отделами Требования: - Высшее образование - Базовые знания и навыки по управлению финансами - Уверенный пользователь ПК - Навыки ведения переговоров - Свободное знание английского языка на рабочем уровне - Водительское удостоверение категории В
Territory Manager
Leading international FMCG company - To take over responsibility for 1/3 of Moscow region - To manage a team of supervisors, sales representatives - To manage current distributors - To increase sales Requirements: - Experienced Area Sales Manager from top FMCG companies - Ability to work in start up business - Willingness to grow rapidly in dynamic environment
Business/product Development Manager
One of Russia?s leading telecommunications companies The role: Develops services based on vendor related products and if appropriate, coordinates the relation with (a) vendor(s) for product and service related matters. Responsibilities: - Develops services based on products of our key supplier (Cisco) with end-to-end responsibility from opportunity identification to product launch - Manages the relationship with those suppliers for product and services related matters (if relevant) - Is responsible for meeting the vendor certification requirements - Contributes to the 12-month Product & Services roadmap - Proposes yearly budget framework aggregating all relevant CAPEX and OPEX elements (P&L view on his/her P&S) - Delivers new Products & Services and commercial solutions. - Performs In-life management of existing Products & Services or commercial solutions - Interacts with The Group peers for his/her P&S (best practise sharing, product evolutions) Requirements: Skills, Experience and Qualifications: - Profound knowledge of the Telecom and IT business in Russia - Profound knowledge of "managed" vendor product portfolio: CISCO - Profound understanding of strategic business development areas of "managed" vendor (for pro-active integration of new business opportunities within product portfolio) - University degree - Minimum 5 years experience in Product Development/Business - Development/Vendor Management preferably within IT/Telecommunications (Cisco, Avaya, Tandberg) - Computer literate - MS Office - MS Project - MS Excell - Project Management skills - Proficient in Russian and English - Stress resistant - Communication skills - Very good analytical skills - Persuasiveness - Team worker - Positive impacts on others - Listening skills
Cfo (russian Or Expat!)
Interntional company Looking for well-educated, logical professional experience Russian or expat candidates with proven experience in financial management of international companies Requirements: Completed ACCA and/or CPA and/or CFA and/or CIMA and/or CMA certificates Russian language plus but not crutial Candidates NOT changing jobs every 2-3 years
Cfo (russian Or Expat!)
Interntional company Looking for well-educated, logical professional experience Russian or expat candidates with proven experience in financial management of international companies Requirements: Completed ACCA and/or CPA and/or CFA and/or CIMA and/or CMA certificates Russian plus but not crutial
Marketing Director
Our client is one of the leading automotive producers, now looking for an experienced Marketing Dire - Formulate and agree a compelling Consumer Driven Marketing Strategy for the Russia business, covering all aspects of strategic and tactical marketing - Ensure the company achieves market advantage by utilizing research and competitive evaluation to drive model specifications and focused investment strategies to meet the demands of the Russian market and maximize profit - Develop, motivate and manage a strong team to ensure top quality implementation of the marketing plan - Assume full responsibility for the marketing budget and development of advertising, direct marketing and PR initiatives at national and local level - Must be able to manage the relationship with the advertising and marketing services agencies, motivating and enthusing them to produce cost-effective campaigns and monitoring fees and expenditure to maximize utilization of funds - Develop an ongoing "brand health" evaluation system to monitor/track effectiveness of Marketing investment Requirements: - Upper Class Degree/Marketing qualification (preferably) - Proven track record of "blue-chip" consumer brand building with substantial budgets, both above and below-the-line (7-10 years experience) - Experience in AUTOMOBILE Industry - Experience in all aspects of Marketing Strategy, campaign development and implementation - Experience at building and managing teams - Experience in trade marketing and distributor management - Strong background/knowledge of the production/manufacturing function and a full appreciation of the value chain - Experience in setting up system from "zero" - Managerial experience - Flexibility - Sense of urgency and result orientation - Willingness for frequent business trips - Good command of English (oral and written)
Chief Accountant
One of the world's leaders in consumer goods market To take over responsibility to manage accounting department (around 12 people) Be key person to represent all management report based on RAS Requirements: Higher degree in finance and accounting 5+ years at the position of Chief Accountant, preferably in trade/sales company Proven managerial experience Good knowledge of 1C Good level of English
Top Russian IT-corporation presented on international markets Top Russian IT-corporation aimed for significant development and expansion on international markets and evolution of the finance function is looking for an experienced CFO. A person with strong theoretical and practical knowledge is required. Mature finance professional, flexible, hard-working, focused on result and perfection, ready to "bring the business to new horizons". The person will be responsible for: - Bringing the finance function to a new level - Development of the finance strategy - Monitoring, evaluation and controlling of strategy development - Transactions support Requirements: The ideal candidate will have: - Extensive international experience in finance - Experience with M&A, restructuring, strategy development - Experience in communication with consultants, auditors, investment bankers - Solid experience in US GAAP/IFRS and RAS - Excellent comunication in Russian and English, good interpersonal skills - Good knowledge of IT-systems and business process management - Experience in ERP-systems implementation is preferred - Leadership skills - Ability to manage the finance team of up to 100 employees - IT/Telecom experience is preferred - Relevant finance education, preference to MBA - Western accounting qualification preferred (CPA, ACCA)
Chief Accountant
International b2b/trade company To develop, implement and ensure accounting standards and internal procedures, accounting reporting system. To contact tax authorities, prepare balance sheet and other finance re-ports. * Prepares and complies Balance Sheet, General Ledger, Profit and Loss report and other accounting documentation for presentation to management, local authorities and shareholders. * Provides taxation, advises management on tax issues. Supervises VAT return. * Ensures accounting system applied in Company is effective and adherence to Russian legislation. Ensures adherence to Company policies and procedures. * Organizes, manages and supervises effective work of the accounting personnel. Works with other departments if problems arise. * Monitors and verifies accounting records in accordance with the Russian accounting standards. * Keeps contacts with audit companies. * Participates in drawing up of budget. Performs budget and finance plan control. * Controls all rubles and foreign currency payments, adherence to currency control procedures, passports of import / export deals, controls banking operations (credits, deposits, and guarantees). * Works with banks on large-scale cash flow. Provides control of records on credit and deposit interests, inter-bank cash flows. * Prepares credit and cash flow reports to management. * Participates in development and implementation of various projects in the field of accounting (Oracle project, etc.). * Carries out other tasks given by immediate manager on base of production necessity. Requirements: * Degree in Economics / Finance / Accounting. * 3+ years of similar work experience (chief accountant / deputy chief accountant). * Experience in preparation of consolidated accounting reports. * Professional experience with foreign companies is a plus. * English (fluent). * Advanced PC user (MS Office, etc.). Experienced user of ERPs of Oracle or SAP R3 level
Chief Accountant
Leading international retail store chain of fashion goods/shoes, actively presented on Russian marke - Accounting maintenance under RAS and other local requirements (tax, legal, etc.) - Preparation of financial statements for management reporting purposes - Ensure timely and accurate preparation of financial statements (including monthly, quarterly and annual financial statements) and timely submission of tax returns and other relevant documents - Verification and reconciliation for invoices/receipts/balances according to department checks and balances procedures. - Treasury management and payments/billing controlling - Accounting policies and procedures development - Control for changes in the local legislation and their relevant application in accounting - Supervision and control of payables and receivables, bank, treasury and tax - Procurement of insurance services and management of relevant processes - Prepares a variety of studies, reports and related information for decision-making purposes. - Coordination of activities with other departments and work groups as needed - Management of an accounting team of up to 5 employees - Liaison with ERP implementation team for correct implementation of Navision - Ensuring 1C software is correct and up-to-date - Liaison with auditors and tax authorities Requirements: - Higher degree in finance, accounting or economics - Good knowledge of RAS, international reporting is a plus - Significant experience in accounting in a managing/supervising role for more than 5 years - Ability to manage high volume of transactions - Experience in cross-cultural environments - Ability to solve issues and deliver solutions - Experience in retail and wholesale companies is a plus - Upper-intermediate English
Chief Accountant
International b2b/trade company RAS Management of big accounting department ERP Requirements: Good people management Knowledge of international ERPs Stable experience (not changing jobs every 2 years)
Sales Training Manager
Leading cosmetics company - Составление/адаптация учебных программ - Проведение анализа потребностей в обучении - Создание плана обучения - Формирование расписания учебных мероприятий/семинаров, контроль результатов проведенных учебных мероприятий/семинаров представляемых торговых марок - Составление бюджета на учебные мероприятия/семинары (планирование расходов на командировки, организацию учебных мероприятий/семинаров изготовление/подготовку всех необходимых для обучения методических и дидактических материалов), контроль исполнения бюджета - Организация и проведение обучения (в Москве и в других регионах Российской Федерации) консультантов и региональных представителей Работодателя, продавцов-консультантов и иных представителей клиентов Работодателя по использованию и составу, а также технике продаж продукции представляемых торговых марок - Организация и проведение интерактивных обучающих программ ("флэш-тренинг") для продавцов-консультантов клиентов Работодателя, закрепленных за определенной представляемой торговой маркой - Проведение на регулярной основе аттестации профессиональных знаний и навыков консультантов по использованию, составу и технике продаж продукции представляемых торговых марок - Поддержание контактов с центрами обучения представляемых торговых марок, получение и перевод с английского на русский язык всей необходимой информации по продукции представляемой торговой марки, составление обучающих программ и подготовка раздаточного дидактического материала на основе полученной информации - Создание макетов брошюр и буклетов по продукции представляемых торговых марок - Создание и практическое воплощение мотивационной программы для продавцов-консультантов клиентов Работодателя, закрепленных за определенной представляемой торговой маркой - Выполнение по поручению Работодателя иных действий, имеющих непосредственное отношение к выполняемой трудовой функции Требования: - Опыт на аналогичной позиции - Отличные презентационные и коммуникативные навыки - Свободный английский - Опыт проведения тренингов по продукту
Service Sales Manager
A worldwide leading heavy industry company - To be responsible for new business development in the field of gas turbine service and repair - To ensure proper management of existing clients - To create customized solutions for lcustomers, hold price negotiations, prepare contracts and control accounts receivables Requirements: - A self-motivated and energetic person able to keep motivation during long sales cycles - An experienced salesperson, who was educated and worked in the field of electric energy and gas turbines - A good networker and negotiator able to reach and convince decision makers
Chief Accountant
International b2b/trade company RAS Management of big accounting department ERP Requirements: Good people management Knowledge of international ERPs
Finance Controller
Retail chain 1. Ensure excellence in Management Reporting to local executive team every period, including a. Executive reporting to Leadership Team b. Store reporting to RGMs c. Cost center reports for local Function Leaders d. Required period reports to provide detailed analysis and support 2. Ensure excellence in reporting: a. External financial reporting from international reporting units on a period basis in accordance with U.S. GAAP and accounting policies. Leading resolution of issues arising from the Market. b. Comprehensive external financial reporting on a quarterly basis. Highest quality for inclusion in External Reporting. Leading resolution of issues arising from the Market. This includes Controller Deck. Addressing issues and providing analysis to explain material changes and developments from month to month, quarter to quarter, year to year c. Ownership of accounting for complex transactions. Significant ad hoc accounting projects, resolution of complex technical issues, e.g. Accounting Centralization d. Accounting policy documentation, including exception management 3. Excellence in transaction processing, including: a. Sales reporting b. Cash collection from stores c. Accounts payable including food and paper, rent, utilities, G&A and fixed assets d. Cash payments e. T&E reporting f. 3rd Party Franchise Accounts. Billing, cash collection, dispute resolution and reporting g. Intercompany Franchise Accounts Receivable/Payable. Billing, cash collection, dispute resolution and reporting h. Liaison with other functions as appropriate to ensure properly reported (e.g. payroll accounting and reporting from HR, inventory from Ops) i. Maintain approval matrix j. Credit control - ensure timely collection of amounts owed to Market k. Reporting of appropriate journal entries, including depreciation expense l. Recording appropriate Local to US GAAP adjustments 4. Excellence in statutory reporting. Standards of statutory reporting include preparation and submission regular statutory reports (accounting and tax) in order to maintain their corporate identity and limited liability. High standards and compliance in this area are vital if we are to protect the huge benefits from "financing strategies". 5. Excellence in other aspects of local compliance (VAT reporting, income tax reporting etc) 6. Establish control standards and perform balance sheet reviews. Present findings to local management and senior management. 7. Oversee SOX testing for key processes and co-ordinate high quality on-time completion of required testing 8. Be process and control leader for market. Provide training, including case studies Requirements: EDUCATION: Master's Degree required, preferably in accounting EXPERIENCE (and other qualifications): Significant experience in multi-national environment. Excellent oral and written communication skills. Must be able to communicate and inter-act in Russian and English CPA, Chartered Accountant (or significant equivalent) with experience in U.S. GAAP and/or IFRS Preferably Big 4 auditor trained Proven project management skills Strong influencing and analytical skills Ability to work under pressure against tight deadlines Professional maturity Willingness to travel as required
Finance Manager (start-up)
Start-up of European services company To have overall control over payables and receivables functions with responsibility for supporting and developing staff, employed in these areas. To have overall responsibility for installing and maintaining efficient and effective systems of internal control which will ensure that the assets of the business are adequately controlled and will enable accurate and timely financial information to be provided to shareholders and management to support all areas of the business. Requirements: *Higher degree in finance and accounting * Excellent knowledge of import, logistics, retail and production activities * 5+ years of successful experience as Chief Accountant * Proven experience with transformation and consolidation according to IAS * Ability to hire, train and develop junior staff * Good command of English *User of 1C

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