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News of the Federal Legislation

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Form November 1, 2009, there is putted in effect the Rules of appraisal of requests about participation in the competition for the right to conclude a state or a municipal contract for supply of goods, making works, rendering services

Form November 1, 2009, there is putted in effect the Rules of appraisal of requests about participation in the competition for the right to conclude a state or a municipal contract for supply of goods, making works, rendering services
2009-11-02 06:00


Form November 1, 2009, there is putted in effect the Rules of appraisal of requests about participation in the competition for the right to conclude a state or a municipal contract for supply of goods, making works, rendering services

From November 1, 2009, there is putted into effect the Decree of the RF Government N 722 of September 10, 2009 (document is in Russian), by which it is approved the Rules determining the procedure for appraisal of requests about participation in the competition for the right to conclude a state or a municipal contract for supply of goods, making works, rendering services for state or municipal needs, content and importance of criteria of requests appraising depending on kinds of goods, works, services for appraisal and comparison of requests in purposes of revealing of bests terms for execution a state or a municipal contract.

There are approved the rates of export customs duties for raw oil
2009-11-02 06:00


There are approved the rates of export customs duties for raw oil

By the Decree of the RF Government N 850 of October 28, 2009 (document is in Russian), it is approved the rates of export customs duties for raw oil and certain categories of goods manufactured from it exporting from the territory of the Russian Federation outside the boarders of states - participants of agreements about the Customs Union. In particular the rate of export customs duty for raw oil (code of the TN VED of Russia 2709 00) is 231,2 USD dollar for 1000 kg.

The Decree shall putt into effect since November 1, 2009.

There has been approved the Statute on customs clearance and customs control of air vessels, as well as goods transferring through the customs boarder of the Russian Federation by these vessels
2009-11-02 06:00


There has been approved the Statute on customs clearance and customs control of air vessels, as well as goods transferring through the customs boarder of the Russian Federation by these vessels

By the Order of the Federal Customs Service of Russia N 1777 of September 29, 2009 (document is in Russian), it is approved the Statute regulating the procedure for customs clearance and customs control of air vessels and goods transferring by them, at arrival and departure to the customs territory of the Russian Federation, as well as the order at making intermediate, forced (refueling) landing by air vessels to the customs territory of the Russian Federation.

The Order has been registered in the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation N 15102 of October 26, 2009.

There is specified the competence of specialized customs bodies, in which region of activity there are air cross-points and international airports (airdromes)
2009-11-02 06:00


There is specified the competence of specialized customs bodies, in which region of activity there are air cross-points and international airports (airdromes)

 By the Order of the Federal Customs Service of Russia N 1643 of September, 10, 2009 (document is in Russian), it is established, in particular, that customs bodies specifying in the Annex N 2 to the Order have the competence in making customs operations in respect of:

- goods placing under the customs regime of export and withdrawing from the customs territory of the Russian Federation from other air cross-point or an international airport;

- goods placing under other special customs regimes independently of kind of transport by which these goods shall be transferred through the customs boarder of the Russian Federation;

- goods placing under the customs regimes of temporary import, temporary export, re-export, re-import, transferring through the customs boarder of the Russian Federation by means of air transport;

- goods and (or) processing products, wastes (rests) importing (exporting) in accordance with customs regimes of processing in the customs territory or outside the customs territory independently of kind of transport by which these goods shall be transferred through the customs boarder of the Russian Federation.

  The Order has been registered in the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation N 15084 of October 22, 2009 and shall put into effect since March 1, 2010.

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