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News of the Federal Legislation

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The Federal Act "On credit cooperation" has been adopted

The Federal Act "On credit cooperation" has been adopted
2009-07-23 08:00


The Federal Act "On credit cooperation" has been adopted

The Federal Act N 190-FZ of July 18, 2009 (document is in Russian) has established legal, economical and organizational fundamentals for creation and activity of credit consumers' cooperatives of different kinds and levels, unions (associations) and other formations of credit consumers' cooperatives.

The Federal Act has determined that credit consumers' cooperative is voluntary association of natural persons and (or) legal entities on the basis of membership and in accordance with territorial, professional and (or) other principal in the purpose of satisfaction of financial needs of credit cooperative members.

As member of credit cooperative, there may be natural persons reached the age of 16 and (or) legal entities.

Administration bodies of credit cooperative are general meeting of members of credit cooperative, board of administration of credit cooperative, sole executive body of credit cooperative, auditing body of credit cooperative, as well as other bodies which may be provided by the charter of credit cooperative and internal normative documents of credit cooperative.

Credit cooperatives determined in the Federal Act are obliged to enter to a self-regulated organization during tree month since the day of their creation.

The Federal Act shall putt into effect upon expiration of 10 days after the day of its official publication except certain clauses.

The amendments are made to articles 17_1 and 53 of the Federal Act "On protection of the competition"
2009-07-23 08:00


The amendments are made to articles 17_1 and 53 of the Federal Act "On protection of the competition"

The Federal Act N 173-FZ of July 17, 2009 (document is in Russian) has made the amendments to articles 17_1 and 53 of the Federal Act N 135-FZ "On protection of the competition" of July 26, 2006 (document is in Russian). In particular, there are specified the features of procedure for conclusion contracts in respect of state and municipal property.

So the Federal Act has established that before July 1, 2015, it is permitted to conclude lease contracts which were concluded before July 1, 2008, for new period with entities of small and medium entrepreneurship with exceptions determined by the act without competitions or trades in respect of property determined by the act.

The Federal Act shall putt into effect since the day of official publication except certain clause.

The amendments are made to the Federal Act "On protection of the competition"
2009-07-23 08:00


The amendments are made to the Federal Act "On protection of the competition"

The amendments made by the Federal Act N 164-FZ of July 17, 2009 (document is in Russian) have specified the notion of monopoly high and monopoly low price of good, the procedure for consideration of dominating position of economic entity and the procedure for granting of state and municipal preference.

So the Federal Act has regulated the procedure for examinations of legal entities and sole traders by antimonopoly body.

The Federal Act shall putt into effect upon expiration of thirty days after the day of its official publication except certain provisions.

There is postponed putting into effect of norms about organization of retail markets
2009-07-23 08:00


There is postponed putting into effect of norms about organization of retail markets

The Federal Act N 156-FZ of July 17, 2009 (document is in Russian) has made the amendments to article 24 of the Federal Act N 271-FZ "On retail markets and on amendments to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation" of December 30, 2006 (document is in Russian), which postpone enforcement of norms about use for trade organizing only capital constructions and their equipment with observance of architectural, town-planning and construction norms and rules, requirements established by government authority of constituent of the Russian Federation from January 1, 2010 to January 1, 2013. In respect of agriculture markets and agriculture cooperative markets, enforcement of these norms is postponed from January 1, 2012 to January 1, 2015.

The amendments are made to the Federal Act "On non-commercial organizations"
2009-07-23 08:00


The amendments are made to the Federal Act "On non-commercial organizations"

The amendments putted by the Federal Act N 170-FZ of July 17, 2009 (document is in Russian) are established that submission of documents drawn up in inappropriate order at state registration of a non-commercial organization is the reason not for refusal in registration but for suspension of this procedure for period up to three months.

The decision about refusal in state registration or about suspension of state registration of a non-commercial institution should be made not later than fourteen working days from the day of receipt of submitted documents.
So the Federal Act has determined that examinations of conformity of a non-commercial organization activities, including expending of monetary funds and use of other property, purposes provided in its constitutive documents, should be carried out with periodicity established by the Federal Act N 294-FZ "On protection of rights of legal entities and sole traders at making state control (supervision) and municipal control" of December 26, 2008 (document is in Russian) in order established by authorized body.

The Federal Act shall putt into effect since August 1, 2009 except certain provisions.

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