
Here are some questions I've found interesting. Answers are below. Do not
cheat! :)
1. of their size and weight, the grizzly bear is remarkably
quick and nimble creature
A - Animal
B - For Animal
C - As an animal
D - To be an animal
2. many other fruits, cherries must ripen "on the vine"
A - Unlikely
B - Different
C - Dislike
D - Unlike
3. Often, the higher octaine number of gasoline, the less
"knocking" occurs in the engine as the fuel is burned, so long as the engine
is otherwise in good maintenance.
A - an
B - the
C - is
D - than
4. Barbara Tuchman, a renowned historian, was the first woman president of the Academy of Arts and Sciences.
A - whose election as
B - to elect
C - was elected to be
D - to be elected
Answers - 1-B, 2-D, 3-B, 4-D.
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