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Слововбиватель (радикальное запоминание английских слов)

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Слововбиватель - радикальное запоминание английских слов.
Сайт рассылки - english.inrussia.org.

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Приветствую всех новых подписчиков, а таковых со времени выхода предыдущего выпуска - более 9000. Из-за резкого скачка желающих поучаствовать в нелегком деле изучения английских слов пришлось изменить содержание этого выпуска. Возможно, кто-то заходил на страницу subscribe.ru/catalog/job.lang.slovo, где расположен архив рассылки, и знакомился с предыдущими выпусками. Но большинство все же не было там, поэтому в этом выпуске я расскажу о самой рассылке и о том, что было в предыдущих выпусках.

Что помогает лучше всего запоминать английские слова? Давайте по порядку.

1. Обильное общение на английском языке.
2. Обильное одностороннее восприятие английской речи (с пониманием - хотя бы частичным).
3. Обильное чтение (желательно вслух).
4. Знание приемов запоминания.
5. Знание слов других языков (в том числе родного).

Первый способ является самым лучшим. Но тут я бессилен. Второй способ технически неосуществим в рамках рассылки (по крайней мере на данном этапе). Все остальные способы мы и будем использовать.

В каждом выпуске рассылки вы найдете:

1. Ввод новых слов.
2. Их отработку с использованием все новых и новых приемов запоминания.
3. Адаптированный (облегченный) текст для закрепления слов.

* * *

Этот выпуск предназначен прежде всего для тех, кто не изучал английский язык по интернет-курсу English.inRussia.org. Сложность лексического и грамматического материала в рассылке соответсвует третьему - высшему модулю вышеупомянутого курса. Все выпуски рассылки будут являться как бы дополнительными уроками - 46-ым, 47-ым и т.д. Все, кроме этого.

В этом выпуске размещен материал из 43, 44 и 45 уроков. Он поможет тем, кто не проходил курс, а был подписан только на данную рассылку. Для тех, кому представленный материал знаком, предоставляется возможность повторения.

При наведениии (не нажатии) курсора на слова, выделенные коричневым цветом, всплывают перевод и другие подсказки. Зеленым цветом выделены звуковые ссылки, при нажатии на которые можно услышать звучание соответсвующего слова. Это возможно только при работе on-line. Это условие также необходимо для показа некоторых транскипционных знаков - картинок. Если возникли проблемы со звуком, см. здесь.

Ну, а что касается вбивания слов, посмотрите, как вбивается слово

fist - кулак (только on-line).

Думаю, запомнится надолго.


Если Вы новичек в английском языке, и материал рассылки кажется Вам сложным, - займитесь изучением языка с помощью озвученного интернет-курса для начинающих - english.inrussia.org. Заниматься можно как платно, так и бесплатно. Подробности на сайте.

Stealing the Hills
Josephine Feeney

When I was thirteen they closed the coal mine in our village. steal [sti:l] - красть;
['vili] - деревня;
A lot of people from the village worked there. My Dad and my two brothers were miners. Every day they walked up the hill to work. They worked far down, where they dug out the coal. ''It's hard work, Susan,'' my Dad often said to me.
When the mine closed everybody was sad. For years the miners worked hard to dig out more coal. Then, one Friday, my Dad and my brothers came home with a letter from the boss of the mine.


letter - письмо;

Dear Sir,
Thank you for working hard over the years.
I'm sad to say that because we have no more money, the mine will close.

Good luck to you all,
Brian Overton.


money ['mni] - деньги;

good luck ... - удачи ...;
Brian ['brain] - Брайен;

Eight hundred people worked at the mine. They all lost their jobs. Without jobs, they didn't have much money, so some of the shops in the village closed down too. lose [lu:z] (lost) - терять;
without [wiaut] - без;
With hundreds of others, my Dad went and looked for work. He was unlucky. ''I'm too old,'' he said. ''I'll never find another job.'' find [faind] - найти;
unlucky - несчастливый;
My brothers went to Birmingham and looked for work there. My Mum and Dad were very unhappy about this.
All the young people started to leave the village. Mum and Dad were always sad. They never smiled. I felt unhappy too, so I liked to get away from it all. young [j] - молодой;
leave [li:v] - покидать;
My friend Julie and I went for walks in the Country Park. It is so beautiful there. It's a lovely place to go for a walk and get away from it all. lovely ['lvli] - прекрасный;
place [pleis] - место;
The Country Park is about a mile outside the village. If you walk up the hill in the park, you can look down over the village. You can also see for miles and miles. It's a lovely place to sit and talk and forget about the world. outside ['aut'said] - вне;
also ['lsu] - также;
talk [t:k] - разговаривать;
forget [f'get] - забывать;
After the mine closed, Julie and I went to the Country Park every day. We walked slowly up the big hill and then sat up there. We looked down at the village. after [a:ft] - после;
slowly ['sluli] - медленно;
''Everybody's very sad,'' Julie said.
''I know. My Mum and Dad are unhappy bacause my brothers aren't here now''.
''My Dad has a lot of time at home now - he doesn't know what to do with it,'' Julie said.
''We want more jobs in the village,'' I said.
''Yes, jobs for everybody,'' Julie said.
Then suddenly, there were lots of new jobs. suddenly ['sdnli] - вдруг.

That was when Mr Beech arrived in the village. arrive ['raiv] - прибывать;
Mr Beech drove into the centre of the village in his big car. He walked into the post office and spoke to everybody there. drive [draiv] - ехать;
post office - почта;
After that he went next door to the bread shop where he spent a lot of money. Mrs Dale, the shop-assistant, put everything into a big box. bread [bred] - хлеб;
spend (spent) - тратить;
In the supermarket, Mr Beech spoke to all the workers and looked at the food. ''How are things?'' he asked when he paid. pay [pei] - платить;
''Not very good,'' one worker said. ''There's not much money round here. Not after...''
''The mine closed?'' Mr Beech asked. ''Don't worry,'' he said, and he put his things into another big box. ''Things will soon be different round here.'' worry ['wri] - беспокоиться;
soon - скоро;
I saw Mr Beech entered another shop. He bought a lot of meat and talked to people in there. Everybody smiled and laughed with Mr Beech. meat - мясо;
Later that day, I was up at the Country Park with Julie. I told her all about Mr Beech. ''There was a rich man in town today and he bought a lot of things.''
''That's good,'' Julie said. ''That will help some of the shops to stay open.'' stay [stei] - оставаться;
''Yes,'' I said. ''I love it up here in the summer. It's nice to look down over the village.''
''And the hills over there,'' Julie said. over there - вон там;
After that we forgot about Mr Beech, the man with lots of money. It was summer. Julie and I liked walking and walking. The sun was warm every day and we were very happy. forget [f'get] - забыть;
sun - солнце;
Then, one day, my mother opened the newspaper. She saw a picture of Mr Beech. ''Look,'' she said. ''There's that nice man, Mr Beech - he was in the supermarket two or three weeks ago, remember?'' ago ['gu] - (тому) назад;
remember [ri'memb] - помнить;
''Why is his picture in the newspaper?'' my Dad asked.
We all looked at the picture of Mr Beech. ''The paper says that Mr Beech - a rich man from London, is going to buy the old mine.'' my Mum said. ''There'll be jobs for everybody.''
''I don't know why he is buying the mine,'' Dad said. ''There's no more coal under there, I don't understand.'' understand [,nd'stnd] - понимать;
The next day everybody talked about Mr Beech. ''He's going to have a meeting'', Julie said. ''He wants to tell everybody about his plans for the village.''

''Do you want to go?'' I asked.

''No. It won't be interesting!'' Julie said.

But I wanted to go. I wanted to know about Mr Beech's plans for our village. What did he want to do here?

Mr Beech had the meeting in the big room next to the chirch. He stood at the door and smiled at everybody and said, ''Hello.'' Inside, in one corner, there was a big table with lovely food on it. chirch [:] - церковь;
When the meeting began, Mr Beech did not say anything. A young woman stood up at the front of the room. She was very pretty. As soon as she started to speak, everybody liked her. front [frnt] - передняя часть;
pretty ['priti] - привлекательный;
She talked about Mr Beech's plans for the old mine buildings. Then she said, ''Mr Beech now owns the supermarket too. There'll be more jobs there.'' building ['bildi] - здание;
own [un] - владеть;
It was already late. People began to look at the lovely food. They were tired. Mr Beech's plans were not very interesting for them. tired [taid] - уставший;
''One more thing,'' the young woman said. ''Mr Beech is going to buy the hill next to the Country Park.'' She began to put her things away. ''Thank you for listening,'' she said.
''What for?'' a man said from the back of the room. It was old Mr George. He was about ninety. George [:]
''I don't understand you,'' the young woman said. understand [,nd'stnd]
''Why is Mr Beech buying the hill next to the Country park?'' Mr George asked.
The young woman looked quite angry. She looked hard at Mr George. ''That's not your business,'' she said. quite [qwait] - довольно;
business ['biznis] - дело;
''Oh, yes it is my business,'' Mr George said.
People wanted to leave. They were hungry. They wanted old Mr George to be quiet. They wanted to eat all the lovely food and go home. quiet [qwait] - молчаливый;
The young woman looked at Mr Beech. He stood up and moved about. ''We're going to look for more coal there,'' he said.
''There's no coal under there!'' Mr George said angrily.
There is coal,'' Mr Beech said. ''And it isn't far down - we can dig for it easily.'' easily ['i:zili] - легко;
''What about our lovely Country Park?'' Mr George asked. ''This will ruin our park and the hill!''
''No, it won't,'' Mr Beech said. ''There'll be jobs for everybody too.''
''Somebody must stop you from buying that hill,'' Mr George said.
''It's too late. I have already bought the hill!'' Mr Beech said.
Mr George did not say any more. Everybody moved to the food table. Mr Beech and the young woman walked round the room. They smiled and talked to everybody.
''Are you hungry?'' I asked Julie.
''No,'' she said. ''Let's go and talk to Mr George. I'm sorry for him, he's over there.''
Mr George stayed in his place. He did not eat any of the food. ''He's trying to bribe everybody in the village,'' he said. He was angry. stay [stei] - находиться;
place [pleis] - место;
try [trai] - пытаться;
''What are you saying about the Country Park?'' Julie asked.
''That man's going to take everything good away from this village. Then, when he has all his money, he'll leave,'' Mr George said sadly.
''I don't understand you,'' Julie said.
''There will be big lorries all over the village. They'll ruin our Country Park,'' Mr George said. lorry ['lri] - грузовик;
''We can't have that!'' I said.
''Who can stop him?'' Mr George asked. ''He's buying everything and everybody and I'm too old to do anything.''
''We can stop him,'' Julie said. ''Mr Beech won't ruin our Country Park.''
''Good for you. I'm too old for him but perhaps you young people can do something.'' perhaps [p'hps] - возможно.
''We're going to stop Mr Beech,'' I said. ''We shall do it!''

* * *

1. The easy [i:zi] words and expressions. Легкие слова и выражения.

another = other;
look for - искать (фразовый глагол);
wanted - требуется (в объявлениях);
poster ['pust] - плакат; постер (большая фотография какого-л. популярного певца, актера и т.д. в иллюстрированном журнале)
post [pust] - почта.
over there - вон там;
all over ... - по всему ...;
take photographs - фотографировать.
front [frnt] - фронтальный, передний;
windows ['winduz] - наша любимая операционная система, окна (ед.ч. - window);
save [seiv] - спасать, защищать (вспомним safe - безопасный)

2. The new words.

pay [pei] - платить;
smoke [smuk] - дым;
lorry ['lri] - грузовик (брит.);
drive [draiv] - ездить на машине;

drove [druv]; driven [drivn]

steal [sti:l] - красть, воровать;

stole [stul]; stolen [stuln]

same [seim] - тот же самый;
lose [lu:z] - терять;

lost [lst]

through [ru:] - сквозь, через;
cry [krai] - кричать, плакать;
noise [niz] - шум;
quiet [kwait] - тихий, спокойный.

4. The text.

The next day everybody talked about Mr Beech.
"He's a good man," my Dad said. "He's bringing money and jobs to the village." bring [bri] - нести;
"Yes," Mum said. "It'll be nice when everybody's working again." again ['gen] - снова;
"I don't like Mr Beech," I said.
"Why?" Dad asked.
"Mr George says that he's going to ruin our village," I answered.
Dad laughed, then he said,"Old Mr George doesn't like things to be different, that's all."
"No," I said. I was angry with Dad. "It's more than that. He'll ruin our lovely hill next to the Country Park."
"Well, some people want a job more than a nice hill," Mum said.
Most people said the same thing. In each of the village shops, Julie and I talked about the hills. Nobody wanted to listen to us. Mr Beech bribed everybody to be quiet. They all thought that Mr Beech was a good man. each [i:] - каждый;
bribe [braib] - давать взятку;
Then Mr Beech started to look for workers. look for - искать
wanted ['wntid] - (зд.) требуется;
Hundreds of people wanted the jobs. When Mr Beech drove round the village in his big car, people always smiled at him. They all wanted to work for him.
One day, in late August, Julie and I went for a walk in the Country Park. It was a lovely,summer evening.
"Look over there," Julie said. She pointed to Mr Beech's hill. point (to) - указывать (на);
We saw big lorries all over the hill. It was very sad. all over - по всему;
"It's not too late to stop him," Julie said. "We'll make some posters. We must start tomorrow. There's no time to lose!"
Back at home my Dad came in with his first money from Mr Beech. He gave it to my Mum.
She looked at it and asked, "Is that all?"
"Yes," he said. "That's all." He was not happy with his first money from Mr Beech.
"But it's only half of what . . ." half [ha:f] - половина;
"I know, but it's better than nothing."
"But Mr Beech is very rich! He can pay you more than this," Mum said.
"That's why he's rich, Mum," I said. "He doesn't pay his workers much money."
The money was bad. The workers did not have any breaks for tea and only thirty minutes for lunch. It wasn't nice work. Besides the hills were black. break [breik] - перерыв;
tea [ti:] - чай;
lunch - ланч, обед;
"I think you're right, Susan," Mum said. "Mr Beech is not a nice man! I can't buy all the food for the family with this money." besides [bi'saidz] - кроме того;
"We must stop him, Mum, before he ruins our village," I said.

Every day there was black smoke from the mine all over the village. The village was dark in the day and babies and children were ill because of the smoke. dark [da:k] - темно;
ill [il] - больной;
because of - из-за;
Big lorries from the new mine drove quickly through the village. The hills were black but Mr Beech didn't look sad. He only wanted to steal our hills.
Julie and I met at her house. We made posters in all different colours. We wanted to stop the digging. meet [mi:t] - встретиться;
"STOP THE BIG LORRIES!" said another. another ['n] = other
We asked the village shops to put up our posters. "No!" they said. "Mr Beech buys lots of things here." lots of = a lot of
Nobody wanted our posters. We went home and put them in our front windows and in other places round the village.
The 'Evening Post' took photographs of us. "Things are going well," Julie said.
People began to understand Mr Beech's plans. One man looked at one of our posters. "You're right," he said, "Mr Beech is stealing our hills. Can I help you with your protest?" right [rait] - правильный, правый;
A lot of people said the same as this man. People didn't like Mr Beech much now. "I can't help you," another man said. "I don't like Mr Beech but I don't want to lose my job."
In Mr Beeh's supermarket, thing were expensive. people didn't have the money to buy a lot of things. Mr Beech tried to take everybody's money. He drove around the village and smiled at everybody from his big car.
We had a protest meeting one Saturday morning. Julie and I made lots of posters for people to carry. carry ['kri] - нести, носить;
There was a lot of noise at the protest meeting. Eighty people walked through the village and past the Country Park to Mr Beech's hill. "Save our hills!" we called. through [ru:] - сквозь, через;
past [pa:st] - мимо;
call [k:l] - призывать, звать;
At Mr Beech's hill there were a lot of men with big, angry dogs. "Go away or the dogs will come after you!" Mr Beech cried.
"No!" I said. "This is our Country Park! We're tired of you, you're the worst boss in this village! You're the worst boss in the world!" be tired of [taid] - быть уставшим от;
"We want you to go away!" Julie cried.
"We want our hills back!" Mr George said.
"Go away, now!" Mr Beech said angrily. The dogs showed their teeth and made angry noises when he spoke. tooth [tu:] - зуб;
"Let's go," I said, quietly, to Julie. "Those dogs are very angry." those [z] - те;
Julie turned to look at the people from the village. "I think it's best to go home now. Mr Beech knows that we want him to leave the village." turn [t:n] - повернуться;
We walked back home and I was happy. After all this time, people in the village understood about Mr Beech.
A woman from the 'Evening Post' was at the protest. She wrote down all about the angry dogs and the things Mr Beeh said to the people when he was angry.
"You watch," Julie said. "Things will be different now. People now see what Mr beech is doing."
But Julie and I didn't know everything about Mr Beech. Besides I was very afraid. Mr Beech didn't like people to question his plans. be afraid ['freid] - бояться;
to question [kwesn] - (зд.) возражать.


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