Cегодня в рассылке: Remember FlashMan - живой журнал
Осень в Нью-Йорке, 10 сентября 2001 12:19 pm, последняя запись в живом журнале FlashMan'а
Thanks to everyone that wished me happy birthday. :)
I'm 20 today, if you didn't know.
You guys have been the highlight of my day so far.
Current Mood: loved
Current Music: Happy Birthday- Beatles
Если честно, у меня были большие сомнения по поводу публикации в рассылке этого текста (выдержки из живого дневника парня, погибшего 11 сентября), но перевесили чашу весов слова одного из героев Дюма: "Remember!"
Monday, June 11th, 2001
9:46 am First Entry
Rhyein kinda jumped on my ass and told me this was a good way of venting and that I should try it. Well, here I am. :)
The first of my final exams was today, it was my Greek exam, which I of course passed the oral part of, and probably flunked the written. I always flunk the written test part of a language, I just can't write in another language... except french, I can write in french, but it looks like an eight-year-old did it. Oi, anyway. I have a Calculus III test tomorrow...
I'm getting dragged back to Cleveland by my mother, she won't let me stay in my apartment in Manhatten for the summer this year. I hate being the baby of the house. This really sucks. Well, seeing as I'm my parents' only right to US citizenship, I guess she has to worry about me. My dad is sick too it seems... I hope he... No, I don't hope that. I may hate him, but I don't really hope that. *sigh* Oh well, gotta run, have a band rehearsal and then a Technical Theatre II exam, and then work.
Tuesday, June 12th, 2001
I hate exams. I really do. I took the Tech II exam last night, did fine. I have to take my Calculus III test today and my British Literature exam. *sigh* I really hate tests. I just want to sleep. After my test I had to go work until 4am. I hate it when they have new artist crises. MTV can be such a pain in the *** sometimes. Ah, oh well. I'll live, at least they're gonna give me my job back in the fall.
So, Gregg and Marc are being annoying as well. They're staying in New York all summer in MY apartment. Marc is probably flunking out anyway, and Gregg wants me to go take his drum test for him at Juliard. Oi vey. I really give up.
My dad is still sick. Mom can't wait for me to come home and help her out. I really don't want to go home. Just because I was in the hospital last month, I have to come home so she can baby me. -_- I'm so sick of it. Mom, I'm almost 20 now, I can take care of myself... really, I can.
Friday, June 22nd, 2001
Life is bad. Life doesn't like me at all. *cough* I hate being sick. It's pneumonia... THANKS DAD. *mumble*bastard*mumble* *cough* Anyway... I gotta take more meds and go to bed. I'm sorry Meeks, I may not be on the board for a while... I feel like shite. This really sucks.
Friday, June 29th, 2001
I'm moving around the board, checking things out and I'm bored outta my skull. It's a beautiful day out and I've got nothing to do cos I'm not allowed outside. This really sucks. I guess I should practice my guitar and dream up ways to kill my dad. Just kidding. I hate him, but I want him to die naturally not murdered... at least... I hope he dies in his sleep. Why am I on such a death kick right now? I dunno... I can't stop thinking about it. Maybe I should write a song.
Tuesday, July 10th, 2001
...It happened. There I was wanting it so much and it happened. He's dead. He died last week in his sleep. His heart just stopped beating. The funeral is over. My sisters, their husbands and their kids came, as well as my late-brother's kids and grandkids... Yeah, I'm a 19-year-old GrandUncle... weird huh? Well, they flew in from Italy, we had a memorial service in Cleveland and then they flew back to Italy with my dad's casket cos he and mom want to be buried in Italy when they died. Dad's from Portugal so I was kinda wondering why Italy... But it's what he wanted. I feel weird. I dunno. He's just always been there, looming over me, ready to kick my ass if I did something wrong, and now he's not. Kind of a strange feeling. The memorial service was at a Catholic church... of course... I haven't been in one of those in a long time.
I called Mel the morning he died and told her. I miss her. She's coming up this week to stay in Akron with her dad so I'll probably get to see her. That'll be nice. I need someone right now... *sigh*
Current Music: Only the Good Die Young
Friday, July 27th, 2001
…I've been kinda busy lately, packing up for New York again. It's strange, I haven't been there for 3 months... *shiver* I miss Manhatten.
Wednesday, August 8th, 2001
It's nice to be back in the smog-filled air of Manhatten. ;)
Monday, September 10th, 2001
Thanks to everyone that wished me happy birthday. :) I'm 20 today, if you didn't know. You guys have been the highlight of my day so far. Oh, and thanks for the cards Angel and Dia... even though Dia had to be reminded... Sheesh, what kinda Lady are you? Can't even remember her own knight's birthday? ;) Anyway, thanks all. I have more classes to go to then I have to work. See ya!
Everyone else is... I was curious:
# 1 George Washington
# 2 Julius Caesar
# 3 King David
# 4 Otto von Bismarck
# 5 Winston Churchill
# 6 Abraham Lincoln
# 7 Alexander the Great
# 8 Bill Clinton
# 9 King Nebuchadnezzar II
# 10 William the Conqueror
# 11 Charlemagne
# 12 Jesus Christ
# 13 King Henry VIII Tudor
# 14 Mohandas Gandhi
# 15 Moses
# 16 Napoleon Bonaparte
# 17 Oliver Cromwell
# 18 Tokugawa Ieyasu
# 19 Adolf Hitler
# 20 Genghis Khan
# 21 Hernando Cortes
# 22 Muhammad
# 23 Joseph Smith
# 24 Josef Stalin
# 25 Mao Tse-Tung