Нет, не пугайтесь, пожалуйста! Рассылка, к счастью для всех нас, не сменила ориентацию с английского на итальянский. Просто L'Americanina - это новелла, которую я хочу предложить вашему вниманию. Она была опубликована на сайте литературного журнала All-Story (его основатель Френсис Форд Коппола, а кто не знает этого имени - все в сад ;) Это Love story отпрыска старинного итальянского рода и дочери американских преррий. Хотя, там больше Story, чем love.
L'Americanina by Martha McPhee
A fast car on a wide American highway. A free soul from an exotic land of deserts with blood-red canyons and buttes and mesas that scrape the sky, of strip towns with drive-thru-just-about-everything, seedy hotels and lonely phone booths on long lonely roads.
A drive-in movie theatre, jazz and alligators in the bayous, the heaving and sighing of semitrailers lined up and sparkling in the night. New York City, Los Angeles, Las Vegas. A wide-aisled supermarket flooded with choice and every little surprise and curiosity you could find therein. McDonald's, fried chicken, apple pie-simple things he had never tried. Cornfields and wheat fields and soy, migrating loess hills and fields with cows and chickens rolling into more fields with barns and silos and grain elevators and wide-open views the size of Texas.
She was all of this for him. Twenty-two years old with a gap between her teeth and blond hair, blue eyes, and the longest, darkest lashes he had ever seen. She was abundance and risk and experimentation-she grew up on a commune, no future, no past-and she had fallen sweetly, deeply, permanently for him.
Her name was Beth. Ordinary American name. He pronounced it Bet with his Italian accent that didn't know that foreign h-Bet, as in to gamble everything-transforming the name (and her) into something different entirely, extraordinary even. Rising from the depths of her she was the Statue of Liberty, the Empire State Building shooting into the sky like hope. She was America.
Продолжение на
Butte (blood-red canyons and buttes) - одинокий холм
Scrape (scrape the sky) - тереться
Strip (strip towns) - узкая полоса
Seedy (seedy hotels) - поношенный, потрепанный
Bay (alligators in the bayous) - залив, бухта
Spark( sparkling in the night) - искриться, вспыхивать
Flood (supermarket flooded with choice) - наводнять, переполнять
Barn (fields with barns) - коровник, конюшня
Gap (gap between her teeth) - брешь, пробел
Abundance (She was abundance) - изобилие, богатство
Depth (Rising from the depths of her) - глубина
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