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Совершенствуй свой Английский The Dole

Курс английского языка “English as a Second Language"              

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 The Dole

Todd: Hey Rachel, I heard that actually in Scotland if you don't have a job, that the government (правительство) actually gives you money, like you don't have to work and you still get some money to live.
Rachel: Yeah, that's right. It's called unemployment benefits (пособие по безработице), or more casually it's just called the dole (пособие) -- being on the dole (получать пособие). And you're only ... I think you're only entitled (иметь право на ч-л) to it if you've actually been paying taxes (платить налоги) for awhile (на короткое время) and then you go on to something, a different kind of social welfare (пособие по социальному обеспечению), but yeah.
Todd: So, if somebody's on the dole -- if somebody loses their job (терять работу) -- and then the government gives them money, how long can they be on the dole? Can they be on it indefinitely (на неопределенное время)? Forever?

Rachel: I'm actually not sure. I was on the dole myself for a couple of weeks after I finished university. I know people complain (жаловаться) about certain people in the country just never looking for work and being on the dole for years and years, but I don't think there's a lot of truth in that because when you're on the dole, you have to go to the employment office (биржа труда) regularly for interviews and you have to show that you're looking for work, so I think maybe more of a problem is people on disability benefits (пособие по инвалидности). The government wants to reduce (сокращать) the number of people claiming (заявлять) disability because you can stay on that for years.

Todd: So for the people that are on the dole, is there like a negative stigma (негативное отношение, клеймо) to it? Like if you tell somebody you're on the dole, do people look at you like you're a loser (неудачник) or something like that?
Rachel: It kind of depends on (зависеть от) what social class you're coming from I think. Class is such a big thing in Britain still. I think for my parents generation, my father for example is quite middle-class and I think we would find it very shameful (постыдный, позорный) to be on the dole.
Todd: So, if you didn't have a job and you were on the dole, how would you feel? Would you feel funny about it, or would you feel like it was something that was coming to you for all the hard work you've done?

Rachel: I didn't feel bad about it at all. I felt like, "Yeah, this is great!" I paid taxes (платить налоги) while I was working so it was kind of like getting the money back. It was sort a form of insurance (страховка) I felt like.
Todd: So because you have the European Union, can somebody theoretically get on the dole in Scotland and then like go and move to Greece or Spain and just live on the dole in a cheaper country?
Rachel: I think that's not possible because you have to show up (показываться, появляться) at the employment office on a regular basis (регулярно) so I think that would be impossible.
Todd: Oh, that's too bad because if you could, that's what I'd do. 


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Суббота:    18.00-19.30

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