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Совершенствуй свой Английский Daily Routine

Курс английского языка “English as a Second Language"              

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        Мы предлагаем вам рассылку, где публикуются практические материалы для увеличения словарного запаса и для усвоения грамматики. В данном уроке рассматриваeтся лексика на тему Daily Routine.

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 Daily Routine

Rebecca: So, Gareth, what's your daily routine (распорядок дня, будни) like?
Gareth: My routine is actually a little irregular. I have a different working schedule (расписание) for each day of the week, but on a weekend (выходные) my son usually wakes me up about half-eight, nine o'clock, and after that we go downstairs (вниз по лестнице), and I get him some cereal (воздушные хлопья), like he likes at the moment chocolate rice Krispies and he has a bowl (чашка) of them and we watch Toy Story (История игрушек). He loves Buzz and Woody.

Rebecca: Every weekend the same movie?
Gareth: Exactly. Again and again and again. Yeah, so we watch it a lot. On weekdays, though, I usually wake up at six a.m. I have to go to work at eight, so I commute (ездить ежедневно на работу из пригорода в город и обратно) on the bus and train and that takes an hour and a half. It takes a long time, and then I work. I get home about sevenish (около семи). I have dinner with my wife. Usually if I come home late, she waits and she'll have dinner with me, and sometimes she'll wait until like nine.

Rebecca: Whoa!
Gareth: Yeah, pretty late, so it's really nice.
Rebecca: Are you a morning shower person or a nighttime bath, relax person?
Gareth: Yeah, so actually I think I'm a kind of night owl (сова). I work much better in the evening and I get more done. In the morning I'm a little bit like a zombie, but these last years, working have kind of trained me to be an early bird (ранняя птица). Waking up so early, as I do, I've kind of adapted (приспособленный) to it, so. But I much prefer the evening.

Rebecca: So you would come home from work and eat dinner and then take like the bath (принимать ванну) to calm down (успокоиться) to go to bed at night?
Gareth: No, actually I prefer showers (душ) than baths, but yeah, I usually relax with my family and watch a movie or read a book. My son's really into (увлекаться) Dr. Zeuss books. They're classic children's books from back home and they're great. Even for me, like that's the good thing about having kids, you kind of get reattached (снова присоединяться, стать частью себя) to your, and feel kind of nostalgic (ностальгия) about your old activities like the things that you did when you were a child.


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       Расписание English Speaking Club

Суббота:    18.00-19.30

  В нашем центре мы обучаем разговорному английскому языку всех, кто хочет научиться говорить по-английски.

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