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Совершенствуй свой Английский Change of Clothes

Курс английского языка “English as a Second Language"              

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 Change of Clothes

Danny: So, what kind of cloths do you like to wear (носить)?
Alex: I like to wear casual clothes (одежда на каждый день). And that's why I really don't like what I have to wear to work sometimes because it's just not what I would normally wear.
Danny: So what do you normally have to wear to work then?
Alex: Oh, I have to hear a tie (галстук) and kind of like suit trousers (штаны от костюма) and sometimes a suit coat (пиджак).

Danny: Really?
Danny: Even in the summer?
Alex: Yeah, even in the summer. It's basically the company policy (политика компании) that we look business-like. It's crazy. You know that time of year is really hot. You're sort of waiting for the train, and you're sweating (потеть) and it's just, ugh!

Danny: You want a change of clothes by the time you get to work.
Alex: Yeah, it's almost like you need a locker (запирающийся шкафчик) full of new clothes by the time you get there.
Danny: I know the feeling.
Alex: Maybe I should just wear, you know, like sports clothes (спортивная одежда), and running clothes until I get to work and then change.

Danny: Good idea. So do you keep you clothes for a really long time?
Alex: Much longer than my wife would like me to keep them. She's always saying to me, "Just throw that out (выбрасывать). It's worn out (изнашиваться)." "Oh, I like that one." She buys me new clothes but I keep wearing the same ones.
Danny: So, you wear them until there's holes in the knees (дырки на коленях) and the pants (штаны).
Alex: I always have likes seven different shirts (рубашка) I could wear, and maybe four pairs of pants and I always wear the same ones.

Danny: So, wear do you buy your clothes when you go shopping?
Alex: Oh, this is the great thing about being married, I don't buy clothes anymore. My wife buys my clothes.
Danny: Really?
Alex: And she's a really good shopper. She knows my size (размер), and she --- well, there is only one problem. I don't always like what she buys, but I never tell her.

Danny: So how many times a day do you end up having to change your clothes? You say you have to wear this suit to work, and then you end up sweating. Do you have the opportunity (возможность) to change?
Alex: No, not at work. But once you get to work in the middle of summer, the air-cons on, the air-conditioning's on (включен кондиционер), so it's not too bad, but by the time I get home from work --- and I usually don't have a bath (принимать ванну) until later, and I always have to give my work clothes off. I just can't wait to get my work clothes off (снимать).
Danny: So about once a day.
Alex: Yeah, basically 


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