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Совершенствуй свой Английский Food in France

Курс английского языка “English as a Second Language"              

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 Food in France

Todd: So Layla, we're talking about food in France and in the U.S. So in France what do you like best about French food? Because French food is quite famous around the world (во всем мире). What makes French food so famous?
Layla: For me I think the best thing is the bread (хлеб). It's very, very different. Even if I go here in any bakery (хлебопекарня), I cannot find the same bread. The bread if France is very soft, and it almost melts in the mouth (таить во рту), and I think that makes it famous, the food in France.

Todd: So in France do you have fast food (еда быстрого приготовления)? Do you have fast food restaurants and like chain restaurants (сеть ресторанов) in France?
Layla: Yes, we do have that because it's very cheap and people like it cheap and there is something very fast and we can find chain restaurant everywhere, but most of the time we find independent (автономный; отдельный) restaurant, small restaurant.
Todd: So in your country is it common (широко распространено, типично) for parents to teach their children how to cook?
Layla: Yes, they do. But I don't have any brother but my mom teach us how to cook.

Todd: So what kind of things has your mother taught you how to cook?
Layla: My parents are from Morocco so she teach my how to cook Morocco food.
Todd: Oh, so what are some good Moroccan dishes (блюда)?
Layla: I think it's Al Feza. It's like bread with lenti and meat (мясо) and sauce (приправа).
Todd: So France is an expensive country. If you go to a restaurant, is it expensive. Like how much would you have to pay? How many euros to get a decent meal?

Layla: You can find good meals for ten euro. You can find for ten or twelve euro a good restaurant and good meal?
Todd: When you go to a restaurant do you usually have appetizer (закуска), starter (холодное блюдо, салат), main course (главное блюдо), dessert (десерт) or is it just one package (комплекс)?
Layla: You can have both, like you can have a package with the dessert and the soda and everything or you can order what you want on the menu. 


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