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Совершенствуй свой Английский Jam Session

Курс английского языка “English as a Second Language"              

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(495) 585-37-05

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 Jam Session

 Todd: Shirley, we're talking about your singing career and you sing at weddings but you also sing just at normal events (события) right like at clubs and places like that?
Shirley: Yeah, that's right. Yeah, just at live venues (место проведения мероприятия) and having either a concert or a jam session (исполнение джазом импровизаций и экспромтов).
Todd: OK, so what's the difference between just having just a concert or a jam session?

Shirley: As a singer you get a lot more control about what you would do and what kind of music you're going to do at a concert because that's really your chance (выбор) to make you selection on the songs and the style of music and who you would play with and if you want to have a theme (мотив) for the evening. At a jam session, that's a little bit different again. Usually just musicians come together and every thing's completely unrehearsed (не подготовленный заранее) and people just literally (буквально) just jam which means they get together and they spontaneously (спонтанно) play and sing and ...

Todd: So it sounds just like a party for musicians really?
Shirley: Usually the audience (аудитория) can get involved depending on the size of the venue. For example, a lot of places that I sing at are quite small jazz clubs so you're very close with the audience and they can ,you know, be clapping (аплодировать) or just enjoying the spontaneity (спонтанность). There's usually a lot of energy in that kind of performance so I think that kind of leaks out (просачиваться) into the audience and at the same time the audience bounces back (воспрянуть, возвращать) that energy so it's almost like a conversation between the musicians and the audience and you get to feed off (подпитывать) each other.

Todd: Right, so you feed off the audience, their energy.
Shirley: Yeah. Yeah.
Todd: Now when you preform do you get stage fright (боязнь сцены) or do you get butterflies (бабочки) in your stomach (живот)?
Shirley: Yeah, enormous butterflies. Actually more like huge cockroaches (таракан) fluttering (трепетать, дрожать от волнения, махать крыльями) around in there I think.
Todd: Yuck.

Shirley: Sounds pretty terrible I know but, yeah, I'm not an easy performer. It's kind of stressful for me before I get out there but once you get out there and you remember that the purpose for being there is to just give the audience a fun evening. Some relaxation, some time away from their everyday lives and that they're there to do that as well, so I find that a kind of reassuring (успокоительный) thought and I see it as my job to just give them a nice time.
Todd: Well, I've heard you sing and you have an amazing voice. You're an incredible (невероятный) singer.
Shirley: Thank you.


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       Расписание English Speaking Club

Суббота:    18.00-19.30

  В нашем центре мы обучаем разговорному английскому языку всех, кто хочет научиться говорить по-английски.

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Наш адрес:
г. Москва, ул. Свободы 29, 4-й этаж, офис 415.  

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