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Совершенствуй свой Английский What NOT to pack!

Курс английского языка “English as a Second Language"              

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 What NOT to pack!
Jeff talks about several items (предметы) people foolishly (глупо) bring when traveling.

I am an avid (жадный, алчный) traveller and I love to travel, and I like to travel light (путешествовать налегке) and I like to travel quick and be very mobile (подвижный), and I find that what bothers (беспокоить) me often when I travel is to see people with huge, huge packs (тяжелый багаж) they can barely lift off the ground (поднять) and put on their back and they can't fit (не помещаться) them on trains or buses and I think it makes it very difficult for them and less enjoyable (менее приятный), so I'm going to give you a bit of advice now on six things that I wouldn't pack (упаковывать) if I was a traveler.

So, the first thing is I wouldn't pack a computer. Unless you're a working businessman, I wouldn't pack a computer. There's internet cafes all over the world (по всему миру). You can use them anywhere, and it's not a necessity I think.

The second thing that I wouldn't pack is too many clothes (одежда). This is the difficult thing for everybody. You can reuse (повторно использовать) clothes and there's always places to get your clothes washed so very minimal, very minimal. Don't overpack (перегружать) clothes.

The third thing is I wouldn't pack too many books. People tend to love to pack and carry far too many books. Generally, you can always find books on the road or there's other travelers that you can do book swaps (обмен) with, or there's little book shops and things and places you buy things. Don't bring too many books. Bring maybe two or one good book you can swap or buy.

The fourth thing that I wouldn't bring is a big towel (большое полотенце). A big towel you use once and then it gets wet (становиться влажным, мокрым), and it gets damp (сырой) and it gets smelly and you put it back in your pack. I would bring a small travel towel. Very small. Rolls up (свернуть) to the size of a sock (носок) and dries very quickly. It's very handy (практично, удобно).

The fifth thing that I wouldn't bring is too many toiletries (туалетные принадлежности), like shampoo or soap or hair gel because these things are ... everyone around the world uses them and you can always buy them somewhere, so I'd buy the little small travel ones, and whenever you need another one.

And the sixth thing that I wouldn't bring if I were you is maybe too much footwear (обувь). Generally, unless you're going to different climates (климат), if you're going to do a long trip (длительное путешествие) and it's going to be winter and summer then maybe you need two pairs of shoes but generally I bring only one pair of footwear, and sort of it's good for the area that you're going to and maybe one pair of sandals (сандали).


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