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Совершенствуй свой Английский UFO's, Circles and Lines

Курс английского языка “English as a Second Language"              

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 UFO's, Circles and Lines

Todd: So Jonathan, I thought we would talk about UFOs (неопознанный летающий объект).
Jonathan: Sure.
Todd: So do you believe in UFOs?
Jonathan: I think that the chance that there is intelligent life (разумная жизнь) in the universe (вселенная) is overwhelmingly (необыкновенно) likely. But I don't think they're constantly visiting the earth to visit people in rural areas (сельская местность) and do experiments on them.

Todd: Right. Stopping by. OK, so let's talk about somethings that people associate with UFOs? First is crop circles (круги на полях).
Jonathan: Crop circles. I think that's a hoax (обман), and it's been proven (доказано) to be so. There were some students in England who I think reproduced (воспроизводить) some crop circles, and I think that would be a shame (досада) if aliens (инопланетянин) travelled from distant galaxies (далекие галактики) just to mess around (шутить) with your fields.
Todd: Right, like we go to somebody else's planet and we just rummage through their trash (порыться в мусоре).

Jonathan: Just like we're gonna travel light years (световых лет) away just to mess with (пакостить) people's heads by putting a pattern (схема, рисунок) in their wheat (пшеница).
Todd: Right. Well, what about the ones in South America? I guess it's not a crop, but the lines in the desert (пустыня).
Jonathan: Yes, there's the Nazca lines in Peru. I've actually been there. I took like a very small plane, like a Cesna to view some of those, and some people have postulated (предположить) that they may be some sort of ancient runways (древнее русло реки) or something like that, but I'm sure there must be another explanation that's more logical. Unfortunately, there aren't any thousand year old Incas around to tell us what they were.

Todd: Right, I think the thing that's amazing about those is they cover (покрывать) such a large area and they're so geometrically perfect (геометрически правильной формы) so it seems pretty impossible to do.
Jonathan: Well, one thing I noticed when I was flying in the little plane, there are quite a few hills in the area which are reasonably high. People have said it would be impossible to direct the perfection of these things on the ground, but I think from one of this high vantage points (место, дающее хороший обзор), it would in fact be possible to direct some of these symbols to be carved into the stone (высекать из камня)


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