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Совершенствуй свой Английский Retail Therapy

Курс английского языка “English as a Second Language"              

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(495) 585-37-05

        Мы предлагаем вам рассылку, где публикуются практические материалы для увеличения словарного запаса и для усвоения грамматики. В данном уроке рассматриваeтся лексика на тему Retail Therapy .

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Retail Therapy 

Diego: So, Silvia, I hear you have thirty handbags (сумка) and thirty-five pairs of shoes.
Silvia: Yeah, I know. Actually, it's a little bit of a sad story if I tell you why I have a lot of bags and shoes.
Diego: It's OK, we have time.
Silvia: Actually, I love to shop. I don't know what girl doesn't love to shop, and I love shopping and so basically how I ended up with all these shoes is because I broke up (разорвать отношения) and I was sad and it was like therapy (терапия) for me to go shopping.

Diego: So it was retail therapy (шопинг для снятия стресса).
Silvia: Exactly. So yeah, I just went crazy shopping. For me I don't know, I just feel good shopping, and the other thing is I like to travel a lot, and when I'm traveling then I also buy a lot of stuff (штучки, вещи). Like the handbags I have, some are traditional looking bags from Vietnam or Cambodia, Thailand.
Diego: Different countries.
Silvia: And it's so cheap. That's the thing. Sometimes I go somewhere and I see everything so cheap that I go crazy shopping.

Diego: Wow! But do you really need thirty handbags?
Silvia: I'm a girl. Of course I need thirty handbags.
Diego: Do you really need thirty five pairs of shoes?
Silvia: Mmm?
Diego: No. That's quite interesting. Have you ever worn everything?
Silvia: No.

Diego: You haven't. OK.
Silvia: No, not yet. And actually last week, I went through ... I was walking and I saw this store had a sale and I went in and as an excuse (оправдание), it was by birthday last week, so I thought, well, I'm far away from home, and no one gives me any gifts (подарок) so maybe I should give myself some gifts and I almost used my credit parents credit card, and I thought oh, I will just call them and tell them like hey, happy birthday, but in the end, I ended up (заканчивать) paying for the stuff.
Diego: OK, that's good, so you're a responsible (ответственный) shopoholic.

Silvia: I'm trying to control it. Actually, before last week, I spend a few months not buying anything, but I couldn't resist (сопротивляться) the sale.
Diego: But you do know that the sale sign is just cheap marketing, right?
Silvia: No, my God, it was a really good sale.
Diego: No, I think you're just ...
Silvia: No, it was a good sale.

Diego: ... a victim (жертва) of good marketing.
Silvia: Maybe but still. I'm happy with what I bought so.
Diego: OK, so as long as you're happy, that's good.


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Суббота:    18.00-19.30

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