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Совершенствуй свой Английский His Best Friend

Курс английского языка “English as a Second Language"              

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His Best Friend 

Rebecca: Alright, so Gareth, who's your best friend?
Gareth: Ah, difficult question, but I would have to say that my wife is my best friend.
Rebecca: You're wife so then where did you meet?
Gareth: We met in England when I was eighteen. My wife was twenty-one, and we met at university.
Rebecca: At the university really. So why are you such good friends?

Gareth: I think because we can share (разделять) true feelings. With some of my friends I tend (стремиться) to hold a little bit back (сдерживать эмоции). I don't necessarily (не обязательно), give all of myself to them, so with my wife I can tell her that I'm sad or upset (расстроенный) or angry or happy and we can talk about a lot of stuff, and I feel very comfortable and yeah, just realized with her.
Rebecca: That's really nice. What do you guys normally do together?

Gareth: We like movies and TV shows. We're really into (увлекаться) American TV shows and we just finished up watching Lost. It's an American TV show that went on for quite sometime, like six years, and we watched it from the very beginning and we just watched the last episode and we like TV shows. We also have two children so most of our time is spent playing with them. Going out (проводить время). We like to travel a lot, so we often travel back to my home-country, England, and my mom's living in America at the moment so we're planning to visit her for Christmas.

Rebecca: Sounds like a lot of fun.
Gareth: Yeah, it is. Definitely.
Rebecca: So then, the big question: do you guys ever fight (драться)?

Gareth: Oh, yeah. Of course, yeah, but that's the good thing about it. It's making up (помириться) after the fight that's important. So it doesn't matter that we fight and I think that most couples (пара) early on tend to avoid conflict (избегать конфликты) and they tend to bottle stuff up inside (сдерживать, скрывать обиду), but then if you do keep that inside you'll end up resenting (обижаться) the partner for it, so I think it's healthy to give your opinion and that's what my wife and I do. We often tell each other when we're unhappy, and the reason why and we discuss it and we often fight and sometimes it gets heated, (разгорячиться в пылу спора) a heated argument, but then we make up and it's good. It makes us stronger. It makes up realize what annoys (раздражать) the other so.

Rebecca: So you can avoid them in the future.
Gareth: Exactly, yeah.
Rebecca: Sounds really nice. That's really great. Thank you very much.


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       Расписание English Speaking Club

Суббота:    18.00-19.30

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