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Совершенствуй свой Английский Space Travel

Курс английского языка “English as a Second Language"              

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Space Travel

Matthew / England
Well, space travel (космический полёт) is very exciting (волнующий). A very wonderful thing. It's pretty hard to argue
(утверждать) that we need space travel if you have people living in poverty (бедность) in your country. Perhaps we need to have our priorities set (расставить приоритеты) first.

Lindsay / United States
I don't think the government (государство) should pay for space travel. I think there are too many problems here on earth that the government needs to deal with (заниматься, иметь дело) first and not look and spend their money on space travel. There's so much disease and and war and education problems and health care problems (проблемы здравоохранения) that the government really needs to focus (сосредоточивать внимание) more on the people that are on earth.

Thomas / United States
Space travel is really important. There's two reasons for that. One: we're not being very nice to our world and pretty soon it's gonna reject (отклонять, отторгать) us, but more importantly, space travel is fun. Why wouldn't we do it?

Lori / Canada
Well, I think space travel is really exciting and will be important in the future but I think most important is to look to the problems that we have on our own planet right now so we should resolve (решать) things such as environmental issues (проблема охраны окружающей среды) that we need to deal with before we look beyond our own home.

Chris / England
No, I don't think government should invest money (вкладывать деньги) in space travel. I think the best way to do it is to show that space travel can be commercially viable (рентабельный) and that the people that are actually leading the way now, in terms of like space travel and space hotels and commercializing space are private industry (частный сектор промышленности), so I think that that government should provide support for that and allow them to get some kind of commercial protection on that but I think commercial businesses are the people that are gonna do the best job in that in that sense.

Shalini / Canada
Yes, to some extent (до некоторой степени). I don't think it should be be a priority (приоритет), but I do think it's worthwhile (полезно) knowing what surrounds (окружать) us either under water or above the sky. I think they should probably focus on more important matters first, but, yeah, perhaps a little bit of the budget (бюджет) should go towards that.


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