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Совершенствуй свой Английский A Million Dollars

Курс английского языка “English as a Second Language"              

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        Мы предлагаем вам рассылку, где публикуются практические материалы для увеличения словарного запаса и для усвоения грамматики. В данном уроке рассматриваeтся лексика на тему A Million Dollars.

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A Million Dollars 

Cheryl / Guam
If I had a million dollars what would I do? Well first, I would take a portion (часть, доля) of that money and put it into savings (сбережения). That way I would not be able to spend that money later. Secondly, I would probably take some money and go traveling around the world. I would do everything that I've always wanted to do on my to do list in life. And lastly I would give money to charities (благотворительность) and churches (церковь) and the rest would be given to my family and friends and everyone I love would be given an amazing present.

Jake / United States
I would buy an expensive house on a tropical island somewhere and a yacht (яхта) and I would buy a very, very nice car and a private jet (частный самолет). I don't know if a million dollars would buy all this stuff (блага, вещи) now. But I would just spend my days enjoying life.

Nydja / United States
If I won a million dollars I personally would ... I would probably quit (бросать) work and apply to a better university. You need money to get into college in the states so that would really help me out (выручать). I think I'd definitely (определенно) buy a new house, maybe not a huge mansion (большой дом) but I wouldn't be renting (снимать) anymore that's for sure.

Jonathan / Canada
If I won a million dollars what would I do? I don't have the need to have any special large possessions (имущество) such as a house or expensive car. I think that I would put the million dollars somewhere safe where there is no risk of anything, like the stock market (фондовая биржа), and I would live off the interest for the rest of my life. Even in a very safe circumstance, the return would probably be three or four percent (процент) being thirty or forty thousand dollars a year and I think that I could comfortably live off (жить за счет) of that which would allow (позволять) me to travel and see the places in the world that I haven't been to yet.

Mauro / Brazil
Wow! This question's really great. What would I do with a million dollars? Wow! I would probably invest (инвестировать) all this money, but invest in my own businesses. These days I just think about making business, starting a business, so I just want to work for myself, so I would probably invest my money creating (создание) businesses and working for myself. It would be something really like that.

Nick / Australia
A million dollars! If I won a million dollars, I'd go around the world (отправиться в кругосветное путешествие). I haven't been to Africa and I'd really like to go. Secondly, I'd buy a really big house with a really big television. Then after, if I had any money left, I would invest. Maybe give some to my parents.


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