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Совершенствуй свой Английский Do you enjoy cooking?

Курс английского языка “English as a Second Language"              

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Do you enjoy cooking? 

 Santi, Indonesia

Yes, I enjoy cooking, especially with my sister because I prepare (подготовить) all the things, but she will wash. That's our agreement (договоренность), and I like to cook with the simple ingredients (ингредиент). less than five because it will little time.

Tom, U.K.

I absolutely never cook. I used to cook when I was in university, but I never got very far with it (не удавалось, не везло). It was boring, and I have a microwave and a kettle (чайник) in my apartment and that's it, and I would never cook for another person.

George, U.S.

Do I enjoy cooking? Yes, I do. Ever since I started to live on my own (жить самостоятельно), I've really started to enjoy cooking, of course I don't like the dishes (мыть посуду). My record (рекорд) is one month actually of not doing the dishes (мыть посуду), so of course not after doing the dishes for about a month, there's a really interesting smell (запах) that starts to develop.

Buddhi, Sri Lanka

Do I enjoy cooking? Well, I don't really enjoy cooking cause I'm not a very good cook. Well, I like to try new things, and like to experiment (экспериментировать) in cooking, but I don't really enjoy. I like baking (печь) and I like trying new things out ), but not particularly cooking.

David, Kenya

Do I enjoy cooking? Yes, I do enjoy cooking, especially when I have free time on the weekends. I live with my flatmates (сосед по квартире) and we cook together at times. We cook ethnic foods (этнические, национальные блюда) from Africa. That's where I come from, Kenya in particular, and yeah, I enjoy cooking.

Hanna, Australia

I do not enjoy cooking in the slightest. I'm a terrible cook and I will eat anything so I have absolutely no motivation to cook.


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Суббота:    18.00-19.30

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