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Обучение английскому языку

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working or operating quickly and effectively in an organized way
The city's transport system is one of the most efficient in Europe.
We need someone really efficient who can organize the office and make it

run smoothly. working or operating in a way that gets the results you want without any waste
an efficient organization
They are developing a more fuel-efficient car to save gas.

New participants in our correspondences by E-mail (Full list).


Hi, My name is Yang, Jun Hyeon living in Korea. I'm really interested in making friends around the world. I hope you are going to be the friend of mine. You can call me "Jun" if you want. I'm working as a sales manager in a hotel, seoul, Korea. 30yrs old. male. 175cm high. Who knows maybe we can meet together sometime. Just write to me if you are interested. You are going to be my precious angel. and I'm gonna send you my pic. thanks


Hellow everybody!My name is Olga. I have rather good command of English. I am 24. I am from Russia.I teach English at the university and study Law. Do not hesitate to write me. Email: trio@kuzbass.net

They are waiting your letters! Write!

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В теме - укажите "Состояние счета".

1.The [......] of a vehicle is the part that produces the power to make it move.

2.To [.....] means to completely cover and hide it.

3.If you [.....] people to do something violent or to hate someone, you encourage them to do this.

Если Вы знаете, какие слова надо вставить в скобки (обязательно с прописной буквы),
проверяйте ответы и регистрируйте их на главной странице нащего сайта

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