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Обучение английскому языку

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Рассылка интернет-справочника "Обучение английскому языку"

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The outcome of an action or process is result of it.
Nobody dared predict the outcome of election.

Случайный выбор из 8000 наиболее используемых слов.
[Новое слово] [Конкурс для подписчиков] [Форум]

Форум-справочник "Полезные английские выражения".

Новые выражения:

It's up to you - I have no idea - No use discussing the question - No use your talking about it
Don't deny it! - I'm against it - I'm all for it - What's wrong with you? - Too bad!
for the time being - What a coincidence! - No objections on my part - It goes without saying
Bottom line - It's very nice of you - to lose one's way - to keep in mind - one of these days
the other day - Excuse my curiosity - I'm looking forward to - Looks like rain set - Take care!
Keep well! - Let's hope for the best - What's the matter? - Nothing to boast of - I'm eager to help you
Excuse my being late - I don't blame you!.

Применяете ли вы выражения:

ask not wont not
you're young, you'll get over it
a hallow victory
can't hit the broad side of a barn
be that as it may
make an ass out of yourself
The pot calling the grass green
the time of your life

Если да, опишите их применение в форуме.

Новые участники переписки по E-mail (Полный спискок участников).


Hello! I'm Luba.I'm 30.I'd like to have palfriends from different cities and country. I live and work in Moscow.


Hello, everybody! My name is Anna, I'm a student from Russia& I really want to communicate with different people from all over the world. I enjoy travellin', listenin' to the music & communicate with YOU - my future friends. I'll waitin' for your mails...

Напишите им!

Интернет-справочник "Обучение английскому языку"
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