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_English_: Подготовка к тестированию
за 2 года

  Выпуск No1 (59) от 2009-01-10
Подписчиков: 1350 чел.


Проверим домашнее задание.

24. The room was completely silent. He could hear  nothing but the beating of his own heart.

25.I met them long ago, so I don't remember anyone of them.
26. His sister is two years older than mine.
27. Your hostel is better.
28. She stayed away from  school because she was ill.

Давно не предлагала  вам текстов для работы. Поработайте.
Godiva was the beautiful wife of Leofric, Earl of Mercia and Lord of Coventry. She lived in the eleventh century.
According to an old legend, the Earl taxed the people of
Coventry heavily and unjustly. If they were unable to pay those
cruel taxes, they were thrown into prison.
Lady Godiva begged her husband to have mercy on the people, but her stony-hearted husband showed no pity. Again and again she begged him, even on bended knees, to be merciful, until, at last, he answered jokingly, 'I will do what you ask only if you will ride naked through the streets of Coventry at 10 noon/
Lady Godiva took her husband at his word. She sent her servants through the town to tell the citizens that at noon the next day none of them were to be in the streets, and that they must all close the wooden shutters of their houses. If they 15 obeyed, she would be able to save them from the misery they were suffering from heavy taxes.
Lady Godiva rode naked through the empty streets of Coventry the next day. Every door was closed and every window was shuttered. The Earl of Mercia kept his promise, and light-    20 ened the burden of taxes he had laid upon the citizens. Only one man, a tailor, had watched Lady Godiva as she rode through the streets. He had bored a small hole in the door of his house, and had peeped through this hole. The legend says that he was struck blind, and he has been known ever since as Peep-    25 ing Tom.
Choose the best answer.
/. What did the Lord of Coventry do to his people?
A   He gave them too little money.
В   Не made them work too hard.
С   Не took much from them.
D   They had to carry heavy burdens for him.
2.    What happened to the citizens if they could not do what their Lord
asked them?
A   Their liberty was taken.
В    Their lives were taken.
С   They had to pay extra money then.
D   They were made to work harder.
3.    What did Lady Godiva ask her husband?
A   To allow her to ride naked through the streets. В   То empty all the streets for her.
С   То put more burdens on the people. D   To treat his people less cruelly.
4.    Did the Lord at once do what his wife asked him ?
A   No, although he was stony-hearted.
В    No, but later he was merciful.
С    Yes. after some'hesitation he was merciful.
D   Yes. he sympathetically fulfilled her wish.
5.    The words 'were to be' in lines 14 express
A   an agreement. В    an appointment. С   an order. D   a request.
Choose the correct translation
6. Lady Godiva took her husband at his word.
А   Леди Годива взяла мужа за слово. В    Леди Годива взяла слово со своего мужа. С   Леди Годива поймала мужа на слове. D   Леди Годива поймала мужа за слово.
True or false/
1.    Lady Godiva rode naked through the busy streets of Coventry.
2.    The Earl of Mercia kept his promise.
3.    He had bored a small hole in the wall of his house.
Complete each sentence with one of the endings
1.    If they were unable to pay those cruel taxes,...
2.    Lady Godiva begged her husband to have mercy on the people,.
3.    She sent her servants through the town...
4.    If they obeyed,...
5.    The legend says...
A    but her stony-hearted husband showed no pity.
В    they were thrown into prison.
С    to tell the citizens that they shouldn't be in the streets.
D    that he was struck blind.
E    she would be able to save them.

И легенду эту надо запомнить.

А вот ответы.

1с, 2a, 3d, 4b, 5c, 6c, 1f, 2t, 3f, 1b, 2a, 3c, 4c, 5d    
В следующем выпуске опять грамматика….

Dear Ladies!
 Only for you!

Желаю успеха!

А. Соболевская

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