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Would – зачем он?

_English_: Подготовка к тестированию
за 2 года

  Выпуск No57 (58) от 2009-01-03
Подписчиков: 1343 чел.

ПРАЗДНИКИ ЕЩЕ НЕ КОНЧИЛИСЬ. Порадуйте себя, зайдя по ссылке

А теперь проза жизни.


1. The accident happened  because  the  driver  in  front  stopped  so suddenly. If the driver in front had not stopped so syddenly, the accident  wouldn’t have happened.
 2. I didn't wake George because I didn't know  he  wanted  to  get  up early. If I had known George  wanted ( or had wanted) to get up early, I would have woken him.
3. I was able to buy the car because Jim lent me the money. If Jim hadn’t lent me the money, I wouldn’t have been able to buy the car.
4. She wasn't injured in the crash because she was wearing a seat-belt. If she had n’t been waering ( or hadn’t worn) a seat-belt , she would have been injured in the crash.

Помимо условных предложений и использования would в  приглашениях и предложениях чего-то, would употребляется:
a) Sometimes we use WOULD after I WISH
It is raining. Tom wants to go out , but not in the rain. He says:
We use I WISH....WOULD when we want something to happen or somebody to  do something. The speaker is complaining about the present situation.
- I wish someone would answer that telephone. It's  been  ringing  for about 5 minutes.
The music next door is very loud. I wish they would turn it down.
I wish you wouldn't drive so fast. It makes me nervous.
По поводу строчек ниже – отдельно рассмотрим перевод прямой речи в косвенную Значительно позже.
b) WOULD/ WOULDN'T is sometimes the past of WILL/ WON'T.
 Present- Tom: I'll lend you some money, Ann,
Past- Tom said that he would lend Ann some money. Present. Ann: I promise I won't be late.
Past: Ann promised that she wouldn't be late.

Особое внимание строчкам ниже. Я была уверена, что уж этот момент не будут включать в тесты. Увы! В одном из тестов я встретила именно это. И в текстах было.

c) You can also use WOULD when you look back on the past and  remember things that often happened:
When we were children, we lived by the sea. In summer, if the  weather was fine, we would all get up early and go for a swim.
USED TO is also possible in these sentences:....we all used to get  up early and go....

Опять проверим.
11. John said that he had never seen this place before.

12. The new hotel   will be opened next year.

13. Bob and Alice are married. How long have they been married ?

14. How many people are injured in road accidents every day?
15. This room was cleaned yesterday.

16. He had been smoking for 30 years when he finally gave it up.
17. My grandfather could speak five languages.
18. He looks like British. He must be British.
19. I'm afraid I can't come tomorrow. I have to work late.
20. Her clothes are always nice.
21. Can I borrow your scissors? Mine aren't  sharp enough.
22. My . parents' friends don't know Mr. and Mrs. Dick.

23. We often see my brother's friends on the stadium.

А теперь несколько новых предложений.

24. The room was completely silent. He could hear ... but the beating of his own heart.
a. nothing                            c. something
b. anything                           d. someone
25.1 met them long ago, so I don't remember ... of them.
a. some                                c. anyone
b.none                                d.nobody
26. His sister is two years ... than mine.
a. elder c. the oldest
d. eldest
b. older
27. Your hostel is
a.  more good
b. gooder
c. better
d. the best
28. She stayed away ... school because she was ill.
a. at                                     c. from
b.  in                                     d. off

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А. Соболевская

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