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Повторение придаточных предложений времени.

_English_: Подготовка к тестированию
за 2 года

  Выпуск No52 (53) от 2008-11-29
Подписчиков: 1318 чел.

 Надеюсь, что глагол should  стал вашим другом. Он очень удобен в речи.
Прежде чем перейти к повторению трех типов условных предложений. Давайте вспомним придаточные предложения времени.
A. What time will you phone me tonight?
B: I'll phone you when I get home from work. ________________________________________________________________________ "I'll phone you when I get home from work" is a sentence with 2 parts: "I'll phone you"(the main part) and "when I get home from work" (the WHEN part). The sentence is future (tonight) but you  cannot  use  will  or going to in the WHEN part of the sentence. Instead we  use  a  present tense. Usually present simple (I DO).
_____________________________________________________________________________ -I'll send you a postcard when I'm on holiday.
-When the rain stops we'll go out.
The same thing happens after :
WHILE, AFTER, BEFORE, UNTIL\TILL, AS SOON AS -Can you look after the children while I am out? - Before you leave , you must visit the museum. - Wait here until I come back.

b) You can also use the present perfect ( I  have  done)  after  WHEN, AFTER, UNTIL etc. to show that  the  first  action  will  be  finished before the second:
-When I've read this book, you can have it.
-Don't say anything  while Tom is here. Wait here until he has gone. It is  often possible to use present simple or present perfect:
-I'll come as soon as I finish or I'll come as soon as I'VE finished. -You'll feel better after you have something to eat or
You'll feel better after you've had something to eat.
c) After IF we also use the present simple (I DO) for the future: It's raining. We'll get wet if we go out.
Hurry up! If we don't hurry, we'll be late.
Проработайте все примеры. Вам будет легче с усвоением первого типа условных предложений, о котором будем говорить в следующем выпуске.

А теперь новые задания.

 16. You'll... to use the stairs; the lift is out of order.
 a .need                     c .have
 b. must                     d. can

17. Thomas received a warning for speeding. He ... have driven so fast
. a. should                  c. might
 b. needn't                 d- shouldn't

18. Jane did very well on the exam. She ... have studied very hard.
 a. had to                  c. need
b. must                    d. should
19.... man does not live by... bread alone.
a. a, the                    c. a,-
b. -, -                      d. the, the

20. Is... Malta in ... Mediterranean?
a. -, the                     c. the, -
b. the, the                   d. -, -

21.... substantial tea was laid on ... table.
 a. -, the                     c. a. the
b. the, a                     d. -, a
А теперь еще один вид задания

Для его выполнения нужно повторить  тему «степени сравнения».

 Попробуйте выполнить,  а ошибки обсудим в следующем выпуске.

1. Do you think the last hotel was (slightly less. More least) modern than this one?
2. I hope Mike will be (more lucky, luckier, lucky) than we are.

3. His ( last, latest) words were, “ The end”.
4.It’s a long journey by train : it’s much (quickly, more quick, quicker, more quickly) by road.

5. This is the (most modern, modernеst)  dress I’ve ever seen.
6.Heathrow is the (most, busy, busiest) airport in Europe.

7. Shakespeare wrote his (last, latest, latter, later )play in 1613.
8. My new job is far better than the old one. I work ( fewer, less, much less) hours and earn more.

9. Which of the boys works (best, better) of all the boys?

10. She  always wears( the last, the latest) fashion.

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Желаю успеха!

А. Соболевская

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