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_English_: Подготовка к тестированию
за 2 года

  Выпуск No48 (49) от 2008-11-01
Подписчиков: 1291 чел.

 Проверим упражнения  с модальными глаголами.
1.Ann has to leave tomorrow. What time exactly does she have to leave? 2. We  had  to  answer  a lot  of  questions  in  the  exam.  How  many questions did you have to answer?
3. George had to pay a parking fine. How much did he have to pay? 4. I have to get up early tomorrow. Why do you have to get up early tomorrow?
Проверяем дальше:
новые  упражнения.
16 You  must be thirsty after carrying those heavy boxes, shall I make you some tea?
17. Albert  had to write an  essay yesterday, so he couldn’t  come to the meeting.

18. Look at what you have done! You  should be more careful.
 ( вам следует)
19. The whole family had  fun looking at our old holiday photographs.
20. Did you speak to Beryl last week?
21. Have you got the time? I’ve forgotten to my watch.
 Обратите внимание на артикль в данном случае. Думаю, что вы догадаетесь.
22. Would Harriet like to go for for  a walk?
23. You didn’t get the job? Oh no, what  a shame!
Запомните это выражение. Оно часто встречается в устной речи.
24. Mrs. Porter told me offf for eating  sweets  in class.  

25. James wants  some time  to talk it over with his wife.
26. If a problem comes up, please ring us straightaway.
 Ох, уж эти предлоги после глаголов! Заучиваем!

И опять модальные глаголы.
Must /do/ means that it is necessary that you do something.
You haven't got much time. You must hurry.

You mustn't / do/ means that it is necessary that you do not do something. The baby is asleep. You must not shout.
Нельзя кричать.
Needn't /do/ means that it is not necessary to do something.
You've got plenty of time. You needn't hurry. I  can  hear  you  quite clearly. You needn't shout.( не нужно кричать. Нет такой необходимости).
Instead of NEEDN'T  you can use  DON'T/ DOESN'T NEED TO.
You've got plenty of time. You don't need to hurry.
We use needn't have to say  that  someone  did  smth.  But  it  wasn't necessary.
Ann bought some eggs but when she got home she found that she  already had plenty of eggs. So she needn't have bought any eggs.
Особое внимание наследующие строчки.
DIDN'T NEED TO  is different from NEEDN'T HAVE
We use DIDN'T NEED TO /and didn't have to/ to say that an  action  was unnecessary. This was known all the time of the action.
I didn't need to go, so I didn't go.
I didn't need to go  but I decided to go anyway.
When we use NEEDN'T HAVE, it was not known at the time that the action was not necessary.
I needn't have gone = I went- this was unnecessary, but I didn't  know at the time that it was unnecessary.

Put must, mustn't or needn't.
ex. We haven't got much time . We must hurry.
We've got plenty of time. We needn't hurry.
1. Do you want me to wait for you? - No, it's okay. You______________ wait.
2. TOM GAVE ME A LETTER TO POST. I ________________forget to post it. 3. You__________________- come if you don't want to  but  I  hope  you will.
4. What sort of house do you want to buy? Something big? Well, it -______________ be big- that's not  important.  But  it  ______________  have  a  nice garden-.

И опять  упражнения.
27. Would you phone  the hotel and ask them to sort ….the problem?
a, in, b out, c to, d by
28. I work …. an import- export company in London.
 a in, b, with , c, for, d, by
29. I don’t like to play cards  with John because  he always ….and I hate  losing.
a. beats, b, gains,  c wins, d, loses
30.If you decide  to come  do not forget to …some cassettes with you.
 a. take, b, bring, c get, d, carry
31. Too much chocolate may cause tooth... .
a. damage                            c. destroy
b. decay                               d. break
32. Will you... out the tea, dear?
a. drop                                 c. flow
b. pour                                d. Tail
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Желаю успеха!

А. Соболевская

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