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_English_: Подготовка к тестированию
за 2 года

  Выпуск No49 (50) от 2008-11-08
Подписчиков: 1306 чел.


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1. Do you want me to wait for you? - No, it's okay. You needn’t wait.
2. TOM GAVE ME A LETTER TO POST. I mustn’t forget to post it. 3. You needn’t  come if you don't want to  but  I  hope  you will.
4. What sort of house do you want to buy? Something big? Well, it needn’t be big- that's not  important.  But  it  must   have  a  nice garden-.

27. Would you phone  the hotel and ask them to sort out the problem?
28. I work  for an import- export company in London.
 29. I don’t like to play cards  with John because  he always wins and I hate  losing.

30.If you decide  to come  do not forget to bring some cassettes with you.
31. Too much chocolate may cause tooth decay .

32. Will you pour out the tea, dear?

И привет от Питера.

'to walk away' means to leave an unpleasant situation that is difficult to deal with.
∙    You are responsible for this. You can't just walk away.
∙    Don't get involved in an argument. Just walk away.
'to walk in on' means to enter a room when someone is doing something private or personal.
∙    They were whispering. I think I walked in on a private conversation.
∙    He walked in on me when I was getting changed in my office.
'to walk into' means to unexpectedly get involved in something, usually unpleasant.
∙    I really didn't see this coming. I just walked straight into it.
∙    I didn't realise I was just walking into a trap. He planned it beautifully.
'to walk into' can also mean to get a job very easily.
∙    After university, he just walked into a very good job in the bank.
∙    Thanks to her father and his connections, she walked into a very well paid job.
'to walk something off' means to go for a walk to stop having unpleasant or angry feelings.
∙    The best thing to do was to go out and walk off my bad mood.
∙    I had a terrible headache but managed to walk it off.
'to walk off with' means to take something without permission or without paying for it.
∙    When they evacuated the shop, customers walked off with lots of things.
∙    Kate has just walked off with my sweater and new boots. She's always doing that.
'to walk out' means to leave a meeting or performance before the end to show displeasure.
∙    He just walked out half way through and left us sitting there.
∙    Some of the audience walked out during the play, they weren't enjoying it at all.
'to walk out' can also mean workers suddenly go on strike.
∙    All the technicians in production walked out in support of their pay claim.
∙    The drivers walked out when they heard that one of them had been sacked.
'to walk out on' means to leave someone you have a close relationship with.
∙    His girlfriend walked out on him after a big argument about money.
∙    My father walked out on us when I was very young.
'to walk over' means to treat someone very badly, especially by telling you what to do all the time.
∙    He just walks all over her. He does just as he pleases.
∙    He lets her walk all over him. He never says no to her.
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А. Соболевская

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