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_English_: Подготовка к тестированию
за 2 года

  Выпуск No39 (40) от 2008-08-30
Подписчиков: 1195 чел.

Начинаем, как обычно.

9. The scientist who  discovered  a new planet has won the Nobi Prize.
10.Shall  we have something to eat? - Yes, but not here.

11.    My mother always moves my books around so I can’t   find them.

12.1 don't like the cafes that don't have chairs and people have to eat standing up.

13.    There is a big hotel in the middle of  the park.

14.    Towns which attract tourists are usually crowded in

15.    Be sure to pick  these tomatoes before they get too ripe.

16.    I suppose people are spending now  more money than then
used to.

17.    Was it exciting buying a car? - Well, it was a bit of
problem because I didn't have much money to spend.

18.    Once I hated flying, but now I feel less nervous about it.

19.    The trouble with my father is that he never relaxes.

20.    What did you buy this computer magazine  for...? - To read
about business software.

В этом задании были модальные глаголы.
 На мой взгляд, это одна из наиболее трудных тем. Хотя  иногда, кажется, что достаточно выучить  небольшое количество модальных глаголов, и все ОК. Но проблема в том, что иной раз мы, в силу своего менталитета, пытаемся употребить must в тех случаях, когда носителю языка и в голову не придет. Поэтому советую внимательно вдумываться в примеры и строчки правил.

Начнем с can.
1. YOU CAN SEE THE Sea from our bedroom in window.
I'm afraid I can't come to your party next Friday.
BE ABLE TO is possible instead of CAN, but CAN is more usual. Are you able to speak any foreign landuages?
I haven't been able to sleep recently.
Tom might not be able to come tomorrow.

2. Could and was able to.....
When we went into the house, we could smell burning.
She spoke in a low voice but I could understand what she was saying. We also use COULD to say that someone had the general  ability  to  do something:
My grandfather could speak 5 languages. When Tom was 16, he could  run 100 metres in 11 seconds.
But if you mean that someone MANAGED to do something IN ONE PARTICULAR SITUATION YOU HAVE TO USE was/were able to / not could/
The fire spread through the building very  quickly  but  everyone  WAS
ABLE to escape. They did not want to come with us at first but  in  the end we were able to persuade them.
Compare COULD and WAS ABLE TO ( сумел. Мне удалось…)
Jack was an exellent tennis player. He could beat anybody.
But once he had a difficult game against Alf. Alf played very well but at the end Jack was able to beat him. ( сумел победить)
The negative COULDN'T is possible in all  situations.
My grandfather couldn't swim.
We tried hard but we could not persuade them to come with us.

1. He had hurt his leg, so he ------------------ walk very well.
2. She wasn't at home when I phoned but I ____________ contact her  at her office.
3. I looked very carefully and  I____________  see  a  figure  in  the distance.
4. They didn't have any tomatoes in the first shop I went  to,  but  I __________ get some in the next shop.
5. My grandmother loved music. She____________play  the  piano  very well.
6. The boy fell into  the  river  but  fortunately  we________________ rescue him.
А теперь проверьте.

 Напоминаю, что глагол can не имеет будущего времени, не имеет инфинитива.

 Выучите все примеры. Обратите внимание на was able to.  
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Математика. Подготовка к ЕГЭ и ЕНТ


Желаю успеха!

А. Соболевская

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