Выпуск No34 (35) от 2008-08-02 Подписчиков: 1170 чел.
Проверим домашнее задание.
1. My cat catches a lot of mice.
2. My father's friend is in Kiev now.
3. The weather is better today than it
was last night.
4. Cats are much more entertaining than
5. He looked calm, though tired.
6. Two thousand people greeted the British representatives.
7. She heard steps behin her.
8.. When the old lady returns to her flat she will see at once that
somebody has broken in during her absence.
9. I used .to smoke cigarettes but finally stopped.
We use USED TO with the infinitive ( USED TO DO, USED TO SMOKE) to say
that something regularly happened in the past but no longer happens:
10. I rang my friend to London yesterday and he said it was
raining heavily there.
//. My father is sure that most people will be riding
bicycles to work in twenty year's time.
12. She has the most beautiful smile I
have ever seen..
We often use the Present Perfect after a superlative. - What
a boring film! It's the most boring film I've ever seen.
13. This new washing machine is
completely different from the other
14.1 would be glad to answer any questions you may have.
15. The suspect denied that he had been to the bank
that day.
16.1 do wish you would. make less noise
17.1 am really looking forward to going to camp again this summer.
Советую хорошо выучить am really looking forward to +
существительное или герундий.
В письмах англоговорящие часто употребляют это выражение. Когда хотят
сказать. Что с нетерпением ждут вашего письма или встречи с вами. В
тестах тоже любят давать это выражение.
18. How much are you expecting to get for
your old car?
19. Shall I have my PA phone for a taxi?
NOTE THAT WE USE shall (not will) in the questions
SHALL I...? and SHALL WE...? ( for offers,
- Shall I open the window?=( do you want me to open the
window?) -I've got no money. What shall I do? =(What do you suggest I
do)? Where shall we go this evening?
20. Open your mouth, it's time for you to
take your medicine
А теперь поговорим о глаголе to have.
a) Have and have got
We often use GAVE GOT\ HAS GOT rather than HAVE\HAS alone. SO YOU CAN
SAY We've got a new car or We have a new car.
-Tom's got =(Tom has got) a headache or Tom has a headache.
А теперь внимание! In questions and negative sentences there are 3 possible form.
Do you have any money?
I don't have any money.
Have you any money?(less usual)
I haven't any money.
Have you got any money?
I have not got any money. Обратите внимание на вопрос Do you have a ... Does he have a...
Если вы привыкнете так задавать вопрос с глаголом ИМЕТЬ, то
потом вам будет легче правильно построить предложение в
прошедшем времени, с сочетаниями с глаголом have и с модальным глаголом
to have to. In the past we do not use GOT.
When she was a child, she had long fair hair.
Внимание! In past questions and negative sentences we normally
Did you have a car when you lived in London?
I wanted to phone you, but I didn't have your number.
He didn't have a watch, so he didn't know what time it was.
В некоторых учебниках можно встретить и такую форму вопроса Had you a
party yesterday?
Но в современных тестах такая форма не приветствуется.
И отрицание тоже надо ставить с Didn’t
В следующем выпуске будет продолжение этой темы.
А пока новые задания.
1. Her hair is long and fair. Everybody admires....
1. them 3.
2. it 4. its
2. My ... library is very rich.
1. brother-in-law
2. brother' s-in-law
3. brother-in-law's
4. brothers'-in-law
3. The contract is ... than the previous one.
1. satisfactory
3. more satisfactory
2. in a satisfactory
manner 4. the most satisfactory
4. Cats are... smaller than dogs.
1. a lot
2. more
3. much more smaller
4. great deal
5. -Well, it..., but will it taste the same?
1. is smelling good
3. smells good
2. is smelling well
4. smells well
6.... students were present at the meeting.
1. Two hundreds
2. Two hundred of
2. Two hundred
4. Two hundreds in
7. Something is wrong with my umbrella.
May I take...?
1. yours 3.
2. your 4.
8. When you ... older, you will
understand everything.
1. grow 3.
will grow
2. grows 4.
have grown
9. He... back every penny yesterday.
1. paid 3.
2. payed 4.
10. About 100 people ... outside the theatre for tickets when we got
1. were
queuing 3.
have queued
2. queued
4. has queued
//. This time tomorrow... on the beach sunbathing and drinking freshly
squeezed fruit juice.
1. I'll lie
3. I'll be lying
2. I'll have lain
4. I'll have been lying
12. What are you looking for?- I'm afraid
I... my key.
1. lose 3.
have lost
2. lost 4.
had lost
13. Vm afraid I'm not very keen... boiled
1. towards
3. on
2. to 4. for
14. There are already... people waiting
outside to buy tickets.
l.a 3. the
2. some 4. lots
15. We made her an excellent offer, but
she... it.
1. rejected
3. turned
2. accepted
4. denied
16.1 wish we... on the same flight tomorrow.
1. were travelling
3. will travel
2. would travel
4. had travelled
17. She... her work passionately and will
never give it up.
1. likes 3.
keen on
2. is fond of
4. loves
18. You can ... a second hand mobile
phone for under ten pounds.
l.get 3. take
2. hold 4. pay
19. Bill... before having his photo taken.
1 cut his hair
3. got his hair cut
2 got cut his hair
4. got hair cut
20. I'd sooner we... out at all tonight.
1. didn't go
3. wouldn't go
2. haven't gone
4. won't go