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_English_: Подготовка к тестированию
за 2 года

  Выпуск No35 (36) от 2008-08-09
Подписчиков: 1182 чел.


 Проверим домашнее задание.
1.    Her hair is long and fair. Everybody admires it.
2.     My brother-in- law’s library is very rich.
3.    The contract is more satisfactory  than the previous one.
4. Cats are a lot  smaller than dogs.

Before the comparitive of adjectives and adverbs you can use:
a bit, a little, much, a lot, far= a lot.

Let's go by car. It's much ( or a lot) cheaper.
Don't go by train. It's much more expensive.
Ann works a lot harder than most of her friends. Could you speak a bit ( or a little) more slowly?
Her illness was far more serious than we at first thought.

5. -Well, it smells good, but will it taste the same?
6 Two hundred students were present at the meeting.
7.    Something is wrong with my umbrella. May I take yours?
8.    When you grow older, you will understand everything.
9.    He paid  back every penny yesterday.
10. About 100 people were queuing  outside the theatre for tickets when we got there.
//. This time tomorrow I’ll be lying on the beach sunbathing and drinking freshly squeezed fruit juice.

Возьмите англо- русский словарь, найдите там слова to lie и to lay. Посмотрите и запомните 3 формы этих глаголов. Вы будете удивлены необычным совпадением.  Это глаголы часто встречаются  в тестах, а ошибки  очень вероятны.

12.    What are you looking for?- I'm afraid I have lost  my key.
13.    I’m afraid I'm not very keen on  boiled cabbage.
14.    There are already some  people waiting outside to buy tickets.

15.    We made her an excellent offer, but she rejected  it.
16.1 wish we were travelling on the same flight tomorrow.
b) We also use THE PAST for a present situation  after  WISH.  We  use WISH to say that we  regret something , that  something is not as we would  like to be.
I WISH I KNEW SUE'S TELEPHONE NUMBER.( but I don't know it.)
Do you ever wish you could fly?( You can't fly.
I wish I didn't have to work.
 In IF sentences and after WISH you can use WERE instead of WAS.
17.    She loves  her work passionately and will never give it up.

18.    You can get. a second hand mobile phone for under ten pounds.

19.Bill got his hair cut before having his photo taken.
20.    I'd sooner we didn’t. out at all tonight.

А теперь снова глагол to have

 Have for actions.
We also use HAVE for a number of actions. For example: have breakfast/ lunch/ dinner/ a meal/ a drink/ a cup of coffee.
have a swim/ a walk/ a rest/ a holiday/ a party/ a good time. have a bath/ a shower/ a wash
have  a look ( at something).
have a baby (=give a birth to a baby)
Have a chat( with someone).
HAVE GOT  is not possible in this expressions:
I usually have a big breakfast in the morning.
 I have a bath every morning=(I take a bath-this is an action). Я принимаю ванну каждое утро.
I've got a bath.=(There is a bath in my house.)
У меня есть ванна в доме.

When we use have for actions , you  can  use  continuous  forms  (  is having/ are having/ was having)
Where is Tom? He is having a bath.
In questions and negative sentences you must use DO/ DOES/ DID. -I don't usually have a big breakfast.
 What time does Ann have lunch?
 Did you have a swim this morning?

 Новые упражнения.
1    Three ...  were present there.
1policeman    3. policemen
2    policemans    4. policemens
2.... environment is in danger.
1.    The earth'    3. The earths'
2.    The earth's    4. Earth's
3.    This is the ... film I've ever seen.
1.    interesting    3. more interesting
2.    interestingest    4. most interesting
4.    He has ... free time than I.
1.    much more    3\ a great deal much
2.    many more    4. most much
5. Your voice doesn't sound....
1 sincere. 2 sincerely, 3 more sincerely, 4.most sincerely

6.... were present at the meeting.
1.    Three scores of people    3. Three scores people
2.    Three score of people     4. Three scores in people
7.    Will you have... to eat?
1.    something    3. nothing
2.    anything    4. no
8.    When you... to the Chinese restaurant next time, what will you
1.    go    3. goes
2.    will    4. would go
9.    It's almost a year since he... smoking.
1.    stopped    3. had stopped
2.    have stopped    4. would stop
10.    This time last week I... to Athens.
1.    have driven    3. was driving
2.    have drove    4. have been driving
11.    He can't come at 2 o'clock tomorrow because he ... a lesson at
that time.
1.    will give    3. will be giving
2.    will be given    4. will have been given
12.    -Where are my keys? This is the third time I... them today.
1.    lost    3. am loosing
2.    had lost    4. have lost
13.    They 're proud... their daughter's success.
1.    from    3. for
2.    of    4. in
14.... is one of the most interesting subjects at school.
1.    Physic    3. The Physics
2.    The Physic    4. Physics
/5. Don't be so...- you can call me Pete.
1. formal    3. tiresome
2 typical    4. afraid
16. If you'd run faster, you... the bus.
1/ shouldn’t caught, 2. wouldn’t catch, 3. could have caught, 4. might catch
 17 . Could you let me have a ... at youк newspaper for a moment?
 1. look, 2. read, 3. borrow, 4 minute
18. Scarves... in this church
1.    must have worn 3. have worn, 4. must been worn.
2.    must be worn
19.    The meeting isn't... to start till three.
1.    about to    3. on the point
2.    owing    4. due
20.    No wine for me, thanks. - I'd rather... water.
1.    to have    3. have
2.    had    4. would have

Если у вас что-то не получается,  просмотрите предыдущие  выпуски рассылки.,  посмотрите в школьный учебник., словарь.  Старайтесь найти ответ самостоятельно. А в следующем выпуске будут правильные ответы.

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