… на тот случай, если появятся несколько тигров или
невероятным образом ваша собственная рука подведет вас.
He pointed around.
The parallel is exact.
Точнее, параллельные.
(прочитайте и переведите основной текст урока)
fierce old man said nothing, but still glared at my companion. With his savage
eyes and bristling moustache he was wonderfully like a tiger himself.
"I wonder that my very
simple stratagem could deceive so old a shikari," said Holmes. "It
must be very familiar to you. Have you not tethered a young kid under a tree,
lain above it with your rifle, and waited for the bait to bring up your tiger?
This empty house is my tree, and you are my tiger. You have possibly had other
guns in reserve in case there should be several tigers, or in the unlikely
supposition of your own arm failing you. These," he pointed around,
"are my other guns. The parallel is exact."
Translate Russian parts of the sentences into English
(переведите русскую часть предложений на английский язык)
The (свирепый) old man said (ничего), but still (пристально смотрел) at my companion. (с его свирепыми глазами и ощетинившимися усами) he was wonderfully like a tiger himself.
"I (удивляюсь) that my (очень простая уловка) could (обмануть) so old a shikari," said Holmes. "It must be (очень знакомо для вас). Have you not tethered a young kid under a tree, lain above it (со своим ружьем), and waited for the bait to bring up your tiger? This (пустой дом) is my tree, and you are my tiger. You have (возможно) had other guns (в запасе) in case there should be several tigers, or (невероятным образом) of your own arm failing you. These," he pointed around, "are
my other guns. The parallel is exact."