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English: The Best

Выпуск 234 от 21.04.2015

English: The Best

Дорогие друзья!

Сегодня в выпуске:

1. Сегодня, 21 апреля, исполняется  89 лет королеве Великобритании Елизавете II (англ. Elizabeth II, полное имя – Елизавета Александра Мария, англ. Elizabeth Alexandra Mary). 105 лет назад умер Марк Твен (настоящее имя – Сэмюэл Лэнгхорн Клеменс), американский писатель, общественный деятель.

Узнайте больше о жизни этих знаменитых людей:

Елизавета II

Марк Твен

Познакомиться с творчеством Марка Твена

2. «The woman in White" Lesson 249

Продолжаем изучать английский язык, используя в качестве текста  произведения английских классиков в оригинале. В последнем уроке Сэр Пэрсиваль Глайд произвел очень благоприятное впечатление на мистера Гилмора своими объяснениями. Все ожидают ответа миссис Катерик, матери несчастной девушки в белом, к которой, по  настоятельной  просьбе сэра Пэрсиваля, написала письмо мисс Голкомб с просьбой подтвердить объяснение сэра Пэрсиваля.



"It was only a fancy," she said absently. "There is no need to discuss it, Mr. Gilmore. Your experience ought to be, and is, the best guide I can desire."

I did not altogether like her thrusting the whole responsibility, in this marked manner, on my shoulders. If Mr. Fairlie had done it, I should not have been surprised. But resolute, clear-minded Miss Halcombe was the very last person in the world whom I should have expected to find shrinking from the expression of an opinion of her own.

"If any doubts still trouble you," I said, "why not mention them to me at once? Tell me plainly, have you any reason to distrust Sir Percival Glyde?"

"None whatever."

"Do you see anything improbable, or contradictory, in his explanation?"

"How can I say I do, after the proof he has offered me of the truth of it? Can there be better testimony in his favour, Mr. Gilmore, than the testimony of the woman's mother?"

"None better. If the answer to your note of inquiry proves to be satisfactory, I for one cannot see what more any friend of Sir Percival's can possibly expect from him."

"Then we will post the note," she said, rising to leave the room, "and dismiss all further reference to the subject until the answer arrives. Don't attach any weight to my hesitation. I can give no better reason for it than that I have been over-anxious about Laura lately--and anxiety, Mr. Gilmore, unsettles the strongest of us."

She left me abruptly, her naturally firm voice faltering as she spoke those last words. A sensitive, vehement, passionate nature-- a woman of ten thousand in these trivial, superficial times. I had known her from her earliest years--I had seen her tested, as she grew up, in more than one trying family crisis, and my long experience made me attach an importance to her hesitation under the circumstances here detailed, which I should certainly not have felt in the case of another woman. I could see no cause for any uneasiness or any doubt, but she had made me a little uneasy, and a little doubtful, nevertheless. In my youth, I should have chafed and fretted under the irritation of my own unreasonable state of mind. In my age, I knew better, and went out philosophically to walk it off.



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2. Expressions
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I've gone off him.
Я его разлюбила.


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