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English: The Best

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English: The Best

Выпуск 233 от 16.04.2015

English: The Best

Дорогие друзья!

Сегодня в выпуске:

1. Сегодня, 16 апреля, родился американский и английский киноактёрсценаристкомпозитор и режиссёр, универсальный мастер кинематографа, создатель одного из самых знаменитых образов мирового кино — образа бродяжки Чарли, появившегося в короткометражных комедиях, поставленных на поток в 1910-е годы на киностудии Кистоуна Ча́рльз Спе́нсер (Ча́рли) Ча́плин.

187 лет назад сегодня умер  испанский художник и гравёр, один из первых и наиболее ярких мастеров изобразительного искусства эпохи романтизма Франси́ско Хосе́ де Го́йя-и-Лусье́нтес

Узнайте больше о жизни этих знаменитых людей:

 Чарли Чаплин

Франсиско де Гойя.

2. «The woman in White" Lesson 248

Продолжаем изучать английский язык, используя в качестве текста  произведения английских классиков в оригинале. В последнем уроке Сэр Пэрсиваль Глайд настоятельно  предложил всем получить доказательство своей невиновности и мисс Голкомб, уступив его просьбе, написала письмо миссис Катерик, матери несчастной девушки в белом, с просьбой подтвердить объяснение сэра Пэрсиваля.



"It is a duty we all owe to the poor creature herself to trace her," continued Sir Percival. "She may have said something at Todd's Corner which may help us to find her. I will go there and make inquiries on the chance. In the meantime, as I cannot prevail on myself to discuss this painful subject with Miss Fairlie, may I beg, Miss Halcombe, that you will kindly undertake to give her the necessary explanation, deferring it of course until you have received the reply to that note."

Miss Halcombe promised to comp]y with his request. He thanked her, nodded pleasantly, and left us, to go and establish himself in his own room. As he opened the door the cross-grained greyhound poked out her sharp muzzle from under the sofa, and barked and snapped at him.

"A good morning's work, Miss Halcombe," I said, as soon as we were alone. "Here is an anxious day well ended already."

"Yes," she answered; "no doubt. I am very glad your mind is satisfied."

"My mind! Surely, with that note in your hand, your mind is at ease too?"

"Oh yes--how can it be otherwise? I know the thing could not be," she went on, speaking more to herself than to me; "but I almost wish Walter Hartright had stayed here long enough to be present at the explanation, and to hear the proposal to me to write this note."

I was a little surprised--perhaps a little piqued also--by these last words.

"Events, it is true, connected Mr. Hartright very remarkably with the affair of the letter," I said; "and I readily admit that he conducted himself, all things considered, with great delicacy and discretion. But I am quite at a loss to understand what useful influence his presence could have exercised in relation to the effect of Sir Percival's statement on your mind or mine."



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The run of luck went against him.
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