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Английский для каждого

26 декабря
2005 года

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ПОДАРОК ВСЕМ ПОДПИСЧИКАМ! Уважаемые подписчики, специально, в целях лучшего ознакомления с журналом English4U, наша редакция бесплатно предоставляет два номера журнала в электронном виде:
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No-one has come up with a definitive reason for WHY some people are left-handed, but about 13% of the population around the world are, and it is thought to be genetic - it definitely runs in families. Researchers have recently located a gene they believe "makes it possible to have a left-handed child " so if you have that gene, one or more of your children may be left-handed, whereas without it, you will only have right-handers - sorry! The good news is, that if you are left-handed yourself, you have that gene and will pass it on through the generations!

Left-handers sometimes slip naturally into mirror-writing flowing from right to left and perfectly readable to them (or to anyone with a mirror). Famous examples of this were Leonardo da Vinci and Lewis Carroll.

Origin of left-handers

Stone Age implements discovered seem equally divided between left and right and studies of cave drawings have indicated a preference for the left hand. When tools became more sophisticated, a clear hand preference emerged. The right hand preference may have originated in sun worship.

In the Northern hemisphere you have to face south to follow the sun and move from left to right until the suns sets in the west. This gave moving to the right and the right hand side a great significance. Another theory says that as the heart is on the left hand side, a shield would have to be in the left hand to defend it and any weapon therefore had to be held in the right, which became the dominant hand. Recent theories have included one that right-handedness is the normality and left-handedness is a deficiency which results from a traumatic birth! Left-handers have done quite badly over the years and many old superstitions still survive today.

Christianity is strongly based towards the right hand. It is the right had that gives the blessing and make the sign of the cross. On one count, the Bible contains over 100 favourable reference to the right-hand and 25 unfavourable references to the left-hand .Those on the right inherit the kingdom of god while those on the let depart into everlasting fire. The devil is nearly always portrayed as left-handed and evil spirits lurk over the left shoulder (which is why you throw spilled salt over your left shoulder to ward them off).

The reason of differences

The way the brain works is incredibly complex, but this simplified explanation will give you some understanding of where our left-hand dominance comes from. The brain is "cross-wired" so that the left hemisphere controls the right handed side of the body and vice-versa and hand dominance is connected with brain dominance on the opposite side - which is why we say that only left-handers are in their right minds!

The left hemisphere (right hand control) controls Speech, Language, Writing, Logic, Mathematics, Science. The right hemisphere (left hand control) controls Music, Art, Creativity, Perception, Emotions,Genius..

This brain dominance makes left-handers more likely than right-handers to be creative, and visual thinkers. This is supported by higher percentages of left-handers than normal in certain jobs and professions - music and the arts, media in general. Left-handers are also generally better at 3-dimensional perception and thinking, leading, for example, to more left-handed architects than normal. Left-handers are also usually pretty good at most ball sports and things involving hand-to-eye co-ordination.

The view that left-handers are clumsy is not down to their natural abilities, but being forced to use right-handed tools and machinery which is completely back-to-front for them.

Check how left-handed you are

We all, of course, know in which hand we hold a pen, but how far does this bias extend throughout your body? Are you left-eared? Left eyed? Here is a simple test you can apply to yourself.

1. Imagine the centre of your back is itching. Which hand do you scratch it with?
2. Interlock your fingers. Which thumb is uppermost?
3. Imagine you are applauding. Start clapping your hands. Which hand is uppermost?
4. Wink at an imaginary friend straight in front of you. Which eye does the winking?
5. Put your hands behind your back, one holding the other. Which hand is doing the holding?
6. Someone in front of you is shouting but you cannot hear the words. Cup your ear to hear better. Which ear do you cup?
7. Count to three on your fingers, using the forefinger of the other hand. Which forefinger do you use?
8. Tilt your head over on to one shoulder. Which shoulder does it touch?
9. Fixate a small distant object with your eyes and point directly at it with your forefinger. Now close one eye. Now change eyes. Which eye was open when the fingertip remained in line with the small object? (When the other eye, the non-dominant one, is open and the dominant eye is closed, the finger will appear to move to one side of the object.)
10. Fold your arms. Which forearm is uppermost?

If you have always considered yourself to be right or left-handed you will probably now have discovered that your body is less than total in its devotion to its favoured side. If you are right-handed the chances are that you were not able to be 'right' 10 times.

Famous Left-Handers

Julius Caesar
Napol?on Bonaparte
Leonardo da Vinci
Fidel Castro, Cuban leader
Henry Ford, automobile manufacturer
David Rockefeller, banker
Lewis Carroll
Mark Twain
Paul McCartney
Charlie Chaplin
Greta Garbo
Nicole Kidman
Marilyn Monroe

hemisphere ['hemIsfIq] полушарие
clumsy ['klAmzI] неловкий
itching ['ItSiN] зудящий
to wink [wINk] подмигивать; перемигиваться
to tilt [tIlt] наклонять(ся)

Новости сайта, новинки нашего магазина

Раздел ССЫЛКИ пополнился 40-ка новыми ссылками, а также появились новые разделы и подразделы - Articles, Fiction and Stuff, Dictionaries, Сайты для тех, кто преподает английский язык, Английский для детей, Сайты, помогающие в изучении английского, Специализированные сайты знакомств для переписки

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    ХИТЫ продаж прошедшей недели:
  • New! American Beauty (Красота по-американски)
  • New! Fahrenheit 9/11 (Фаренгейт 9/11)
  • New! What Women Want (Чего хотят женщины)
  • New! Kama Sutra: A Tale of Love (Камасутра: История любви)
  • TOEFL (tests)
  • Mr. and Mrs. Smith (Мистер и миссис Смит)
  • Van Helsing (Ван Хельсинг)
  • English4U #22 (журнал для изучающих английский язык)
  • Voice of America (Часть первая)
  • Sweet November (Сладкий ноябрь), Романтика
  • The Godfather (Крестный отец)
  • Лингафонный КУРС Intermediate English + аудиокурс для экономистов
  • Pretty Woman (Красотка) - Джулия Робертс, Ричард Гир !
  • Dogville (Догвилль) - Николь Кидман !
  • A Walk to Remember (Спеши любить)
  • Forrest Gump (Форрест Гамп)
  • Shrek (Шрек)
  • Bridget Jones's Diary (Дневник Бриджет Джонс)

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