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Keys to successful negotiation | ||
Keys to successful negotiationBy Marsha Lindquist Everyone negotiates. Negotiations are an integral part of our jobs, our lives, and our relationships. We even negotiate with ourselves when we work out the relative value of things. Few people understand the negotiation process and the effect attitude, people skills and dealing with conflict have in a win-win negotiation. Negotiation is a life skill and an art. As a life skill, you negotiate every day whether you are aware of it or not. As an art, it has to be cultivated and developed over time. Developing a negotiation talent requires turning our thinking around. Learn the secrets and enjoy the process instead of dreading what you might perceive as a conflict. Today, negative comments and antagonistic attitudes popular about negotiations. Most people look at the negotiation process as at war. Negative experiences and pessimistic attitudes lead to negativity and destructive behavior in negotiations. The potential for a positive outcome and the development of long-standing affable relationships is tremendous. A negotiation is a discussion intended to produce an agreement. Negotiating is a crucial step in your organization's decision-making process and is a great way to solve problems. A conflict resolved through negotiation keeps your members happy and helps your organization run more efficiently. Here are some steps for successful negotiations: Listen First of all listen to those with whom you are negotiating. Hear their point of view and try not to consider their ideas as wrong. Try to keep an open mind; your ideas are not the only great ideas! Take turns with others in your organization in making points and remember to let them finish expressing their ideas. Not only is listening important, but make sure the speaker knows you are paying attention. Making small gestures, such as nodding and maintaining eye contact are some ways to show others that you are interested in what they are saying. Define goals clearly Express your views plainly and clearly so that others may understand what you are trying to say. Some ways to help get your points across are visuals. Handouts are a great way to reiterate your points and it helps them make a decision on what is best for your organization. Understand the problem Being a leader requires you to be knowledgeable in many things related to your organization. Be aware of what problem you are trying to solve, and be open to the many possible solutions. By being on top of problems in your organization, you will be able to run it more efficiently. By resolving problems in a timely manner, you help prevent future problems while keeping those in your organization happy. Ask questions If you find yourself in a situation where you do not understand another's argument, do not be afraid to ask questions. It is important to thoroughly understand all points being made. It is also important to understand the reasoning behind them. When people are not being concise, it is your responsibility to recognize this and address the matter. Questioning will not only help you understand the issue, but it will also help other members of your organization understand as well. Consider alternatives Be conscious of the fact that there are several ways to solve a situation, and that they all are suitable options. Listen to those in your organization and keep an open mind. If your group finds itself in a situation where they cannot find the best solution to the problem, brainstorm alternatives. A brainstorming activity is a perfect way to get great ideas fast. Solution When trying to reach an agreement on an issue, it is best if it comes to a consensus. It is important to have the full support of the members of your organization. If not, then the problem is not resolved and alternative solutions should be addressed. Everyone should give their appropriate input and influence the final decision. With successful negotiating, problems in your organization will be resolved and it will run more effectively. The conditions of the arrangement are those musical notes that can certainly make your other important objectives agreeable and workable. If you know what you want you can prioritize your requirements. Many negotiations collapse because people fail to connect and communicate. These two essential elements of connecting and communicating are so basic and we often overlook them. Communication requires listening and patience. Connecting means you work to find common ground and have the same goal - to come to a mutually agreeable conclusion. These two things involve you and your organization and the other players in the negotiation. When you take a position which closes you to the opposing viewpoint or leave little room for changes to your position, you may win a point but it will likely lead to a less desirable conclusion. When you can view the other party as a colleague you gain tremendous ground. It is likely you will meet that person again and need their cooperation. This will put a much different perspective on your communication and connectivity. Pick up Maintain a flexible posture and realize your game plan may need to be revised from time to time. Stays focused on the desired positive end and allow changes that need to happen during the process happen. It's dangerous to get so brave in your plan that you lose sight of the goals. Your objectives must help rather than a hinder. 10 Tips for successful negotiationsby Tony L. Callahan Whether you are working on a joint business venture, a new job, the price of an auto or your child's new curfew, negotiation is a key success skill. So how can you improve your negotiation skills? Here are 10 tips - so try to practice in every negotiation. 1. Be prepared Preparation is the single most important element in successful negotiations. In negotiations, information is power. The more relevant information you have, the better your position is. Preparation for your negotiations can not be overdone. Allow yourself adequate time to prepare. 2. Understand the needs of your partners Your partner in this context is the other party in the negotiation. Your relationship with this party may not normally be described as adversarial, but for the purposes of this discussion we will view the negotiation as an adversarial relationship. Put yourself in your partner's shoes. What would they like to gain from the negotiation? Write down as many possible goals as you can think of. Prioritize your list in the order that you believe your adversary would. 3. Know what your needs are What do you need out of the negotiations? More money? More flexibility? Better opportunities? Make a list of those things you would like to receive as a result of the negotiations. Refine and prioritize your list before starting the negotiation. Identify the items you are willing to negotiate and those items which are non-negotiable. 4. Most negotiations involve on going relationships With the exception of large purchases, most negotiations involve parties involved in a long term relationship. Whether the relationship is family, friends or business associates, it will be necessary to continue to deal with your partner outside the context of the negotiation. Always be sensitive to the potential impact of your negotiations on these relationships. 5. Every negotiation is different The key difference is the relationship you wish to have with your opponent once the negotiations are complete. When negotiating with a loved one, you may be willing to make more concessions in the interest of harmony. Keep these things in mind when creating and prioritizing your lists. 6. Understand the situational dynamics In order to negotiate successfully, you must understand the dynamics of the situation. Identify your role and the role of your opponent. Know the "power positions" of each role 7. Never lie Very few negotiations are a single contact event. With the possible exception of making large purchases, most parties involved in a negotiation have continued contact after the negotiations are completed. When you are caught in a lie, and it is inevitable that you will be, your future credibility will be lost. 8. Be flexible Understand that negotiation frequently involves compromise. Look for creative solutions to the problems presented in the negotiation. Make tradeoffs in order to gain those elements you most desire. 9. Winning isn't everything It is easy to get caught up in the competitive spirit of a negotiation. Remember that the point of negotiation is to reach a common agreement on how to move forward. While it may be possible to kick your opponent into agreeing to your terms, this does not create the "mutual agreement" that makes for a truly successful negotiation. 10. Quit while you are ahead Too many people have to see just how far they can push a negotiation. They have to try to get just one more concession. This attitude can be a deal breaker. The best negotiations are brief and to the point. Get agreement on your major points and stop. Additional items can be addressed in subsequent negotiations. WORDS:
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