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Английский для каждого

18 декабря
2005 года

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ПОДАРОК ВСЕМ ПОДПИСЧИКАМ! Уважаемые подписчики, специально, в целях лучшего ознакомления с журналом English4U, наша редакция бесплатно предоставляет два номера журнала в электронном виде:
English4U 19
English4U 17

Архив рассылки: http://ENGLISH4U.com.ua/modules.php?name=Posting

    Содержание выпуска:
  1. The Job Interview
  2. Подписка-2006 на журнал ENGLISH4U в любом отделении почты Украины и России
  3. Новости сайта, новинки нашего магазина

The Job Interview

The Job Interview

The job interview is the most important part of the job search process. It is through the interview that you will have the opportunity to sell your skills and background to a potential employer and to get to know more about that employer.

The most important part of an interview is your preparation. By preparing for the interview you can maximize your chances for success. There are four key areas of preparation:
1. Know yourself
2. Know the organization with which you are interviewing
3. Know the details: time, location, and appropriate dress for the interview
4. Practice

Know Yourself

To effectively sell your qualifications to an employer, you must first know what they are. Review all aspects of your resume. Know why you chose your major and your university. Know what classes you liked and disliked. Know what skills and accomplishments you have developed through your coursework, your work experiences, your activities, and your life experiences. Know your strengths and weaknesses. Be able to talk about yourself and your personal characteristics.

Know what you want to do and how your career goals relate to the organization with which you are interviewing

Know the Organization

There are several sources of information about organizations. Most organizations provide homepages on the Internet. Read these carefully, especially the annual report. You can often detect trends that are developing and changes that have occurred. If you are interviewing through the HR-manager, there may be an information session prior to your interview.

If you are having problems finding information about an organization, the HR-staff may be able to offer suggestions to assist you.

Know the Details

Part of your interview preparation is to know the day, date, time, and location of your interview. Do not assume. Check to be sure that you have the right information. Be certain there have been no last-minute changes.

Know what the appropriate dress is for the interview. Most of the time you should err on the side of typical professional dress-a suit and tie for men and a professional suit and blouse or dress for women. Some employers may accept more business casual dress for the interview. If so, they will state so in their interview notice. Again, part of your preparation is to plan ahead so you will be comfortable with what you are wearing and feel good about your appearance.


Athletes who excel in their sport share one common characteristic-they practice, practice, practice until they get better. The same is true with interviewing. Practice will help you get better. There are several ways to practice for an interview.

One way is to conduct an information interview with an employer in your field. The information interview should take place before the job interview. In an information interview, you are not applying for a job, but asking a potential employer questions about your field and positions in their organization. Ask concise and direct questions that will help you derive the desired information during an information interview. You can use that information in preparing for an actual job interview. This also gives you practice at one-on-one interviewing.

A second way to practice is through a mock interview. Participating in a mock interview can help you become familiar with the interviewing process. It can also give you practice at providing spontaneous, logical answers to an interviewer's questions as well as learn how to handle the pressure of an interview. Following the mock interview you are given a critique of your answers to help identify fatal mistakes as well as strengths and weaknesses in your communication skills.

Another way to practice is to anticipate questions. Take an employer's perspective and think about what questions you might be asked based on skills needed for that organization or position. Become familiar with and develop specific examples to talk about for all aspects of your background. This is called the S.T.A.R. interviewing technique. Specific questions about your background will be asked. You will need to relay the situation, the task, the actions, and the results of your experiences. Your answer should be focused on the actions-what you did. Your answers to these questions help the interviewer understand what skills you can offer the organization.

You are ready to interview

Show up to your interview early so you can relax and collect your thoughts before the interview. There are four basic components to an initial employment interview. They are:
1. Introduction
2. Questions by the Interviewer
3. Questions by the Interviewee
4. Closing

The introduction will be very short, but a very important part of the interview. Good body posture, a firm handshake, and steady eye contact should all be displayed during the introduction. Small talk will be on informal topics of discussion to show your spontaneity and personal interests.

Questions by the Interviewer
Your preparation and practice will pay off during this portion of the interview, which will be the longest part. Most interviewers will ask good, open-ended questions that will let you give information about your background. This is the time to present those specific answers that were talked about in the practice section. General answers, such as "I am hard working and motivated," don't mean anything to an interviewer until you tell them why you say that. What past experiences have you had that make you say that about yourself? If you do not understand a question, be sure to ask questions that will help you focus your answer.

Questions by the Interviewee
Again, this is where your preparation and practice will pay off. Prepare a list of questions for the interviewer ahead of time. Be certain you don't ask questions that were answered in the literature or at the information session the night before. However, it is fine to ask for additional information or interpretation of information. Clarify any aspects of the position through your questions.

As with the introduction, the closing will be a small part of the interview, but also a very important part. Before you leave, verify contact information for the interviewer. If you have not received a business card, ask for one. Also, verify the next step in the hiring process. Will they follow up with you or should you follow up with them and how soon? Express your appreciation for the opportunity to interview and leave with a smile and a handshake.

After the Interview
Send a brief thank you note to the recruiter within a day or two of the interview, if you are interested in pursuing a job with that organization. In the note, thank them for their time, express excitement about the organization or position, and tell them you look forward to hearing from them.

Four Final Tips for a Successful Interview

1. Be Prepared
2. Be Yourself
3. Be Positive
4. Be Enthusiastic

Good luck, Interviewees!

Ten Rules of Interviewing

To help with the interview process, keep the following ten rules in mind:

1. Keep your answers brief and concise.
Unless asked to give more detail, limit your answers to two to three minutes per question.

2. Include concrete, quantifiable data.
Interviewees tend to talk in generalities. Unfortunately, generalities often fail to convince interviewers that the applicant has assets.

3. Repeat your key strengths three times.
It's essential that you comfortably and confidently articulate your strengths. Explain how the strengths relate to the company's or department's goals and how they might benefit the potential employer. If you repeat your strengths then they will be remembered.

4. Prepare five or more success stories. In preparing for interviews, make a list of your skills and key assets. Then reflect on past jobs and pick out one or two instances when you used those skills successfully.

5. Put yourself on their team.
Ally yourself with the prospective employer by using the employer's name and products or services. For example, "As a member of __________, I would carefully analyze the __________ and __________." Show that you are thinking like a member of the team and will fit in with the existing environment.

6. Image is often as important as content.
What you look like and how you say something are just as important as what you say. Studies have shown that 65 percent of the conveyed message is nonverbal; gestures, physical appearance, and attire are highly influential during job interviews.

7. Ask questions.
The types of questions you ask and the way you ask them can make a tremendous impression on the interviewer. Good questions require advance preparation. Just as you plan how you would answer an interviewer's questions, write out specific questions you want to ask. Then look for opportunities to ask them during the interview.

8. Maintain a conversational flow.
By consciously maintaining a conversational flow-a dialogue instead of a monologue-you will be perceived more positively.

9. Research the company, product lines and competitors.
Research will provide information to help you decide whether you're interested in the company and important data to refer to during the interview.

10. Keep an interview journal.
As soon as possible, write a brief summary of what happened. Note any follow-up action you should take and put it in your calendar. Review your presentation. Keep a journal of your attitude and the way you answered the questions.

to conduct - вести, руководить; проводить
concise - краткий, лаконичный
to derive - извлекать, получать
mock - пробный
to anticipate - предугадывать; предвидеть
attire - одежда, наряд

Подпишись на журнал English4U

Каким он будет, наш любимый English4U, в следующем году?
С января 2006 года наш журнал выйдет на качественно новый уровень. Сейчас наша редакция проводит опросы среди изучающих английский язык г. Днепропетровска с целью сделать содержимое English4U наиболее интересным и полезным для наших читателей. Также мы начали сотрудничать с подобными журналами других стран (России и США), с редакциями которых мы будем обмениваться опытом и материалами. Вот список планируемых изменений:
а) будет улучшена форма подачи материалов;
б) журнал станет более информативным;
в) что же касается полиграфии, журнал станет более красочным;
г) появятся интересные конкурсы с призами;
д) будут проводиться бесплатные мероприятия для читателей журнала;
е) планируется создание английского клуба, членом которого сможет стать любой читатель English4U из Днепропетровска, Украины, России и др. стран мира.

Подписка для жителей УКРАИНЫ
Подписная кампания на 2006 год уже началась!
Стоимость месячной подписки - 5 грн. 80 коп.
Периодичность журнала в 2006 году - 2 раза в месяц.
Для того, чтобы подписаться на журнал, необходимо:
1. скачать АБОНЕМЕНТ на сайте (либо взять в любом отделении почты)
2. заполнить его, указав свои контактные данные и срок подписки (для подписки на год нужно отметить крестиками каждый месяц)
3. отнести АБОНЕМЕНТ в любое отделение Укрпочты, заплатить стоимость подписки на выбранный срок

УРА! Подписка теперь доступна и для жителей РОССИИ!!!
На журнал English4U теперь можно подписаться и в любом отделении почты России (ищите журнал в каталоге периодики по индексу 91029).
Все на почту ;)))))

Акция! Подарки для подписчиков!
Оформив годовую подписку на журнал можно гарантированно получить сборник аудиокниг на английском языке БЕСПЛАТНО. Подробности читайте в первом январском номере 2006 года. Аудиокниги будут доставляться подписчикам бесплатно как в Россию и Украину, так и во все другие страны, в которых можно выписать наш журнал.

Подробнее о журнале и подписке можно почитать здесь: http://english4u.dp.ua/modules.php?name=Magazine

Новости сайта, новинки нашего магазина

На форуме зарегистрировано уже 252 участника.

Новые и самые обсуждаемые темы на форумах English4U:

  1. Важная: Подписка на журнал English4U доступна в любом почтовом отделении РОССИИ и УКРАИНЫ
  2. Важная: Сфера распространения журнала English4U
  3. 600 бесплатных образцов писем на английском языке
  4. Курсы переводчиков
  5. Курсы английского языка в Киеве
  6. Курсы английского языка в г.Львове
  7. Курсы за границей
  8. Business English books
  9. english by ICQ!
  10. Hello! I am looking for E-mail-frends!
  11. Our album =)) - открыт фотоальбом участников форума
  12. anekdotik
  13. А какой список работ предлагает программа WorkAndTravelUSA? (Днепропетровск)

    ХИТЫ продаж прошедшей недели:
  • New! American Beauty (Красота по-американски)
  • New! Fahrenheit 9/11 (Фаренгейт 9/11)
  • New! What Women Want (Чего хотят женщины)
  • New! Kama Sutra: A Tale of Love (Камасутра: История любви)
  • TOEFL (tests)
  • Mr. and Mrs. Smith (Мистер и миссис Смит)
  • Van Helsing (Ван Хельсинг)
  • English4U #22 (журнал для изучающих английский язык)
  • Voice of America (Часть первая)
  • Sweet November (Сладкий ноябрь), Романтика
  • The Godfather (Крестный отец)
  • Лингафонный КУРС Intermediate English + аудиокурс для экономистов
  • Pretty Woman (Красотка) - Джулия Робертс, Ричард Гир !
  • Dogville (Догвилль) - Николь Кидман !
  • A Walk to Remember (Спеши любить)
  • Forrest Gump (Форрест Гамп)
  • Shrek (Шрек)
  • Bridget Jones's Diary (Дневник Бриджет Джонс)

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Хозин Дмитрий, dmitry@english4u.com.ua
Украина, г.Днепропетровск, 49018, а/я 1239

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