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ENGLISH4U.com.ua - Английская Грамматика по E-mail

Грамматика английского языка. Выпуск 17 Рассылка сайта www.english4u.com.ua English Reader Start your own business. A friend took me to dinner to pick my brain about her new business. She was excited: she had a great idea, had lined up a strategic partner, and was raring to go. She had visions of raising millions of dollars. I felt terrible telling her that while her ambition was admirable, her business plan was lousy. Now, that's not to say she can't raise money for her new company. These days it seems li...

2006-04-10 23:34:09 + Комментировать

ENGLISH4U.com.ua - Английская Грамматика по E-mail

Грамматика английского языка. Выпуск 17 Рассылка сайта www.english4u.com.ua English Reader Start your own business. A friend took me to dinner to pick my brain about her new business. She was excited: she had a great idea, had lined up a strategic partner, and was raring to go. She had visions of raising millions of dollars. I felt terrible telling her that while her ambition was admirable, her business plan was lousy. Now, that's not to say she can't raise money for her new company. These days it seems li...

2006-04-10 23:31:56 + Комментировать