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British Isles (terminology)

British Isles (terminology)

The various terms used to describe the different (and sometimes overlapping) geographical and political regions of the islands traditionally referred to collectively as the British Isles are often a source of confusion for people from other parts of the world, and even for the inhabitants of those islands themselves. The purpose of this article is to explain the meanings of and inter-relationships between those terms.
The primary points are:

  • Great Britain (as a geographical term) = the largest island
  • Great Britain (as a political entity) = England + Wales + Scotland
  • The United Kingdom (a sovereign state) = England + Wales + Scotland + Northern Ireland
  • The British Isles (a geographical term) = Great Britain + Ireland + many smaller surrounding islands
  • Ireland (as a geographical term) = the second largest island
  • Ireland (as a political term, a sovereign state) = Republic of Ireland
  • Britain (as a geographical term) = Great Britain
  • Britain (as a political term) = the entire United Kingdom, though this is inaccurate (Great Britain is sometimes also used in this way)

Unfortunately, these various terms can not only be confusing in themselves (partly due to the similarity between some of the actual words used), but also because they are often used loosely or inaccurately. Furthermore, to some extent the choice of terminology, especially in relation to Ireland, is determined by political stance.

Terminology in detail

  • " Great Britain (abbreviation: GB) = the largest of the British Isles and the political union of three nations, these being:
    England (see also the historical Kingdom of England = England (and later, Wales) prior to 1707)
    (NB: The use of England to refer to the whole of the United Kingdom or Great Britain is incorrect and may cause offence.)
  • The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, usually shortened to the United Kingdom (abbreviation UK) = Great Britain + Northern Ireland since 1927.
    (NB: While "United Kingdom" is normally abbreviated UK, the official ISO 3166 two-letter country code is GB. The UK's internet top-level domain is .uk, a break from the normal practice of following ISO 3166.)
  • The British Isles or the Islands of the North Atlantic = the British mainland + the island of Ireland + many smaller surrounding islands, including the Isle of Man and the Channel Islands (Guernsey and Jersey).
  • British Islands (a political term not in common usage) = the UK, the Isle of Man, Jersey and Guernsey (which in turn includes the smaller islands of Alderney, Herm and Sark).
  • Brittany, the historical Duchy in the West of France, now a French r?gion; for this modern administrative sense, see Bretagne.

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