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English Speaking Club War and Peace

English Speaking Club                    

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(495) 585-37-05

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 War and Peace

Discuss the latest event in the world using the words below.

The outbreak (= start) of war

Wars often start because of a conflict (= strong disagreement -разногласие between countries or groups of people, about territory (= land that belongs (принадлежать) to one group or country). Country A invades (вторгаться) country В (= A enters В by force (силой) and in large numbers), and captures (захватывать) (also takes control of (контролировать) the city of X. Soldiers from country В have to retreat-отступать (= go backwards - идти в обратном направлении) to the city of Y. A's army and air force (воздушные силы) continue to attack the city of Y (= take violent action to damage (разрушать) it), but B's soldiers defend it (защищать) (= take action to protect it) successfully.

 A war zone 

The area (участок) around the city of Y is now the main war zone -район военных действий (the area where the fighting is happening). Country В has asked for help from its allies - союзники (= countries who are friends with country B). The allies send aid (= help) in the form of extra troops - войска (= large groups of soldiers) and supplies - припасы (food and other things that are needed every day, e.g. blankets and medicine) to help. There is shelling - артиллерийский или миномётный обстрел (firing of guns and explosives - взрывы) of the city every day and hundreds of soldiers are either killed or wounded - ранен (= injured - получивший телесные повреждения while fighting). Many civilians -мирное население (ordinary people who are not in the army) are killed as well.

Peace talks

For the civilians who are still alive (живой), the situation gets worse. As winter approaches (приближаться), food supplies (запасы еды) run out (= they are almost gone/finished) and there is no electricity. The soldiers get tired, and both sides begin to see that neither side can win the war; they agree to meet for peace talks (мирные переговоры) (= talks to try to negotiate (вести переговоры) a peace settlement / an end to the war). After some time they agree to a ceasefire - прекращать огонь (= a period of no fighting).


This is violent (жестокие, насильственные) action for political reasons. People who do this are terrorists, and a common terrorist crime is hijacking - захват, угон, воздушное пиратство (= to take control of a bus, train, ship or plane; the people on board (на борту) then become prisoners- заключенные). The main purpose of hijacking is to use the prisoners (called hostages- заложник) in order to bargain for something - заключать сделку (= to demand something in exchange (в обмен) for the hostages). The terrorists may agree to release (освободить) the hostages (= permit  the hostages to go free) if a government agrees to give the terrorists money or release other terrorists.


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       Расписание English Speaking Club

Суббота:    18.00-19.30

  В нашем центре мы обучаем разговорному английскому языку всех, кто хочет научиться говорить по-английски.

    Оптимальное расписание

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г. Москва, ул. Свободы 29, 4-й этаж, офис 415.  

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