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English Speaking Club Collocations with Money - Part 2

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 Collocations with Money - Part 2

An important step to improving your vocabulary is to not only learn the appropriate terms, but to learn the words that commonly go together with those terms. These word combinations are often, adjective + noun, verb + noun, and noun + verb pairs. What's your attitude towards money. Tell your story using the words below.

Verb + "Money"

owe (быть в долгу)
She owes Thomas a lot of money.

Let's share the money we've found!

accept, take
I'm afraid I can't accept your money.

be worth
That painting is worth a lot of money.

change, exchange (разменивать)
I'd like to change twenty dollars please. Could you give me four five dollar bills?

allocate, earmark (выделять)
The committee (комитет) decided to allocate $50,000 for the project.

channel, direct, funnel (направлять)
The program directs more than $5 billion to help the homeless (бездомный).

embezzle (присваивать незаконным путём), extort (вымогать), siphon off (сливать деньги), steal (красть)
He was charged with (обвинять) embezzling money from the company.

launder (отмывать деньги)
They used the internet to launder the stolen money.

"Money" + Verb

come from something (поступать из)
Money for the exhibit comes from donations (денежное пожертвование) to the museum.

go to something
The money goes to research (исследование).

come in , flow in, pour in (стекаться)
The money just kept pouring in! It was amazing (удивительный)!

buy something
Who says that money can't buy happiness?

"Money" + Noun

management, manager
I think you should hire (нанимать) a money manager for your savings (сбережения).

The money supply (снабжение) is very tight at the moment.

You can pay by money order (денежный перевод).

Phrases with "Money"

bet money on something (
делать ставки)
Let's bet $400 dollars on the race (скачки).

get money off something (получать деньги)
Ask if you can get some money off the display model (демонстрационная модель).


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