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Продвинутый English

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Продвинутый English

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Выпуск #90
Еженедельный электронный журнал для изучающих английский язык

Большое спасибо всем, кто написал авторам о своих пожеланиях.
Мы получили несколько писем о предпочтительном объеме журнала не более страницы. Этот номер занял около трех листов, но следующий будет обычного формата. Пишите, какие выпуски вам более по душе - на страницу, две или три (больше трех за неделю подготовить проблематично).
Наш многоцелевой почтовый ящик: thankssomuch@mail15.com


Интересно, все еще ли нужен вам этот раздел? Дело в том, что создание раздела занимает время, которое можно было бы посвятить, например, поиску материала для журнала. Напишите, пожалуйста, в редакцию, хотите ли вы повторять пройденное.
Если придет более 10 писем - раздел останется.

В этом выпуске в разделе TESTS не только повторение, но и новые примеры использования пройденных глаголов.

Complete the sentences using one of these phrasal verbs (in the correct form):
give up
screw up
set up
crack up

В 82-м выпуске от 12.10.04 и 84-м выпуске от 26.10.04 в разделе VOCABULARY были приведены примеры использования этих глаголов.

Посмотрим, какие примеры есть в словаре:

1. Мы давали этот глагол в значении:
Slang To make a mess of..
Еще есть другие значения:
To muster or summon up: ......... my courage.
Slang To injure; damage: Lifting those boxes really ...... my back.
Slang To make neurotic or anxious.

2. Значение глагола, приведенное в рассылке:
Informal To damage or wreck (a vehicle or vessel): .......... a plane; ....... a boat.
To wreck a vehicle in an accident: ....... on the expressway.
Еще значения: To praise highly: He was simply not the genius he was ........ to be.
To have a mental or physical breakdown: ....... from overwork.
To experience or cause to experience a great deal of amusement: really ...... when I heard that joke.

3. У этого глагола значений более десяти. Одно из них:
take or catch as if in a snare or trap; "I was ..........!";
"The innocent man was ........... by the police"

4. И этот глагол имеет более десятка значений. Мы приводили такое:
...... in the face of defeat of lacking hope; admit defeat;
"In the second round, the challenger ....."

По вашим просьбам приводим примеры диалогов.
We recommend reading books by PATRICIA HIGHSMITH.
A dialog is from THE TALENTED MR. RIPLEY (Screenplay by ANTHONY MINGHELLA based on the novel by PATRICIA HIGHSMITH).


Ripley stands at the entrance to Marge's garden where she is working at her book on the outside table, surrounded by references and notes, held down by bricks. He looks at her until she looks at him. She's startled, gasps.

RIPLEY: Hello Marge.

MARGE: Tom, you startled me! You're back.
to startle - испугать, сильно удивить

RIPLEY: How are you? Sorry. Is your book going well?

MARGE: Yes - I'm on a good streak, thanks.
streak - период, промежуток, streak of luck - полоса везения, удач.

RIPLEY: I was just looking at you - (looking at her tenderly) - so quiet.
tenderly - нежно
so quiet - такая спокойная.

MARGE: Where's Dickie?

RIPLEY: I think he's planning on staying in Rome for a few days.

MARGE:(looks at him) Ha. Did he say why?

RIPLEY: I don't know. I don't understand Dickie, Marge, so your guess is as good as mine.
your guess is as good as mine - я об этом знаю столько же, сколько вы.

MARGE: What does that mean?

RIPLEY: Well, one day I'm invited skiing, the next day I'm not, one day we're all one family, the next day he wants to be alone. You tell me.

MARGE: Is that what he said - he wanted to be alone?

RIPLEY: He was thinking of you, Marge - he asked me to deliver this.

He hands her a package. She pulls at it, it's perfume.

MARGE: Thanks. He knows I love this, although why it couldn't have waited...

RIPLEY: Errand number one - deliver Marge's perfume. Errand number two, pack some clothes and his precious saxophone.
errand - поручение

MARGE: How long's he staying for?

RIPLEY: Search me. I guess we're abandoned.
search me! - почем я знаю!
abandon - покидать
MARGE: There was a letter from Dickie in with my perfume. You realize it's more than a few days? He's thinking of moving to Rome.

She bangs out the ice onto the counter, cubes falling everywhere. Ripley drops to the floor and starts to clear them up. She's got the letter, shows it to Ripley. He puts fresh ice into her glass.

MARGE: The thing is, the night before he left, we talked about moving, together, going North - and I suppose I put some pressure on him, about getting married, I just might have scared him off. There's a side to him, when our heads are on the pillow, I know no-one else sees it, which is really tender. I think I should come with you to Rome and just confront him.
side- одно из значений этого слова "подход"
confront- одно из значений этого слова "противостоять"

Ripley lights a cigarette. Marge loses confidence.
confidence- одно из значений этого слова "уверенность"

MARGE: He hates being confronted.

RIPLEY: I think you're right.


A bone to the dog is not charity. Charity is the bone shared with the dog, when you are just as hungry as the dog. Jack London (1876 - 1916).

When we use reported speech, the main verb of the sentence is usually past (He said that ./ I told him that ... etc.). The rest of the sentence is usually past too:

He said that he was working on Saturday.
I told them that I didn't want to go to hospital.

You can leave out that:
He said (that) he was working on Saturday.
I told them (that) I didn't want to go to hospital.

It is not always necessary to change the verb when you use reported speech. If you report something and it is still true, you do not need to change the verb:

direct - He said "New York is more lively than London"
reported - He said that New York is more lively than London
(New York is still more lively. The situation hasn't changed.)

direct - She said "I want to go to New York next year"
reported - She said that she wants to go to New York next year.
(She still wants to go to New York next year.)

Note that it's also correct to change the verb into the past:
He said that New York was more lively than London
She said that she wanted to go to New York next year.

But you must use a past form when there is a difference between what was said and what is really true. Study this example situation:

You met Helen a few days ago. She said: "Paul is ill".(direct speech)
Later that day you see Paul. He is looking well and carrying a tennis racket.
You say: "I didn't expect to see you. I was told you were ill" (not "you are ill", because clearly he is not ill.)¹

let down
Одно из значений - подводить, покинуть в беде.
I'm sorry to let you down. Please forgive me.
I'll be honest with you. I hate letting you down but personally.. I'm stumped. (to stump - ставить в тупик).

"Опишите, пожалуйста, в своих выпусках такие разговорные обороты, которые я никак не могу понять при общении с американцами.
Over here, over there….почему они употребляются с словом over? В каких ситуациях могу употреблять их я?
Make out, work out …. Как понять к данной ситуации их значение
Be right back почему right?
Иногда при общении очень часто не возможно понять смысл таких простых  слов.
Когда  из нескольких слов образуется всего лишь одно.
Еще хотелось  бы увидеть американизмы, то есть обороты, употребляемые американцами.
Такие как cab вместо taxi
Gas station вместо patrol  и т.д." Olena.

Olena, в ближайших выпусках мы расскажем о over, make out, work out.
Сегодня постараемся разобраться с "right"
Например, в словаре есть значения слова right:
adv 1: precisely, exactly; "stand right here!"
2: immediately; "she called right after dinner"

Ваш вопрос "Be right back" переводится "Возвращайтесь сразу (как можно скорее)" (right = immediately);

Еще говорят "Right over there!" - "вон там, рядом!" (right = precisely, exactly)

The Horror! The Horror! By Rick Horowitz

"There!" the running man cried, and he tried to point behind him as he ran, and all the while trying to find breath enough to shout and run and point at the same time. "Right...over...there!"
"What's right over there?"
But the running man had run out of strength to say another word, let alone answer any questions. He stood there, bent over, in the very middle of Bushville, his chest heaving, his hands glued to his thighs. The neighbors tried to wait him out, but curiosity kept tugging at their tongues. They asked him again.
"What's right over there?" This time, he was able to produce a word or two between gasps.
"Terrible!" he whispered. "In Kerrytown -- terrible!"
"Something terrible in Kerrytown?" Kerrytown was the next place down the road. Nobody in Bushville went there much.
"Is it those hoodlums?" The man shook his head.
"Worse," he said.
"Worse than hoodlums? Is it robbers?" Another shake of the head.
"Worse than robbers? Murderers? There are murderers in Kerrytown?" Still another shake.
"Worse." Now it was the neighbors who gasped.
"Worse than murderers?! What's worse than murderers?" He gathered up the little strength he had left, looked them straight in the eye.
"Trial lawyers!"
And he'd no more than said the words when the crowd turned itself into a mob. Can you blame them? Everybody in Bushville knew that trial lawyers were the scourge of society, not to mention the scum of the earth. They'd all heard the horror stories about trial lawyers sticking their noses in where it wasn't any of their concern, and putting the squeeze on some poor corporation just for having the bad luck to kill someone, or even just maim them for life.

К этому замечательному отрывку мы еще вернемся в разделе VOCABULARY (очень здесь много интересных выражений).

Мы постараемся ответить на ваши вопросы, касающиеся английского языка. Чем интереснее и серьезнее вопрос, тем больше у него шансов не остаться незамеченным.
Ошибки в присланных вопросах исправляются по мере возможности.
Подписчикам нового журнала "Продвинутый English+" ответы гарантируются в течение недели с момента получения вопроса редакцией.
О журнале "Продвинутый English+" читайте в выпуске #88+ от 25.11.04 или обращайтесь на thankssomuch@mail15.com

Архив рассылки находится здесь: АРХИВ


1. screwed up my courage;
Lifting those boxes really screwed up my back.
2. To damage or wreck (a vehicle or vessel): crack up a plane; crack up a boat.
To wreck a vehicle in an accident: cracked up on the expressway.
To praise highly: He was simply not the genius he was cracked up to be.
To have a mental or physical breakdown: crack up from overwork.
To experience or cause to experience a great deal of amusement: really cracked up when I heard that joke.
3. take or catch as if in a snare or trap; "I was set up!";
"The innocent man was set up by the police"
4. Give up in the face of defeat of lacking hope; admit defeat;
"In the second round, the challenger gave up".

1. English Grammar in Use by Raymond Murphy.

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Автор рассылки Костенко Андрей Владимирович.
Этот выпуск подготовила Любовь Абрамова.

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(c) 2003-2004 Ru-English Educational Project

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