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Good evening!

Today we’ll go on discussing the process of carrying out design work.

The second thing you do is discussing the time limits. So let’s look through the following dialogue and see the way it can be performed:

Supplier: Now let’s resume the talks, shall we? Any other points, Mr. A?

Customer: Yes, and that’s the time limits. The plant is urgently required by our industry.

Supplier: Obviously so. That explains your decision, as we understand.

Customer: Yes, that’s why we are asking you to reduce the time limits from twelve months to eight, if possible.

Supplier: We’d be happy to cooperate where we could, but I’m not sure if our design organizations can make it less than ten months.

Customer: Could you explain why?

Supplier: It’s a matter of amount of work. The project is big and normally it takes us about this period to complete the job. Besides, we’d like to be efficient without any haste.

Customer: In this case ten months suit all right.

Supplier: I hope we’ll be ready with the answer in two days.

Have a good business week!

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