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Today let's learn useful phrases connected with problems that can happen at work.

Speaking about working environment we should know health and safety issues for people at work:

-Temperature, passive smoking, repetitive strain injury or RSI, dangerous machinery, hazard substances, fire hazards contribute to a bad working environment.

-The government sends officials to make sure that factories and offices are safe places to work.

-Health and safety inspectors check what companies are doing about things like: heating, first aid and fire precautions.

Unfortunately sometimes bullying or harassment do happen at work:

-Some managers bully employees using their position of power to hurt or threaten them.

-Bullies like to hurt and threaten verbally and that is very unpleasant.

-An employee can behave sexually towards another in an unwelcome way and this is called sexual harassment.

If people are treated differently from others in an unfair way, they are discriminated against:

-Some women face the glass ceiling that means an unacknowledged barrier to advancement in a profession.

-Offensive remarks about someone's race are racist and the person making them is a racist.

We hope this material will be useful for you. Have a good business week!

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