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Today we are going to speak about the career ladder.

Speaking about a job for life one can say next:

-Many people work for the same organization until they reach retirement: the age at which people retire, or end their working life.

-Some people get promotion to jobs that are more senior, with greater responsibility.

-People who are demoted move to a less senior job.

Let's look how we can describe company restructure:

-Our company has downsized.

-Some managers lost their jobs because of the reduction.

The company has reorganized and restructured

-They did this to reduce costs, and increase efficiency and profits.

These are phrases we use to speak about losing one's job:

-To leave the company, you could resign or hand in your notice.

-If one does something wrong, he/she are dismissed, fired, sacked, or terminated.

-If you've done nothing wrong, you are laid off, made redundant or offered early retirement.

We hope this material will be useful for you. Have a good business week!

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