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Почему заучивать слова надо эффективно, а не как-нибудь

Почему заучивать слова надо эффективно, а не как-нибудь
2010-12-23 18:54 admin

12 000 Слов

Сейчас о том, почему заучивать слова надо эффективно, а не как-нибудь. Сколько слов нужно выучить, чтобы достаточно свободно себя чувствовать? Тысяч двенадцать. Это не так мало, как может показаться...

a abandon abasement abate abbey abbreviation abduct abet abeyance abhor abide (abode) (abided) ability abject ablaze able abnormal abnormality aboard abolish abolition abominable abominably aborigine abound about above above-board abreast abridge abroad abrupt abscess absence absent absentee absolute absorb absorbent abstain abstinence abstract abstruse absurd absurdity abundance abundant abuse abusive abysm abysmal abyss acacia academe academy accelerate accent accentuate accept acceptable access accessible accession accessory accident accidental acclaim acclamation acclimatization acclimatize accommodate accommodation accompaniment accompany accomplice accomplish accomplishment accord accordance accordingly accordion account accountability accountant accredit accrue accuracy accurate accusation accuse accuser accustom accustomed ace acedia ache achieve achievement Achilles acid acidity acknowledge acknowledgement acknowledgment acne acolyte acorn acquaint acquaintance acquiesce acquiescence acquiescent acquire acquit acre acreage acrid acrimonious acrobat acrobatic across act action active activity actor actress actual actuality acumen acupuncture acute acutely ad adage adapt add addend addict addiction addition additional additive addle address adduce adenoids adept adequate adhere adhesive adios adjacent adjective adjoin adjourn adjust adjustment administer administration administrative admirable admiral admiration admire admission admit admittance ado adolescent adopt adoption adorable adoration adore adorn adrift adult adulthood advance advancement advantage advantageous advent adventure adventurer adventurous adverb adverbial adversary adverse adversity advert advertise advertisement advertiser advice advisable advise advisedly adviser advocate adz aerial aerobics aerodrome aeronaut aeronautic aeronautics aeroplane aerosol aerospace aesthetic afar affable affair affect affection affectionate affiliation affirm affirmative affix afflict affliction affluent afford affright Afghanistan afire afloat afoot afraid Africa African afro after aftermast aftermath afternoon afterthought afterwards again against Agatha age agency agent aggravate aggression aggressive aghast agile agility agitate agitation aglow ago agonize agony agree agreeable agreement agricultural agriculture ague ah aha ahead ahoy aid aide ail ailment aim aimless ain't air air-bed aircraft airfield airline airliner airmail airman airplane airport airship air-tight airway aisle ajar akimbo akin al ala Alabama alabaster alacrity alarm albatross albeit albert albino album albumen alcohol alcoholic alcoholism alcove alder ale alembic alert alfalfa alga algae algebra Algeria alias alibi alien alight align alike alive all Allah allay allege alleged allegiance allergic allergy alleviate alley alliance allied alligator alliteration allot allow allowance alloy allude allusion alluvial ally almanac almighty almond almost alms aloe aloft alone along alongside aloof aloud alp alphabet alphabetical alpine already also altar alter alteration altercation alternate alternative although altimeter altitude alto altogether alumnus always am amalgamate amalgamation amass amateur amaze amazement Amazon amazonian ambassador amber ambiguous ambitious amble ambulance ambulatory ambush ameba amen amend amendment America American amethyst amiable amid amidst amiss ammunition amnesia amoeba amok among amongst amount amphibian amphibious amphitheater amphitheatre ample amplification amplifier amplify Amsterdam amuse amusement an anaconda analogous analogue analogy analysis analyst analytic analytical analyze anarchist anarchy anatomical anatomy ancestor ancestral anchor anchovy ancient and android anecdote anemia anemic anemometer anemone aneroid anesthesia anew angel anger angle Anglo Angola angora angrily angry anguish angular angularity animal animate animosity Ankara ankle anklet annals annex annihilate annihilation anniversary announce announcement announcer annoy annoyance annoyed annual anonymous anorak another answer ant antagonism antagonize Antarctic Antarctica anteater antechamber antelope antenna antennule anthem anther anthill anthology anthracite anthropoid anthropology anti antibiotic antibody anticipate anticipation anticipatory antifreeze antique antiseptic antithesis antithetical antitoxin antler antonym anvil anxiety anxious anybody anyhow anymore anyone anyplace anything anytime anyway anywhere aorta apart apartheid apartment apathy ape aperture aphid apiece Apollo apologize apology apostate apostle apostrophe apothecary appall appallingly apparatus apparel apparent apparently appeal appear appearance appease appendicitis appendix appetite appetizing applaud applause apple applesauce appliance applicant apply appoint appointment apportion appraise appreciable appreciably appreciate appreciation apprehend apprehension apprehensive apprentice approach approachable appropriate approval approve approximate approximately apricot April apron apt aptitude aqualung aquarium aqueduct Arab Arabia Arabian Arabic arable arbitrary arbor arboreal arc arcade arch archaeology archbishop archeology archer archetype archipelago architect architectural architecture archive archway arcing Arctic ardent ardor are area arena Argentine argue argument argumentative arid aright arise (arose, arisen) aristocracy aristocrat aristocratic arithmetic ark arm armada armadillo armament armchair armistice armor armour armpit army arnica aroma arose around arouse arrange arrangement array arrear arrearage arrest arrival arrive arrogant arrow arrowhead arse arsenal arsenic arson art artery arthritis Arthur artichoke article articulate artificial artillery artisan artist artistic as to ascend ascendancy ascendant ascent ascertain ascetic ascribe ash ashamed ashore Asia Asian Asiatic aside ask askew asleep asparagus aspect aspen asphalt asphyxiate aspiration aspire aspirin ass assail assailant assassin assassinate assault assemblage assemble assembly assent assert assertion assess asset assign assimilate assist assistance assistant associate association assort assortment assume assumption assurance assure assuredly Assyrian aster asterisk astern asteroid asthma asthmatic astir astonish astonishment astound astray astride astrology astronaut astronomer astronomical astronomy astute asylum at ate atheist Athenian Athens athlete athletic Atlantic atlas atmosphere atmospheric atoll atom atomic atomy atone atop atrocious atrocity attach attachment attack attain attainment attempt attend attendance attendant attention attentive attic attire attitude attorney attract attraction attractive attribute aubergine auction audacity audible audience audio audition auditor auditorium auditory auger aught augment August auk aunt auricle aurora auspice austere Austin Australia Australian Austria authentic author authoritative authority authorization authorize auto autograph automatic automatically automation automobile autopsy autumn auxiliary avail available avalanche avarice avenge avenue aver average averse avert aviation aviator avid avocado avoid await awake (awoke, awaked) awaken award aware awash away awe awesome awful awfully awhile awkward awl awning awoke awry ax axe axiom axle aye azalea Aztec azure

babble babe baboon baby Babylon bachelor bacilli bacillus back back and forth backboard backcourt backfire background backhand backlash backpack backstroke backward backwards backwater backyard bacon bacteria bacteriologist bacterium bad bade badge badinage badminton baffle bag bagel baggage baggy bagpipes bail bailey bait bake baker balaclava balalaika balance balcony bald bale baleful balk Balkan ball ballad ballast ballerina ballet balloon balloonist ballot balmy balsa balustrade bamboo ban banana band bandage bandanna bandit bandoliers bane banish banister banjo bank banknote banquet banter baptism baptize bar barb barbarian barbecue bard bare bareback bargain barge baritone barium bark barley barmaid barn barnacle barnyard barograph barometer baron baroness barrack barracuda barrage barrel barren barricade barrier barrio barrister barrow barter basalt base baseball baseline basement bashful basin basis bask basket basketball bass bassoon baste bat batch bath bathe bather bathrobe bathroom bathtub baton batsman battalion batten batter battery battle battlefield battleground battlement battleship bawl bay bayonet bayou bazaar be beach beacon bead beagle beak beam bean bear (bore, born) beard bearer bearing beast beastly beat (beat, beaten) beaten beatific beautiful beauty beaver became because beckon become (became, become) bed bedpan bedraggle bedrock bedroom bedside bedspread bedstead bedtime bee beech beef beefsteak beehive been beer beet beetle beetroot befall before beforehand beg began beggar begin (began, begun) beginner begonia begun behave behavior behaviour behead behest behind behold beige being belated belch belfry Belgium Belgrade belief believe bell belligerent bellow bellybutton belong beloved below belt beltway bemoan bench bend (bent) beneath benefactor beneficial benefit benevolence benevolent benign benignant Benjamin bent bequeath beret berserk berth beset beside besides besiege beslobber besmear bespeak bespectacled best bestial bestir bestow bet betray better between betwixt beverage beware bewilder bewilderment bewitch beyond bias Bible biblical bibliography biceps bicker bicuspid bicycle bidding bide big bigot bigotry bike bile bilingual bilious bill billboard billet billfold billhook billiards billion billow bimetallism bin binge binoculars biodegradable biography bionic birch bird birdhouse birth birthday birthmark birthplace biscuit bishop bison bit bite (bit) (bit, bitten) bitten bitterly bitterness bituminous bivouac bizarre black blackboard blackcurrant blacken blackmail blacksmith blacktop bladder blade blame blameless bland blank blanket blare blaspheme blasphemer blast blastodisc blatant blaze bleach bleachers bleat bleed (bled) blemish blend blende bless blew blind blindfold blink blinker blip bliss blister blizzard bloated blob bloc block blockade blockhouse blond blood bloodhound bloodshed bloodstained bloodstream bloodthirsty bloom blossom blot blotch blotter blouse blow (blew, blown) blown blowpipe blowtorch blue blueberry bluefish bluegrass blueprint bluff bluish blunder blundering blunt blur blush bluster blusterous boar board boast boat bob bobb bobsled bobtail bobwhite bodice bodily body bodyguard bog boggle bogie bohemian boil boiled boiling boisterous bold bole Bolivia boll bolster bolt bomb bombard bond bondage bone boner bonfire bonnet bonus bony boo boohoo book bookcase booklet bookmaker bookmark bookmobile bookseller bookshop bookstall boom boomerang boon boost boot bootee booth border bore boredom boring born borne borough borrow borrower bosh bosom boss botanist botany both bottle bottom boudoir bough boulder boulevard bounce bound boundary bountiful bounty bouquet bout bow bowdlerized bowels bowl bowlegged bowmen box boxer boxing boy boycott boyhood boyish bra brace bracelet bracken bracket brad brag braid Braille brain brainless brainstorm brake brakeman bramble bran branch brand brandish brass brattice brave bravery bravo brawl bray brazen Brazil Brazilian breach bread breadcrumb breadth break (broke, broken) break-down breakfast break-through breast breastbone breaststroke breath breathe breathless bred breech breeches breed (bred) breeze brethren brew briar bribe brick bricklayer bride bridegroom bridge bridle brief brief-case brier brig brigade brigand bright brighten Brighton brilliant brim brine bring (brought) bring down brink brisk bristle Britain British brittle broad broadcast (broadcast) broaden brocade broccoli brogue broil broke broken bronchitis bronco brontosaur bronze brooch brood brook broom broth brothel brother brotherhood brougham brought brow brown brownie brownout browse bruise brunette brush brushwood Brussels brutal brute bubble buck bucket buckle buckskin bucktooth bud Buddha buddhism budding buddy budge budget buffalo buffer bug buggy bugle build (built) builder building built Bulgaria bulge bulk bull bulldog bulldozer bullet bulletin bullfight bullfrog bully bumblebee bump bun bunch bundle bungalow bunker bunt buoy buoyancy bur burden bureau burglar burial burlap burly Burma burn (burnt) burnish burr burro burrow burst (burst) bury bus bush bushel bushing bushy busily business businessman businesswoman buskin bust bustle busy busybody but but for butcher butchery butler butt butterfly buttermilk butterscotch buttock button buttonhole buttress buy (bought) buzz by by far bye bygone bypass bystander

c ca cab cabbage cabin cabinet cable cabman caboose cacao cackle cactus caddie cadet cafe cafeteria cage Cairo cake calandria calcification calcium calculate calculator calculus Calcutta calf calico California call call upon Callisto callous callow callus calm calves calyx cambium Cambodia Cambridge camcorder came camel camera Cameroon camouflage camp campaign camper campfire camphor campus can Canada Canadian canal canary cancel cancellation cancer candidate candle candlestick candor candy cane canine cannibal cannon cannot canoe canopy cant cantankerous canteen canterbury canvas canyon cap capability capable capacity cape capillary capital capitalism capitalize Capitol caprice capricious capsize capsule captain caption captive captor capture car carafe caramel carapace carat caravan carbolic carbon carboniferous carburetor carcass card cardigan cardinal cardoon care careful careless caress caretaker carfare cargo caribbean caries carnage carnation carnival carnivora carnivore carnivorous carol carp carpenter carpet carpetbag carpus carriage carrier carrion carrot carry carsick cart cartilage cartography carton cartoon cartridge cartwheel carve cascade case casement cash cashew cashier cashmere casket casserole cassette cast (cast) castanets castle casual casualty cat catalepsy catalog catalogue catapult cataract catastrophe catbird catch (caught) category catenary cater caterpillar catfish cathedral catholic cattle cattleman caught cauliflower caulk causal cause causeway caution cautious cavalry cave caveat cavern cavernous cavity cayman cease cedar ceiling celebrate celebration celebrity celeriac celery cell cellar cello cellophane celluloid cellulose Celsius Celtic cement cemetery censor censorship censure census cent centaur centennial center centigrade centimeter centipede central centre century cephalothorax ceramic cereal cerebral ceremony certain certainly certainty cervical Ceylon chad chafe chaff chagrin chain chair chairman chairperson chairwoman chalk chalkboard challenge challenger chamber chameleon champion championship chance chancellor chancery chandelier change changeable channel chant Chanukah chaos chap chapel chapman chaps chapter character characteristic characterize charcoal charge chariot charity charlatan charm charming Charon charred chart charter chase chasm chassis chaste chasten chastise chastity chat chatter chauffeur cheap cheat check checkerboard checkers checkup cheek cheer cheerful cheese cheetah chef chemical chemist chemistry chemotherapy cheque cherish cherry chess chess-board chest chesterfield chestnut chew Chicago chick chickadee chicken chicory chief chieftain child childbirth childhood childish children Chile chili chill chilli chilly chime chimney chimpanzee chin China chinchilla Chinese chink chip chipmunk chirp chirrup chisel chivalrous chivalry chlorine chlorophyll chock chocolate choice choir choke chomp choose (chose, chosen) chop chopper chopsticks chord chore chortle chorus chose chosen chowder Christ christen Christendom Christian Christmas Christopher chromium chronic chronicle chronometer chrysalis chrysanthemum chubby chuck chuckle chum chunk church churchman churchyard churn chute CIA cider cigar cigarette ciliated cinder cinema cinnamon circle circlet circuit circular circulate circulation circumference circumscribe circumspect circumspection circumstance circumvent circus cirque cite citizen citizenry citizenship citrus city civic civil civilian civilization civilize clad claim claimant clam clambake clamber clamor clamour clamp clan clandestine clang clansman clapper claret clarify clarinet clarity clash clasp class classic classical classification classify classroom clatter clause clavicle claw clay clayey clean cleaners cleanliness cleanse cleanser clear clearance clearing cleave (cleft) (clove, cloven) clef cleft clench clergy clergyman cleric clerical clerk clever cleverness clew cliche click client clientele cliff climate climax climb climber clinch cling (clung) clinic clip clive cloak clock clock-wise clock-work clog cloister close closet clot cloth clothe cloud cloudburst cloudless clover clown club cluck clue clump clumsy clung cluster clutch clutter CO coach coal coalesce coalition coarse coast coastal coastline coat coax cob cobalt cobbler cobblestone cobra cobweb coccyx cochlea cock cockatoo cockle cockpit cockroach coco cocoa coconut cocoon cod codfish coed co-education coercion coffee coffin cog cogency cognizance cognizant coherence cohesion cohesive coil coin coincide coincidence coke col colander cold coleslaw Coliseum collage collapse collar collar-bone colleague collect collection collective collector college collide collie collier colliery collision colloquial Colombia colon colonel colonial colonize colony color Colorado color-blind colorful colorless colossal colour colt Columbia column coma comatose comb combat combatant combination combine combustible combustion come (came, come) comedian comer comet comfort comfortable comfy comic comical comma command commandment commemorate commence commencement commend comment commentary commentator commerce commercial commingle commission commissioner commit commitment committee commodity common commonplace commonwealth commotion communicable communicate communication communion communism communist communitarian community commute compact companion companionship company comparative comparatively compare comparison compartment compass compassion compassionate compel compensate compensation compete competition competitive competitor compile complacency complacent complain complaint complement complete completion complex complexion complexity complicate complicated complication complicity compliment complimentary comply compose composite composition composure compound comprehend comprehensible comprehension comprehensive compress comprise compromise compulsion compulsory compute comrade comradeship concave conceal concealment concede conceit conceited conceivable conceive concentrate concentration concept conception concern concert concerto concession conch concierge concise conclude conclusion conclusive concoct concord concourse concrete concur condemn condensation condense condescend condescension condition conditional condo condominium condone condor conduct conductor conduit cone confectioner confederacy confederation confer conference confess confession confessor confetti confide confidence confident confidential confine confinement confirm confirmation conflagration conflict conform conformity confound confront confuse confused confusion confute congeal congestion Congo congratulate congratulation congregate congregation congress congressman conical conifer conjecture conjunction conjure connect connection connexion connotation conquer conqueror conquest conscience conscientious conscious consciousness conscript conscription consecutive consent consequence consequent consequently conservative conserve consider considerable considerably considerate consideration consist consistency consistent consolation console consonant consortium conspicuous conspiracy conspire constable constant Constantinople constantly constellation consternation constituency constituent constitute constitution constitutional constrict constriction constrictor construct construction constructive consul consult consume consummation consumption contact contagious contain containment contaminate contemplate contemplation contemporary contempt contemptuous contend content contented contention contentious contentment contents contest context continent continental contingency contingent continual continuation continue continuity continuous contour contrabassoon contract contraction contradict contradiction contradictory contralto contraption contrary contrast contravene contribute contribution contrite contrive control controversy conundrum convalescent convection convene convenience convenient convent convention conventional converge convergence conversant conversation conversational conversazione converse conversely convert convertible convex convey convict conviction convince convolvulus convulse convulsion coo cook cookbook cooker cookie cooking cool coolness co-op co-operation co-ordination cop cope copenhagen copious copper copperhead copy copyright coral cord cordially corduroy core cork cork-screw corn corncob cornea corner cornet cornflakes cornice cornmeal corolla corona coronation coronet corporal corporate corporation corpse corpulent corpus corpuscle corral correct correction correlative correspond correspondence correspondent corridor corroborate corroboration corroborative corrode corrosive corrugated corrupt corruption corsage cosmetic cosmic cosmogony cosmonaut cosmos cost (cost) costume cot cottage cotton cottonmouth cottontail cotyledon couch cougar cough could council counsel counselor count countable countenance counter counteract counterfeit counterweight countess countless country countryman countryside countrywoman county coup coupe couple coupon courage courageous courier course court courteous courtesy courthouse court-martial courtyard cousin cove coven cover coverlet covet covetousness covey cow coward cowardice cow-boy cowgirl cowhand cowhide coworker coxcomb coyote cozy crabbed crabby crack crackle cradle craftsman crafty crag cragsman cram cranberry crane cranial cranium crank cranny crash crate crave craven crawl crayfish crayon crazy creak cream crease create creation creative creator creatrix creature credential credit creditor credulity creed creek creep (crept) creeper creepy cremate crenel crept crescent crest crevasse crevice crew crib cricket cried crime criminal criminate crimson cringe crinkle crinoline cripple crisis crisp crisscross Cristmas criterion critic critical criticism criticize croak crocodile crony crook croon crop cross cross-bar crossbow crosspiece cross-road crosswalk crotch crotchet crotchety crouch croup crow crow-bar crowd crown crucial crude crudity cruel cruelty cruet cruise cruiser crumb crumble crump crumple crunch crusade crush crust crustacean crutch cry crying crypto crystal crystallize cub Cuba Cuban cube cubic cuckoo cucumber cud cuddle cudgel cue cuff cul-de-sac culpable cultivate cultural culture cumbersome cumbrous cumulative cunning cup cupboard cupcake cupful curable curator curb curbstone curd curdle cure curfew curiosity curious curl currency current curriculum curse cursor curt curtail curtain curtsy curve cushion cuss custard custodian custody custom customary customer cut (cut) cute cutlery cutlet cycle cyclist cyclone cylinder cylindrical cymbal cynic cynical cypress Cyprus cyst cytoplasm czar czarina

dab dabble dachshund dad daddy dado daffodil dagger daily daintily dainty dairy dais dale dally dam damage Damascus dame damn damned dampen damper dance dandelion dandruff dandy Dane danger dangerous dangle Danish dapper dare (durst, dared) (dared) daredevil daresay dark darken darkness darling darn dart dartboard Darwinism dash dashboard dashing data data-base date datum datura daub daughter dawn day daybreak daydream daylight daytime daze dazzle deacon dead deadbeat deaden deadline deaf deafen deal (dealt) dealer dear death deathless debacle debate debauchery debilitate debris debt debtor debunk decade decal Decalogue decanter decay decease deceit deceive December decency decent deception decide decidedly decimal decipher decision decisive deck declaration declare decline decompose decorate decoration decoy decrease decree dedication deduct deduction deed deem deep deepen deer deface defame defeat defective defence defend defendant defense defensive defer defiance defiant deficiency deficient defile define definite definition deflate deflector deforestation deform defrost deft defy degenerate degeneration degraded degrading degree deign Deimos deity dejected dejection delay delegate delete deliberate deliberately deliberation delicacy delicate delicatessen delicious delight delightful delineate delinquency delinquent delirious delirium deliver delta delude deluge delusion demand demeanor demeanour demerit demisemiquaver democracy democrat democratic demolish demon demonic demonstrate demonstration demonstrative demonstrator demoralize demure den denial denigrate denim denizen Denmark denomination denote denounce dense dental dentate dentin dentist denunciation deny depart department departure depend dependable dependence dependent depict depletion deplorable deplore deportment depose deposit depot deprave depravity deprecate deprecation depreciation depress depression deprive depth deputy derby derelict derisive derivation derivative derive derogatory derrick descend descendant descent describe description descriptive desecrate desert desertion deserve design designate desirability desirable desire desirous desk desolate despair desperate desperation despise dessert destination destine destiny destroy destruction destructive desultory detached detachment detail detain detect detective detector detention deter detergent determination determine detest detestation detour detract detrimental Detroit deuce devastate develop development deviant deviation device devil devilment devise devoid devolve devote devotion devour devout dewclaw dewlap dexterity diabetes diabetic diabolical diagnosis diagonal diagram dial dialect dialogue diameter diamond diaper diaphragm diarrhea diary diatom diatribe dice dickens dictate dictation dictator dictionary did didactic didn't die Diesel diet dietitian differ difference different difficult difficulty diffuse digest digestive digger digit digital digitize dignified dignity digress dike dilapidated dilate diligence diligent dill dilute dim dime dimension diminish diminutive dimness dimple din dine dinette dingy dinner dinnerware dinosaur diocese diode dioxide dip diploma diplomat diplomatic dire direct direction director dirigible dirt disable disadvantage disagree disagreeable disagreement disappear disappearance disappoint disappointment disapproval disapprove disarm disarray disaster disastrous disband disbelief disbelieve disc discard discern discernible discharge disciple disciplinarian discipline disclose discolor discomfit discomfiture discomfort disconnect disconsolate discontent discontinue discord discordant discourage discourse discourteous discourtesy discover discovery discreditable discreet discretion discrimination discriminatory discus discussion disdain disdainful disease disenfranchise disengage disentangle disfavor disgorge disgrace disgraceful disgruntle disguise disgust disgusted dish dishevel dishonest dishonor dishwasher disinfect disinfectant disingenuous disintegrate disinterested disk diskette dislike dislodge dismal dismantle dismay dismiss disobedient disobey disorder disparage disparity dispatch dispel dispensation dispense disperse displace display displease disposal dispose disposition disprove disputation dispute disqualify disregard disrespect disrupt disruption disruptive dissatisfaction dissatisfied dissension dissent dissimilar dissimilarity dissolution dissolve distance distant distasteful distemper distend distill distinct distinction distinctive distinguish distinguishable distort distortion distract distraught distress distribute distribution district distrust disturb disturbance disunity dive diverse diversion diversity divert divide dividend divine divinity divisible division divulge dizzy do (did, done) dobbin docile dock doctor doctrine document dodge dodo doe doer dogged dogma dogmatic dogwood doily doings dole doll dollar dollop dolphin domain dome domestic domesticate dominate domino don donate donation done donkey donor doom door doorbell doorknob door-step doorway dope dormant dormitory dormouse dorsal dose dot dote double doublet doubly doubt doubtful doubtless dough doughnut dour dove down downfall downpour downright downstairs downstream downtown downward downwards downword dowry doze dozen drab draft drag dragon dragonfly drain drainage drainpipe drake drama dramatic dramatist dramatize drank drape drapery drastic draught draughtboard draughts draughtsman draw (drew, drawn) drawback drawbridge drawer drawing drawl drawn drawstring dread dreadful dream (dreamt) (dreamed) dreamland dreary dredge dregs drench dress dresser drew dribble dried drift driftwood drill drink (drank, drunk) drip drive (drove, driven) drivel driven driver driveway drizzle droll dromedary drone drool droop drop drought drove drown drowsy drudge drudgery drug druggist drug-store drum drumstick drunk drunken dry dry-nurse dual dubious duchess duck duckling dud due duel duet dug dugout duke dull dullness duly dumb dumbbell dummy dump dun dune dungaree dungeon duodenum dupe duplicate durable duration Durham during dusk dust dutch Dutchman duty dwarf dwell (dwelt) dweller dwelt dwindle dye dyeing dying dynamic dynamo dynasty dyspeptic

E each eager eagerness eagle ear eardrum earl early earmuffs earnest earnings earphone earpiece earshot earth earthen earthquake earthworm ease easel easily east eastern eastward easy eat (ate, eaten) eaten eater eaves eavesdrop ebb ebony eccentric ecclesiastic echo eclipse ecology economic economical economize economy eco-system ecstasy Ecuador ecumenical Eden Edgar edge edifice Edinburgh edit edition editor editorial educate educated education educational Edward eel eerie efface effacement effect effective effects effervesce effervescence effete efficiency efficient effort egg eggplant egress Egypt egyptian eh eiderdown eight eighteen eighteenth eighth eightieth either ejaculation eject ejector el elaborate elapse elastic elasticity elbow elder eldest elect election electric electrical electrician electricity electron electronic elegance elegant element elemental elementary elephant elephantine elevate elevation elevator eleven eleventh elf elicit eligible elite Elizabeth Elizabethan elk ellipse elm elongate eloquent eloquently else elsewhere elucidate elude elusive emaciate embankment embargo embark embarrass embarrassment embed ember embezzle emblem emboss embrace embrasure embroider embroil embryo emerald emerge emergence emergency emery emigrate eminent emit emotion emotional emperor emphasis emphasize emphatic emphatically empire employ employee employer employment empower empowerment empress empty enable enact enamel enamor encamp encampment enchant encircle enclave enclose enclosure encompass encore encounter encourage encouragement encroach encumber encumbrance end end up endanger endearment endeavor endeavour ending endless endocarp endorse endorsement endow endowment endurance endure enemy energetic energy enfeeble enforce engage engagement engender engine engineer engineering England English Englishman Englishwoman engorge engrave engulf enhance enhancement enigma enjoin enjoy enjoyable enjoyment enkindle enlarge enlargement enlighten enlightenment enlist enormous enough enquiry enrage enrich enroll enrollment ensign ensue ensure entail entangle enter enterprise entertain entertainment enthrall enthusiasm enthusiastic entice entire entirely entitle entity entomological entrails entrance entreaty entrepreneur entrust entry enunciate enunciation envelop envelope envious environment envision envy epic epicentre epidemic epilepsy episode epoch equal equality equate equation equator equatorial equilibrium equinox equip equipment equivalent era erase ere erect ermine erode erosion err errand erratic erroneous error escalator escape escapism escarpment eschew escort Eskimo esophagus esp espadrille especially espionage espousal espouse espresso esquire essay essayist essence essential establish establishment estate esteem estimate estimation estrangement estuary etc etch eternal eternity ether etheric ethic ethnic ethos etiquette etymology eucalyptus eureka Europe European euthanasia evacuate evade evaluate evanescent evaporation evasion eve even evening event eventful eventual eventually ever everglade everlasting everybody everyday everyone everything everywhere evict evidence evident evil evince evolution evolve ewe ex exacerbate exact exactness exaggerate exalt exaltation exam examination examine example exasperate excavate excavator exceed exceedingly excel excellence excellent except exception exceptional excess excessive exchange excitable excite excited excitement exciting exclaim exclamation exclude exclusive excoriate excruciating excursion excusable excuse execration execute execution executive exegesis exemplify exempt exercise exert exertion exhale exhaust exhaustion exhaustive exhibit exhibition exhilarate exhort exhortation exigency exile exist existence exit exocarp exodus exotic expand expanse expect expectant expectation expedience expedient expedition expel expend expendable expenditure expense expensive experience experiential experiment experimental expert expiration expire explain explanation explicit explode exploit exploration explore explorer explosion explosive export expose exposition expostulate expostulation exposure expound express expression expressive expressway expulsion exquisite extend extended extensive extent exterior exterminate extermination external extinct extinguish extinguisher extirpate extol extortion extra extract extraordinarily extraordinary extraterrestrial extravagance extravagant extreme extremely extricate exuberance exuberant exude exult exultant exultation eye eye-brow eyedropper eyeglasses eyelet eyelid eyepiece eyesight eyetooth eyewitness

fable fabric fabulous facade face facet facetious facial facile facilitate facility fact factor factory factual faculty fad faddist fade faggot Fahrenheit fail failure fain faint faintly fair fairground fairly fairyland faith faithful faithfully fake falcon fall (fell, fallen) fallacious fallacy fallen fall-out false falsehood falter fame familiar family famine famous fanatic fanciful fancy fang fanlight fantail fantastic fantasy far faraway farce fare farewell farm farmer farmyard farsighted farther fascinate fascinating fascination fashion fashionable fast fasten fat fatal fatalism fate fateful fathead father fathom fatigue fatten fatty fatuous faubourg fauces fault faultless fauna favor favorable favorite favour favourable favourite fawn fear fearful fearless fearsome feast feat feather feathery feature February federal federation fee feeble feeder feel (felt) feeling feet feign feint fell fella fellah fellow felon felt female feminine femur fence fender fern ferocious ferocity ferret ferry ferry-boat fertile fertilize fester festival festivity fetch fete fetlock fetter feud feudalism fever feverish few fiance fiancee fiat fib fibre fibula fickleness fiction fiddle fiddlestick fidelity fidget field fiendish fierce fiery fiesta fife fifteen fifteenth fifth fiftieth fifty fig fight (fought) fighter figure figurehead filament file filigree filings fill film filter filth fin final finale finance financial finch find (found) fine finger fingerboard fingernail finish finite Finland Finn Finnish fir fire firefighter firehouse fire-place fireproof fireside firewood firm firmament first first-hand fish fisherman fishery fishhook fishmonger fission fissure fist fit fitful fitter five fix fixed fixture flaccid flag flagpole flail flair flake flakes flame flamingo flammable flank flannel flap flapjack flare flash flashing flashtube flat flatfish flatten flatter flatulent flavor flaw flawless flaxen flea fled fledge flee (fled) fleece fleecy fleet flesh flew flews flex flexible flick flicker flight flimsy flinch fling flip flippancy flipper flirt flirtation flit float flock floe flood floor flop floppy floral florid floss flotilla flounce flourish flow flower flowering flown flu flue fluent fluently fluff fluid flung fluorescent fluoride fluorine flurry flush fluster flute flutter flux fly (flew, flown) flycatcher flysheet foal foam focus fodder foe fog foggy foghorn foil foist fold foliage folio folk folklore folktale follow folly foment fond fondle fondly font food fool foolish foot footage football footboard footbridge footfall foothill footing footmark footrest footstep footstool for for once forage forbear forbid (forbade, forbidden) forbore force forceful forceps forcible forcibly ford fore forearm forebear foreboding forecast forecastle forecourt forefather forefinger forego foregone foreground forehead foreign foreigner foreleg forelimb forelock foreman foremast foremost forenoon forerunner foresee foreseeable foreshadow foresight foreskin forest foretell forethought forever forewarn forewing Forfeit forge forget (forgot, forgotten) forgetful forgive (forgave, forgiven) forgotten fork forlorn form formal formaldehyde formation formerly formidable forsake forsaken forswear fort forth forthcoming fortieth fortification fortify fortitude fortnight fortress fortunate fortune forty forum forward fossil foster fought foul found foundation founder foundry fountain four foursome fourteen fourteenth fourth fowl fowler fowling fox foxhound fraction fracture fragile fragment fragrance fragrant frail frame framework franc France frank frankfurter frantic fraternity fraud fray freak freakish freckle free freedom freehold freeway freeze (froze, frozen) freight French Frenchman Frenchwoman frenzy frequency frequent frequently fresh freshet freshman fresh-water fret friar Friday fridge fried friend friendly friendship fright frighten frightful frigid frill fringe frisbee frivolity frivolous fro frock frog frogman frolic from from the first frond front frontier frontiersman frost frostbite froth frothy frown frozen frugal fruit fruiterer fruitless fry ft fudge fuel fugitive fulcrum fulfill full fullback fulmination fumble fume fun function functionary fund fundamental funeral fungi fungus funnel funny fur furious furnace furnish furniture furor furrow furry further furtherance furthermore furthest furtively fuse fuselage fuss futile futility future fuzz fuzzy

G gabble gable gadget gag gaiety gaily gain gait gaiter gala galaxy gale gall gallant gallery gallivant gallon gallop gallows gamble gambol game gamy gander gang ganglia gangplank gangster gangway ganoid Ganymede gap garage garbage garden gardener gargle gargoyle garland garlic garment garnet garnish garret garrison garter gas gash gaskin gasoline gasp gate gateway gather gathering gaucho gauge gaunt gauntlet gauze gauzy gave gawk gay gaze gazelle gazette gear geese gelatin gelding gem gendarme gender gene general generalize generate generation generator generic generosity generous Genesis Geneva genial geniality genie genius Genoa genocide gentile gentle gentleman gentlemen gentlewoman gently genuine genus geographic geographical geography geological geologist geometric geometry George geranium germ German germinate germination gerrymander gerund gesticulate gesture get (got) (got, gotten) Gettysburg getup geyser ghastly ghetto ghost giant gibberish gibbon giddy gift gig gigantic giggle gild gimlet gin ginger gingerbread gingham giraffe girder girdle girl girlhood girt girth give somebody the up-and-down given glacier glad glade gladiator gladiolus glamorous glamour glance glans glare Glasgow glass glassware glazed gleam glee glen glide glider glimmer glimpse glint glisten glitter gloat globe globule gloom glorification glorify glorious glory gloss glossary glossy glottis glove glow glue glut gnarled gnash gnat gnaw gnome gnomon gnu go (went, gone) goal goalie goalkeeper goat goatee gob goblet goblin god goddess godfather godmother goggle goggles gold golden goldenrod goldfinch goldfish golf gondola gone gong goo good good-bye goodly goodness gooey goose gooseberry gopher gore gorge gorgeous gorilla gospel got Gothic gouge gour gourd gouty govern government gown grab grace graceful gracious gradation grade gradient gradual graduate graduation graft grain grainy grammar grammatical gramophone grand grandchild granddaughter grandfather grandmother grandparent grandson grandstand granite grant grape grape-fruit grapevine graphite grasp grass grassbox grasshopper grassland grate grateful gratify gratitude grave gravel gravestone graveyard gravitation gravity gravy gray graze grease greasy great greatness Greece greed greedy Greek green greengrocer greenhouse greenish Greenwich greet greeting gregarious grenade grew grey greyhound grid gridiron grief grievance grieve grill grille grim grimace grime grin grind (ground) grindstone grip gripe grit grizzled groan grocer groceries grocery groggy groin groom groove grope gross grotesque grouch ground group grouse grove grovel grow (grew, grown) growl grown growth grub grubby grudge gruelling gruesome gruff grumble grumpy grunt guarantee guard guardhouse guardian guerrilla guess guest guidance guide guideline guild guile guillotine guilt guilty Guinea guise guitar gulch gulf gull gulp gum gun gunsmith gunwale guppy gurgle gush gust gutter guy gym gymnasium gymnast gymnastics Gypsy gyroscope

habiliment habit habitat habitual hack hackle had hadn't hail hair hairbrush hairdo hairdresser hairdressing hairless half halfpenny half-way hall hallmark halloa hallow hallway halo halt halve halves ham hamburger Hamlet hammer hammock hamper Hampshire hamster hand handbag handball handbrake handcuff handful handgrip handicap handicraft handiwork handkerchief handle handle-bar handmade handout handrail handsaw handset handshake handsome handspring handwriting hang (hung) (hanged) hangar hanging hangman hangnail haphazard happen happening happily happiness happy harangue harass harbor harbour hard harden hardihood hardness hardship hardware hardwood hare hark harm harmful harmless harmonica harmonious harmonize harness harp harpoon harpsichord harpy harrow Harry harsh harvest harvester has hashish hasten hastily Hastings hasty hatch hatchback hatchery hatchet hate hateful hatred hatter haughty haul haunch haunt Havana have (had) haven havoc hawk hay hayloft haystack hazard hazardous haze hazel hazy he head head-ache headband headboard header headlamp headlight headline headlong headmaster headphone headquarters headrest headstone headstrong headwaters heal health healthful healthy heap hear (heard) heard hearing hearsay heart heartbeat heartbroken hearth heartily heartwood heat heathen heather heave heaven heavily heaviness heavy Hebrew hectare hectic hedge hedgehog heed heel heelplate heft hegemony heifer heigh height heighten heir heiress heirloom held Helen helicopter helium helix hell hello helm helmet help helpful helping helpless hem hemidemisemiquaver hemisphere hemp hen hence henceforth henceforward henchman Henry her herald herbage herbivore herbivorous Herculean Hercules herd here hereby hereditary heredity heresy heretofore heritage hermetically hermit hero heroic heroine heroism heron Herr herself hesitant hesitate hesitation Hewers hi hibernate hiccup hid hidden hide (hid, hidden) hideous hieroglyphic high highbrow highland highness highwayman hijack hike hilarious hill hillside hilt him Himalayas himself hind hindrance Hinduism hinge hint hip hippo hippopotamus hire his Hispanic historian historic historical history hit (hit) hitch hitchhike hitherto hive hoard hoarse hoax hob hobble hobby hobnob hock hockey hod hoe hog hoist hold (held) holder holdup hole holiday Holland hollow holly Hollywood holocaust holster holy homage home homeland homeless homemade homesick homesickness homespun homeward homework homicidal homogeneous homogenize homograph homonym homophone honest honey honeycomb honeymoon honeysuckle honk honor honour hood hoodlum hook hoop hooray hoot hooves hop hope hopeful hopeless hopscotch horde horizon horizontal hormone horn hornet horrendous horrible horrid horrify horror horse horseback horsefly horseman horse-power horseradish horse-shoe horsewoman hose hosiery hospitable hospital hospitality host hostage hostel hostess hostile hostility hot hotel hothouse hound hour house housebreaker housefly household housekeeper housewife housework hover how however howl hub hubbub hubby hubcap huckleberry huddle Hudson hue huff hug huge hulking hull hullo hum human humane humanity humble humbug humerus humid humidity humiliate humiliation hummingbird humor humorous humour hump humus hun hunch hundred hung hunger hungry hunk hunt hunter hurdle hurl hurrah hurricane hurried hurry hurt (hurt) hurtle husband hush husk husky hustle hut hutch hyacinth hybrid hydrant hydro hydroelectric hydrogen hydrosphere hygiene hygrograph hymn hype hyphen hypnotic hypnotize hypocrite hypotenuse hypothetical hysteria hysterical

I ibis ice iceberg icebox icebreaker icecap icicle iconic icy id idea ideal ideality identical identification identify identity idiocy idiom idiomatic idiot idle idol ie if igloo ignition ignoble ignominious ignoramus ignorance ignorant ignore iguana ilium ill illegal illegality illegible illegitimate illicit illimitable illiterate illness illuminate illuminative illusion illustrate illustration illustrator illustrious image imaginary imagination imaginative imagine imbecile imbed imbibe imitate imitation imitative immaterial immature immeasurable immediate immense immerse immersion immigrant immigration imminent immodest immoral immorality immortal immortality immovable immune immunity impair impala impale impart impartial impassable impassioned impassive impatience impatient impeach impede impel impending imperative imperceptible imperfect imperial Impermanence impermissible impersonate impertinence impertinent imperturbability impervious impetuous impinge impish implacable implant implement implicate implication implicit implore imply impolite import importance important impose impossibility impossible impost impostor impotence impotent impregnable impress impression impressive imprint imprison improbable improper impropriety improve improvement impugn impulse impunity impure impurity in inability inaccessible inaction inadmissible inadvertence inadvertent inadvisable inalienable inappropriate inarticulate inasmuch inaudible inaugurate inauguration inborn Inca incalculable incapable incarcerate incarceration incense incentive inception incessant inch inchoate incident incidental incinerator incipient incisor inclination incline include incoherence incoherent income incomparable incompetent incomplete inconceivable inconceivably inconsistency inconsistent inconspicuous inconvenience inconvenient incorporate incorrect increase incredible incredulity incredulous incubator incurable indebted indecent indeed indefensible indefinable indefinite indent indentation indenture independence independent indescribable index India Indian Indiana indicate indication indicative indicator indict indictment indifference indifferent indigenous indigent indigestible indigestion indignant indignation indignity indigo indirect indispensable indissoluble indistinguishable individual individuality indivisible indomitable Indonesia indoor indoors induce inducement induction indulge indulgence indulgent industrial industrialize industrious industry indwell inedible ineffectual inefficient inept inequality inequitable inert inertia inestimable inevitable inexact inexcusable inexorable inexpensive inexperienced inexplicable infallible infamy infant infanticide infantry infect infection infectious infer inference inferior infernal infest infield infighting infiltration infinite infinitesimal infinitive infinity inflame inflammable inflammation inflatable inflate inflator inflection inflict influence influential influx inform informal information infringe infuriate ingenious ingenuity ingest ingrained ingratitude ingress inhabit inhabitant inhale inherent inherit inheritance inhibition inhospitable inhuman inhumane inimical iniquity initial initially initiative inject injection injure injury injustice ink inkpot inkstand inkwell inland inmate inn innate innermost innkeeper innocence innocent innocuous innovation innumerable inoffensive inordinate inorganic inquest inquire inquiry inquisitive inroad insane insanity insatiable inscribe inscription insect insecticide insectivore insecure insensible insert inset inside insidious insightful insignia insignificant insincere insist insistent insofar insolence insolent insolubility insoluble inspect inspection inspector inspiration inspire install installment instance instant instead instigate instill instinct instinctive institute instruct instruction instructive instructor instrument insufferable insulation insult insurance insure insurgency insurgent insurmountable intact integrate integration integrity intellect intellectual intelligence intelligent intelligible intend intense intensity intent intention intentional intentness inter intercept intercession interchange interchangeable interchangeably intercom intercourse interest interethnic interfere interference interior interjection interlace intermediate interminable intermission intermittent intern internal international internment internode interplanetary interplay interpolate interpret interrogation interrogative interrupt interruption intersect interstate intertwine interval intervene interview intestine intimate intimidate into intolerable intolerant intonation intoxicate intractable intransigent intransitive intrigue intrinsic introduce introduction introductory intrude intruder intrusion intrusive intuition intuitive invade invalid invaluable invasion invective invent invention inventive inventor invert invertebrate invest investigate investigation investigator investor invidious invigorate invincible invisible invitation invite invoke involuntary involute involve inward iodine ion Iowa Iran Iraq irascible Ireland iridescence iridescent iris Irish Irishman irksome iron ironmongery irreconcilable irredentist irrefutable irregular irrelevant irreligious irreparable irresistible irrespective irresponsible irrigation irritable irritate is island isle islet isn't isolate isolation Israel Israeli Israelite issue isthmus it Italian italic italicize Italy itch item itemize iteration itself ivory ivy

jabber jack jackal jackass jacket jackknife jade jagged jaguar jail jalousie jam Jamaica jamb James Jane jangle janitor January Japan Japanese jar jargon jasmine jaunty Java javelin jaw jay jealous jealousy jeans jeep jeer jelly jellyfish jeopardy jerk jerky jersey jest Jesus jet jettison jetty Jew jewel jewelry jib jiffy jigger jiggle jigsaw jilt Jim jingle job jock jockey jocose jog John join joiner joint joke jolly jolt Jordan jostle jot journal journalism journalist journalistic journey Jove jovial jowl joy joyful joyous joystick jubilant Judaism judge judgement judgment judgmental judicial judicious judo jug juggle juggler juice juicy July jumble jumbo jump junction June jungle jungly junior juniper junk junker junkie junkyard junta Jupiter Jurassic juridical jurisprudence juror jury just justice justifiable justification justify justly jut juvenile

kaleidoscope kangaroo karate katydid kayak keel keen keep (kept) keeping keg kelp kennel Kent Kentish Kenya kept kerchief kernel kerosene kerosine ketchup kettle kettledrum key keyboard keyhole keystone khaki kick kickoff kid kidnap kill killdeer kiln kilogram kilometer kilt kimono kin kind kindergarten kindling kindness king kingdom kingfisher kink kinsmen kiosk kipper kiss kit kitchen kite kitten kitty kiwi knack knapsack knead knee kneel (knelt) knew knickknack knife knight knighthood knit (knit) (knit, knitted) knives knob knock knoll knot knotty know (knew, known) knowledge known knuckle koala kohlrabi Koran Korea Korean kosher

lab label labor laboratory laborer laborious labour lace lack laconic lacquer lacunae lad ladder lade laden ladle lady ladybird ladybug lagoon laid lain lair laird laity lake lamb lambert lame lament lamentation lamp lance lanceolate lancet land landlady landlord landmark landowner landscape landslide lane lang language languid lank lantern Laos lap lapse larch lard larder large largesse lark larkspur larva laryngitis larynx laser lashing lass lasso last latch late lateness latent lateral lathe lather Latin latitude latter lattice laugh laughable laughter launch launder laundress laundromat laundry laurel lava lavatory lavender lavish lavishness law lawful lawn lawsuit lawyer lay (laid) layman layover lazy leach lead (led) leader leaderette leaf leaflet leak leakage lean (leant) (leaned) leap (leapt) (leaped) leapfrog learn (learnt) (learned) learner lease leash least leather leathern leave (left) leaven lecture lecturer led ledge lee leech leek leer left leftover leg legal legend legendary leggings legible legion legislate legislation legislative legislature legitimate legume leisure lemon lemonade lend (lent) length lengthen lengthwise lens lent lentil leopard leotard leprosy leprous lesion less lessen lesser lesson lest let (let) lethargic lethargy Lett letter lettuce level lever leverage levity levy lewd Lewes lewis liability liable liaison liana liar libel liberal liberty librarian library lice licence license lichen lick lid lie (lay, lain) lieutenant life life-boat life-guard lifeless lifelike lifelong lifesaving lifetime lift ligament ligature light (lit) lighten lighter lighthouse lighting lightning lights likable like likelihood liken likeness likewise lilac lily limb limber lime limelight limerick limit limitation limitless limousine limp Lincoln line linear linen liner linesman ling linger lingerie link linoleum lion lioness lip lipstick liquid liquor lira Lisbon lisp list listen listener lit literacy literally literary literature lithosphere Lithuania litigation litre litter little live livelihood lively Liverpool livery live-stock livid lizard llama lo load loaf loafer loan loathe loathsome loaves lobby lobe lobster local locality locate location lock locksmith locomotion locomotive locum tenens lode lodge lodging lofty log loganberry logic logical logo loin loiter lombard London lone lonely lonesome long longhand longhorn longing longitude loo look loom loon loony loop loop-hole loose loosen loot lope lopsided lord lordship lorry lose (lost) loss lost lot lotion lottery lotus loud loudspeaker Louis lounge louse lousy lovable love low lowbrow lower loyal loyalty ltd lubricator lucid luck luckily lucky lucrative Luddite ludicrous lug luggage lukewarm lull lullaby lumber lumberjack luminous lump lunar lunatic lunch luncheon lung lunge lungs lunula lupus lurch lure lurk luscious lush lust luster lustre lustrous lute luxuriance luxuriant luxurious luxury lye lymph lynx Lyon lyre lyric lyrical

ma'am mac machine machinery machinist mackerel mackintosh macron mad madam madame madden made mademoiselle madman madness Madrid maelstrom magazine maggot magic magical magician magistrate magma magnate magnesium magnet magnetism magnetize magnificence magnificent magnifier magnify magnolia magnum magpie mahogany maid maiden mail mailbox mailman maim main mainframe mainmast mainsail mainspring mainstay maintain maintenance maize majestic majesty major majority make (made) maker make-up malady malaise malarkey Malawi Malaysia malcontent male malevolence malevolent malice malicious malign malignant mall mallard mallet malnutrition Malta Maltese mama mamma mammal mammoth man manage management manager manatee Manchester mandarin mandate mandatory mandible mandolin mane maneuver manganese manger mangetout mangle mango manhood maniac manicure manifest manifestation manifold manioc manipulation mankind manly manner manor mansard manservant mansion manslaughter mantel mantelpiece manual manufacture manufacturer manure manuscript map maple mar marathon marble March mare margarine margin marginal marigold marine marionette maritime mark marked market marketplace marmalade maroon marquise marriage marriageable married marrow marry marsh marshal Marshall marsupial martial martin martyr marvel marvelous Mary Maryland mascara masculine mash mask mason masonic masonry masquerade mass Massachusetts massage massive mast master masterful masterpiece masthead mastiff mastodon mat match matchbox matchwood mate material materialism materialize maternal maternity mathematical mathematician mathematics matinee matriarchy matt matter mattress mature maul Mauritania mavis maw Max maxilla maxillipeds maximum May maybe mayonnaise mayor maze me meadow meadowlark meager meal mean (meant) meaning meaningless meant meantime meanwhile measles measure measurement meat meatball mechanic mechanical mechanism medal meddle media median mediation medical medicare medicine medieval mediocrity meditation meditative mediterranean medium medley meet (met) meeting megaphone melancholy melee mellow melodious melody melon melt meltwater member membership membrane membranous memento memorable memorial memorize memory men menace menacingly mend mendicant mental mention menu meow mephitic merchandise merchant merciful merciless Mercury mercy mere merely merge merger meridian merit merlon mermaid merrily merriment merry merrymaking mesocarp mess message messenger met metacarpus metal metallic metamorphic metamorphosis metaphor metatarsus meteor meteorologist meteorology meter methane method methodical meticulous metre metric metronome metropolis metropolitan mewl Mexican Mexico mi mice Michael Michigan microbe microchip microcomputer microcosm microorganism microphone microscope microscopic microwave mid midair midday middle midfield midget midland midnight midrib midsole midst midsummer might mightily migrate migration mild mildew mile mileage mileometer milestone milieu military militia milk milkman mill millimeter millimetre million millionaire mimeograph mimic minaret mince mincemeat mind mindset mine miner mineral Minerva mingle mingling miniature minim minimum minister ministry Minnesota minnow minor minority mint minuend minus minute miracle miraculous mirage mire mirror misandry misbehave miscalculation mischief mischievous miscount misdemeanor miser miserable misfortune misgiving mishap misinterpret mislay mislead (misled) misled misogynist misogyny misplace misprint mispronounce miss missile mission missionary Mississippi Missouri mist mistake (mistook, mistaken) mistaken mistletoe mistreat mistress misunderstand misunderstood misuse mite mitigate mitt mitten mix mixed mixture mizzenmast moan moat mob mobile mobster moccasin mock mockingbird mode model moderate modern modernize modesty modification modify module moist moisten moisture molar mold molding molecular molecule molest molestation mollify mollusc molten mom moment momentarily momentary momentous monarch Monday monetary money Mongolia Mongolian mongoose mongrel monitor monk monkey monogram monograph monologue monoplane monopolize monorail monotone monotonous monsieur monsoon monster monstrous month monthly monument monumental moo mood moon moonbeam moon-light moonlit moonshine moor moose mop mope moral morale morass mordant mordent more moreover morgue morn morning Morocco morose morrow morsel mortal mosaic Moses Moslem mosque mosquito moss most mote motel moth mother motion motionless motive motley motor motor-car motorcycle motorist motorway mottle motto mould mound mount mountain mountaineer mountainous mourn mournful mouse mousetrap moustache mouth mouthful mouthpiece movable move movement movie Mozambique mph Mr much mucilage mucus mud muddle muddy mud-guard muff muffin muffle muffler mug muggy mulberry mule multi multiform multiplicand multiplication multiply multitude multitudinous mumble mummy mumps munch mundane municipal mural murder murderer murderous murky murmur muscle muscular muse museum mushroom mushy music musical musician musket musketeer muskox musky muslim muslin muss mussel must mustache mustang mustard mutability mute mutilate mutineer mutiny mutt mutter mutton mutual muzzle my mycelium myrtle myself mysterious mystery mystic mystify mythical mythology

nacelle nag nail naked name nameless nap nape napkin Naples Napoleon narcissus narcotic nark narrate narration narrative narrator narrow narrowness nasal nascent nasturtium nasty nation national nationalism nationality nationalize native natural naturalist naturalize nature naughty nausea nautical naval nave navel navigate navigation navy nay Nazi nazism near nearby near-sighted neat nebula necessarily necessary necessitate necessity neck neckerchief necklace necktie nectar nectarine need needle needless needlework negation negative neglect negotiate negotiation Negro Negroid neigh neighbor neighborhood neighbour neighbourhood neither neon Nepal nephew Neptune nerve nervous ness nest net Netherlands nettle neutral neutrality neutralize never nevertheless new new-born newfangled Newfoundland newmarket newsagent newsboy newspaper newsprint newsstand newt next Niagara nibble nice niche nick nickel nickname niece Niger Nigeria nigger nigh night nightgown nightingale nightmare nightmarish nighttime nil Nile nimble nine nineteen nineteenth ninetieth ninety ninth nip nipple nitrogen no Noah nob nobility noble nobleman noblewoman nobody nocturnal nod node noise noiseless noisy nomad nomadic nominate nomination nominative nominee non- nonconformist none the less nonentity nonetheless nonfiction nonsense nonsensical nonstop noodle nook noon noontime noose nor normal Norman Norse north Northeast northeastern northerly northern northward Northwest northwestern Norway Norwegian nose nostril not notation notch note note-book notepad noteworthy nothing notice notify notion notoriety notorious notwithstanding nought noun nourish nourishment novel novelist novelty November novice now nowadays nowhere noxious nozzle nuclei nucleus nudge nugget nuisance nuke nullity numb number numerical numerous numskull nun Nunc Dimittis nurse nursery nurture nut nutcracker nutmeg nutrition nutritious nuzzle nylon nymph

o oafish oak oar oasis oat oath oatmeal oats obdurate obedience obedient obese obey object objection objective objectless obligation oblige obligor oblique obliterate oblivious oblong obnoxious oboe obscene obscure obscurity obsequious observance observant observation observatory observe observer obsess obsession obsolete obstacle obstinate obstruct obstruction obstructionist obstructive obtain obtrude obtuse obtuseness obvious occasion occasional occasionally occiput occupancy occupant occupation occupied occupy occur occurrence ocean octagon octave October octopus ocular odd oddity odds Odin odious odor odorless of off offence offend offender offense offensive offer office officer official officious offset offshoot oft often ogle ogre oh oil oilfield ointment okra old olden oleomargarine oligarchy olive Olympian Olympic Olympus ombudsman omelet omen ominous omit omnipotent omnium omnivore on once one oneself onion onset Ontario onto onward ooze opal opaque open opening opera operate operation operator operculum operetta opinion opium opossum opponent opportune opportunity oppose opposite opposition oppress oppression oppressive opt optical optician optimism optimist optimistic optional opus or oral orange orang-utan orbicular orbit orchard orchestra orchid ordain ordeal order orderliness ordinal ordinance ordinary Oregon organ organic organism organization organize organizer orient oriental orifice origin original originality Orinoco oriole Orion ornament ornate orphan orphanage orthodontist Oscar Osiris ostensible ostensibly ostrich other otherwise otter ought ounce our ourselves oust out outbreak outburst outcome outcry outdated outdo outdoor outfit outflank outgrow outlaw outline outlook outlying outnumber outpoint outrage outrageous outrigger outright outrun outset outside outsider outsole outspoken outstanding outstretched outward outwards outweigh outwit oval ovary ovation oven over overall overbearing overboard overcast overcome overcrowd overdress overdue overeat overflow overgrow overhand overhang overhanging overhaul overhead overhear overjoy overlap overload overlook overnight overpass overpower overrule overrun overseas overshadow oversight overstrung overt overtake (overtook, overtaken) overthrow overtime overtone overtrousers overture overturn overturned overwhelm overwork ovule owe owl own owner ownership ox oxcart oxen Oxford oxide oxidize Oxonian oxygen oxygenate oyster ozone

pace pacemaker Pacific pacify pack package packet pact pad paddle paddock paddy padlock pagan page pageant paid pail pain painful painless painstaking paint paintbrush painting pair pajamas Pakistan pal palace palate pale Paleozoic Palestine palette palisades pall palm palmate palmetto palpitate pamper pan pancake pancreas panda pandemonium pane panel pang panic panorama panpipes pansy pant pantheon panther pantomime pantry papaya paper paperback papoose paprika Papuan papyrus par parable parachute parade paraffin paragon paragraph Paraguay parallel parallelepiped parallelogram paralysis paralyze paramecium paraphernalia parasite parasitic parasol paratrooper parcel parch parchment pardon pare parent parenthesis paresis Paris parish parisian park parkway parliament parliamentary parlor parochial parody paroxysm parrot parse parsley parsnip parson part parti partial participate participation participial participle particle particular particularly partition partner partnership partridge pas pasquinade pass passage passageway passenger passion passionate passive Passover passport password past paste pasteurize pastime pastry pasture pat patch patchwork patella paternal paternity path pathetic pathos pathway patience patient patio patriarch patriarchal patrimony patriotic patriotism patrol patron patronize pattern patty Paul pauper pause pave pavement pavilion paw pawn pay (paid) payee payment pc pea peace peaceable peaceful peach peacock peak peanut pear pearl peasant peat pebble pebbly pecan peck peculiar peculiarity pedal pedantic peddle pedestal pedestrian pediatrician pedicel pedigree peek peel peep peer peevish peg Peking Pekingese pelican pellet pellucid pelt pelvis pen penalize penalty penance pence pencil pendant Penelope penetrate penetration penguin penicillin peninsula penis penitentiary penknife penmanship penniless Pennsylvania penny pension penstock Pentagon penthouse peony people pep peppery per perambulator perceive percent percentage perceptible perception perceptive perch percolate percussion peremptorily peremptory perennial perfect perfection perforate perforation perform performance performer perfume pergola perhaps pericarp peril perilous perimeter perineum period periodical perish perishable perjury perk permanence permanent permission permissive permit permutation pernicious peroration perpendicular perpetration perpetrator perpetual perpetuate perplex perplexity perquisite persecute persecution persevere Persia Persian persimmon persist persistence persistent person personal personality personnel perspective perspicacity perspiration perspire persuade persuasion persuasive pertain pertinent Peru Peruvian pervade pervasive perverse peso pessimistic pest pesticide pestilence pestilent pestle pet petal peter petiole petite petition petrify petrochemicals petrol petroleum petty petulance petulant petunia pew pewter phalange phalanx phallus phantom pharaoh pharmacist pharmacy phase pheasant phenomena phenomenon philander Philippines philodendron philosopher philosophic philosophy Phobos phoenix phone phonetic phosphorescence phosphorescent phosphorus photo photograph photographic photosynthesis phrase phrenologist physical physician physics physique pi pianist piano piccolo pick pickax pickerel picket pickles pickpocket pickup picnic picture picturesque pie piebald piece pier pierce pig pigeon pigment pigmy pigpen pigsty pigtail pike pile pilgrim pill pillar pillory pillow pillow-case pillowslip pilot pimple pin pinch pine pineapple pink pinnacle pinpoint pint pinto pinwheel pioneer pious pip pipe pipeline piracy pirate pistachio pistil pistol pit pitch pitchfork pith pitiable pitiful pitiless pittance pity pivot pivotal pixel pizza placard placate place placid placket plague plaice plaid plain plaintiff plaintive plan plane planet planetarium planetary plank plankton plant plantain plantation plaque plasm plasma plaster plastic plastron plate plateau platform platinum platitude platoon platter platypus plausible play player playfellow playful playground playmate playpen playroom playwright plaza plea plead pleasant pleasantry please pleasurable pleasure pleat pledge plentiful plenty plesiosaur pliant pliers plight plod plot plough plow pluck plum plumage plumb plumbing plume plummet plump plunder plunge plural plus Pluto plutonic plutonium plywood pm pneumonia pocket pocketbook pod poem poet poetic poignant point poison poisonous poke Poland polar pole polecat police policeman policewoman policy polio poliomyelitis polish polite political politician politics polka poll pollination pollster pollute pollution polo poly polyarchy polygamy polygon polyp polysyllabic pomegranate pommel pomp pompous poncho pond ponder ponderous pontifical pony poodle pool poop poor pop popcorn pope poplar poppy populace popular popularity population populous porch porcupine pore pork porpoise porridge port portable portage portal portentous porter portfolio porthole portico portion portly portrait portray Portugal Portuguese pose position positive posse possess possession possessive possessor possibility possible possibly possum post postage postal postcard poster posterity posthumous postman postmark postmaster postpone postscript posture postwar pot potassium potato potatoe potent potential pouch pouffe poultry pounce pound pour pout poverty powder power powerful powerhouse powerless practicable practical practice practise prairie praise pram prance prank prattle prawn praxis pray prayer preach precaution precede precedence precedent precession precinct precious precipice precipitate precipitation precipitous precise precision preclude precocious precursor predator predecessor predicament predicate predicative predict prediction predominant preeminent preemptive prefabricate preface prefect preference prefix pregnant prehensile prehistoric prejudice preliminary prelude premature premier premise premium premolar preparation prepare preposition prepositional preposterous prerequisite prescribe prescription presence present presentation presentiment preservation preservative preserve preside presidency president press pressman pressure pressurize prestige presumably presume pretence pretend pretense preternatural prettily pretty pretzel prevail prevalent prevent prevention preventive preview previous prey price priceless prick pride priest prim primacy primal primary prime primeval primitive primordial primrose prince princess principal principle print printer printout prism prison prisoner pristine privacy private privation privatization privilege prize pro probability probable probably probation probe problem proboscis procedural procedure proceed proceeding proceeds process procession proclaim proclamation proclivity proctor procure prod prodigious produce product production productive productivity prof profess profession professional professor proffer proficiency profile profit profitable profitably profound profundity profuse profusion program programme progress progressive prohibition project projector prolific prolong prominence prominent promise promontory promote promotion prompt promulgation prone prong pronoun pronounce pronunciation proof proofread prop propel propensity proper property prophecy prophesy prophet prophetic proponent proportion proposal propose proposition propound proprietor propriety propulsion prosaic proscribe prosecute prosecution proselytize prospect prospective prospector prospectus prosper prosperity prosperous prostrate prosy protect protection protective protector protein protest protestant proton protoplasm protozoan protract protractor protrude proud prove proven proverb proverbial provide province provincial provision provocation provocative provoke prowl prude prudence prudent prudery prune pry psoriasis psychiatrist psychiatry psychical psychologist pterodactyl pub pubis public publican publication publicity publish publisher puck pucker pudding puddle pueblo puff puffin pugnacious pull pull-up pulp pulpit pulse puma pummel pump pumpkin pun punch punctual punctuality punctuation puncture pundit pungency pungent punish punishment punitive pup pupa pupil puppet puppy purchase pure purebred purge purification purify puritan purity purple purplish purport purpose purposeful purr purse pursue pursuer pursuit pus push put (put) putrid putridity putty puzzle pyjamas pyramidal pyre Pyrenees python

QC quack quackery quadruped quaff quail quaint quake qualification qualify quality qualm quantity quarantine quarrel quarrelsome quarry quart quarter quarterback quartet quartz quasar quaver quay queen queer quell quench querulous query quest question questionable queue quick quicken quickness quicksand quicksilver quiet quietness quill quilt quince quintuplet quirky quit quite the cheese quiver Quixote quiz quizzical quondam quota quotation quote

rabbi rabbit rabies raccoon race racehorse racetrack racial rack racket racquetball racy radar radiance radiant radiate radiator radical radicle radio radioactive radioactivity radiogram radish radius radon raft rag rage ragged raging ragweed raid rail railing railroad railway rain rainbow raincoat rainfall rainforest raise raisin rajah rake rakish rally ram Ramadan ramification ramp rampant rampart ramrod ran ranch rancid rancorous rancour random rang range rangefinder rank ransack ransom rant rap rapid rapture rare rarefy rarely rarity rascal rash rashness rasp raspberry rat rate rather ratify ratio ration rational rationale rattle rattlesnake raucous ravage rave ravel raven ravenous raver ravine raw rawhide ray rayon razor re reach reaction reactionary reactor read (read) readable reader readily reading readjust real realistic reality realization realize realm reap reaper reappear rear rearmost rearrange rearward reason reasonable reasonably reassure rebate rebel rebellion rebellious rebound rebuff rebuild (rebuilt) rebuke recall recant recantation recapitulate recapture re-cede receipt receive recent receptacle reception receptivity recess recession recherche recipe recipient recital recite reckless reckon recline recognition recognize recoil re-collect recollection recommend recommendation reconcile reconsider reconstruct record recount recourse re-cover re-creation recrimination recruit rectangular rectitude recur recycle red redcoat redcurrant reddish redeem redemption redemptive redivivus reduce reduction redundancy redwood reed reef reek reentry refer reference refill refine refinery refit reflect reflection reflective reflector reflex reflexive reforest re-form reformatory refrain refresh refreshment refrigerate refrigerator refuge refugee refund refusal refuse regain regal regard regardless regent regime regiment region register Regius Professor regret regretful regrettable regular regulate regulation rehearsal rehearse reheater Reich reign rein reindeer reinforce reinforcement reiterate reject rejoice rejoice in rejoin rejuvenate relapse relate relation relational relationship relative relax relaxation re-lay release relegate relent relentless relevant reliable reliance relic relief relieve religion religious relinquish relish reload reluctance reluctant rely remain remainder remark remarkable remarkably remedial remedy remember remembrance remind reminiscence remission remnant remodel remold remonstrance remonstrate remorse remorseless remote removal remove rend render rendezvous renew renewal renounce renovate renowned rent repair reparation re-pay repeal repeat repeatedly repel repent repentance repetition replace replenishment replete reply report reporter repossess represent representative reprimand reproach reproduce reproduction reproof reprove reptile reptilian republic repudiate repugnant repulse repulsive reputation repute reputed request require requirement requisite re-read rescind rescue research resemblance resemble resentment reservation reserve reservoir reset reside residence residential re-sign resignation resilience resilient resist resolute resolution resolve resolvent resonant resort resound resource respect respectable respectful respective respiration respite respond response responsibility responsible rest restaurant restless restoration restore restrain restraint restrict restriction restroom result resume resurgent resurrect resurrection resuscitate resuscitation ret retail retain retainer retard retention retentive reticent retina retire retiree retirement retort retrace retract retreat retrieve retrograde return reunion rev revamp reveal revel revelation revenge revenue reverberate revere reverence reverend reverent reverse revert review revise revision revival revive revoke revolution revolutionary revolve revolver reward rewind reword Rhine rhinoceros rhododendron rhombus rhubarb rhyme rhythm rhythmic rib ribbon rice rich Richard Richmond rickety rid riddance riddle ride (rode, ridden) ridge ridicule ridiculous rifle rift rig right righteous rigid rigmarole rigor rigorous rim rind ring (rang, rung) ringer rink rinse riot riotous rip ripe ripen ripple rise (rose, risen) risen risk rite ritual rival rivalry rive river riverine rivet roach road roadside roadway roam roar roast rob robbery robe robin robot robust rock rocket rod rodeo roe Roger rogue role roll Rom Roman romance romantic Rome romp Ronald roof rook rookery rookie room rooster root rope Rosa rose rosebud rostrum rosy rot rotary rotate rotor rotten Rotterdam rotundity rouge rough roulette round roundabout roundhouse round-up rouse rout route routine rove row rower royal royalty rub rubber rubbish rubble rubinesque ruble rucksack rudder ruddy rude rudeness rue rueful ruff ruffian ruffle rug Rugby rugged ruin rule rum rumble rummage rumor rumour rump run (ran, run) runaway rung runway rupee rupture rural ruse rush rusk Russia Russian rust rustic rustle rut ruthless rye

sabbath saber sable sabotage sac sack sacred sacrifice sacrilege sacrilegious sacrum sad sadden saddle sadness safari safe safe and sound safeguard safety sag sage sagebrush said sail sailboard sailboat sailor sailplane saint sake salad salamander salary sale salesgirl salesman salesperson saleswoman saliva sally sallyport salmon saloon salsify salt saltcellar salute salutory salvage salvation Salvationist salve salvo sam same Samson Samuel sanctuary sanctum sand sandal sandbank sandbox sandpaper sandstone sandwich sane sang sanitation sanity sank sap sapling sapphire sapwood Sarah sarcasm sarcastic sardine sardonic sash sat satchel sate satellite satiation satin satirist satisfaction satisfactory satisfy saturate Saturday Saturn sauce saucepan saucer saucy saunter saurian sausage savage savant save savings saviour savvy saw (sawed, sawn) (sawed) sawmill saxhorn Saxon saxophone say (said) saying scab scabbard scaffold scale scallion scallop scalp scaly scam scamper scampi scan scandal scanty scapula scar scarce scare scarecrow scarf scarlet scary scatter scavenger scene scenery scenic scent scepter sceptic sceptical scepticism scheme scholar scholarship scholastic school schoolboy schoolhouse schoolmaster schooner science scientific scientist scissors sclera scold scone scoop scooter scope scorch score scorn scornful scorpion Scot Scotch Scotchman Scotland Scotsman Scottish scoundrel scour scout scowl scrabble scraggy scramble scrap scrape scratch scrawl scream scree screech screen screw screw-driver scribble scribbler scribe scrimmage script scroll scrotum scrub scrubby scrumptious scruple scrupulous scrutinize scrutiny scuffle scullery sculptor sculpture scum scumbag scupper scurry scurvy scuttle scythe sea seaboard seafaring seafood seagoing seagull seahorse seal seamstress seaplane sear search seashell seashore seasick seaside season seasonal seat seaweed sec secateurs secede secession seclude seclusion second secondary secrecy secret secretarial secretary sect section secular secure sedan sediment seduce seduction see (saw, seen) seed seedling seek (sought) seeker seem seen seep seer seesaw seethe segment segregation seine seismograph seize seldom select selection self selfish selfishness sell (sold) seller semaphore semblance semester semi semibreve semi-circle semicolon semifinal seminary semiquaver senate senator send (sent) senior seniority sensation sensational sense senseless sensible sensitive sensual sensuous sent sentence sentient sentiment sentimental sentinel sentry separate separation September septuagenarian sequel sequence sequoia seraphic serene serenity serfdom sergeant serial series serious sermon serpent serpentine serrated servant serve service servile servility session set (set) setback settee settle settlement seven seventeen seventeenth seventh seventy several severe severely severity sew (sewed, sewn) (sewed) sewn sex shabby shade shadow shaft shaggy shake (shook, shaken) shaken shaky shall shallot shallow sham shame shamefaced shameful shampoo shamrock shank shape shapely share shark sharp sharpen shatter shave (shaved, shaven) (shaved) shaving shaw shawl she shear (sheared, shorn) sheath sheep sheepish sheet sheik shelf shell shellac shellfish shelter shelves shepherd sherbet sheriff shield shift shikarree shilling shimmer shin shine (shone) ship shipment shipshape shipwreck shipyard shire shirt shirttail shiver shoal shock shocked shocking shoe (shod) shoelace shoemaker shone shook shoot (shot) shop shopkeeper shoplift shopper shore short shortage shortcoming shorten shorthand shot should shoulder shout shove shovel show (showed, shown) (showed) shown shrank shred shrew shrewd shriek shrill shrimp shrine shrink (shrank, shrunk) shrivel shroud shrub shrug shrunken shudder shuffle shun shut (shut) shutter shuttle shy si sibilant sibilation sibling Sicilian Sicily sick sickle sickness side sideboard sideline sideshow side-step sidetrack sidewalk sideways siege sierra siesta sieve sift sigh sight sightless sign signal signature significance significant sign-post silence silent silhouette silicon silk silken silkworm sill silly silo silt silver silversmith silverware similar similarity simile simmer simper simple simpleton simplicity simplification simplify simply simultaneous sin since sincere sincerely sincerity sinew sing (sang, sung) Singapore singe singer single singularly sinister sink (sank, sunk) sinuous sinus sip siphon sir siren sister sisterhood sit (sat) site situate situation six sixpence sixteen sixteenth sixth sixtieth sixty sizable size sizzle sizzling skate skateboard skeleton skeptical sketch skewer ski skid skilful skill skilled skillful skim skimpy skin skinny skip skirt skirting skit skitter skulk skull skunk sky skydiving skylark skylight skyline sky-scraper slab slack slacken slain slake slam slander slang slant slap slate slater slaty slaughter slave slaver Slavonic slay (slew, slain) sleaze sleazy sled sledge sledge-hammer sleek sleep (slept) sleepwalker sleet sleeve sleigh sleight slender slept slice slick slicker slid slide (slid) slight slim slime sling slingback slink slip slipover slipper slippery slit slither sliver slobber slog slogan sloop slope sloping sloppy slosh slot sloth slouch slovenly slow slug sluggish sluice slum slumber slump slung slur slush sly smack small smart smash smattering smear smell (smelt) smile smith smock smog smoke smoker smokestack smoky smolder smooch smooth smother smoulder smudge smug smuggle smut snack snail snake snaky snap snapdragon snare snarl snatch sneak sneaky sneer snicker snide sniff sniffle snigger snip snipe snippet snob snobbery snooze snore snorkel snort snout snow snowball snowflake snowman snowmobile snowplow snowshoe snowstorm snub snuff snug snugger snuggery snuggle so soak soap soar sob sober sobriety soccer sociable social socialism socialistic society sock socket soda sodium sofa soft soften software soil solar sold soldier sole solemn solemnity solicit solicitor solicitous solicitude solid solidify solidity soliloquy solitary solitude solo soloist Solomon solstice soluble solution solve somber sombre sombrero some somebody someday somehow someone somersault something sometimes somewhat somewhere son sonar song sonnet sonny sonorous soon soot soothe Sophia sophomore sopping soprano sordid sore sorehead sorrel sorrow sorrowful sorry sort sought soul sound soundboard soundproof soup sour source south south-east southeastern southern southward southwest southwestern souvenir sovereign sow (sowed, sown) (sowed) soybean space spacecraft spacelab spaceship spacesuit spacewalk spade spaghetti Spain span spangle Spaniard spaniel Spanish spank spare spark sparkle sparrow sparse spasm spatter spatula spawn speak (spoke, spoken) speaker spear spearmen spearmint special specialist specialize specialty species specific specimen speck spectacle spectacular spectator spectra spectral spectrum speculate speculation sped speech speechless speed (sped) speedily speedometer speer spell (spelt) (spelled) spelling spend (spent) spent sperm spew sphere sphinx spice spicy spider spike spill (spilt) (spilled) spillway spinach spinal spindle spine spiral spire spirit spiritual spit (spat) spite splash splashdown splay spleen splendid splendor splint splinter split (split) splutter spoil (spoilt) (spoiled) spoke spoken spokesman sponge sponsor spontaneous spoon spoonful spoor spore sport sportsman sportsmanship sportswear spot spotlight spouse spout sprain sprang sprawl spray spread (spread) spree spring (sprang, sprung) springboard sprinkle sprint sprout spruce sprung spud spur spurt sputter spy squabble squad squadron squalid square squash squat squawk squeak squeal squeamish squeeze squelch squid squint squire squirm squirrel squirt st stab stability stable staccato stack stadium staff stag stage stagger stagnant stain stair staircase stairs stairway stake stalactite stalagmite stale stall stallion stamen stamina stammer stamp stampede stanch stanchion stand (stood) standard standoffish standstill Stanley Falls stanza staple star starboard starch stare starfish stark starling starlit starry start startle state statement statesman static station stationary statism statist statue stature status statute statutory stave stay steadfast steady steak steal (stole, stolen) stealthy steam steamer steamroller steamship steed steel steelyard steep steeple steer steersman stegosaurus stem stench stencil step stepfather stepladder stepmother steppe stereo sterilize sterling stern stethoscope stew steward stewardess stick (stuck) stiff stiffen stifle stigma stile still stillness stimulate stimulative stimuli stimulus sting (stung) stinger stink (stunk) (stank, stunk) stipulate stipule stir stirrup stock stockade stocking stockpile stockpot stockyard stoicism stoke stole stolen stomach stomp stone stony stood stooge stool stoop stop stop-gap stop-watch storage store storehouse storekeeper storey stork storm story stout stove stow stowaway straddle straggle straight straighten strain strait strand stranded strange stranger strangle strap strata strategy stratosphere stratum straw strawberry stray streak stream streamlined street streetcar strength strengthen strenuous stress stretch strewn striated stricken strict stride (strode, stridden) strident strike (struck) striker string (strung) stringent stringy strip strive (strove, striven) strode stroke stroll strong stronghold strove struck struggle strum strung strut stub stubborn stubby stuck stud student studio study stuff stumble stumpy stun stunk stunted stupendous stupid stupidity sturdy sturgeon stutter style SU sub judice subacid subdivide subdue subject subjection subjective subjugate subjugation sublimation sublime submarine submerged submit subordinate subroutine subscribe subscription subsequent subset subside subsoil substance substantial substitute subterranean subtle subtlety subtract subtraction subtrahend suburb suburban subversion subversive subvert subway succeed success successful succession successive successor succinct succulent succumb such suck suckle suction sudden suddenly suds sue suede suffer sufferance suffering suffice sufficiency sufficient suffix suffocate suffocation suffrage sugar sugarcane suggest suggestion suicide suit suitable suitcase suitor sulfur sulky sullen sully sulphur sultan sum sumac Sumatra summarize summary summer summit summon sumptuous sun sun-bathe sunburn sunburnt sundae Sunday sundeck sundial sundown sunflower sung sunglasses sunk sunken sunlight sunlit sunny sunrise sunroof sunset sunshine sunspot suntan sup super superabundant superannuated superb supercilious supererogation superficial superfluity superfluous superhuman superintendent superior superlative superman supermarket supernatural superstition superstitious supervise supervisor supper supple supplement supplication supply support supporter suppose supposition suppress supremacy supreme sure surf surface surge surgeon surgery surgical surly surmise surname surpass surplus surprise surrender surreptitious surrey surround surroundings surveillance survey surveyor survival survive survivor Susan susceptibility susceptible suspect suspend suspenders suspense suspicion Sussex sustain sustained swab swagger swallow swam swamp swan sward swarm swarthy swat swath sway swear (swore, sworn) sweat sweatshirt Swede Sweden Swedish sweep (swept) sweet sweeten sweetness swell (swelled, swollen) (swelled) swept swerve swift swim (swam, swum) swimmer swimmeret swimmy swimsuit swindle swine swing (swung) swirl swish Swiss switch switchboard Switzerland swivel swollen swoon swoop sword swordfish sworn swum swung syllabification syllable Sylvia symbol symbolize symmetric symmetrical symmetry sympathetic sympathize sympathizer sympathy symphonic symphony symptom synagogue synonym synonymous synopsis synthetic syringe syrup system

tab tabby table tablespoon tablet tacit taciturn tack tackle tact tactful tactless tad tadpole taffy tag tail tailor tailpiece tailplane tailrace taint take (took, taken) take over taken tale talent talk talkative tall tallow tally talon tambourine tame tameness tamper tamper with tan tang tangerine tangible tangle tank tankard tanker tantamount Tantric tantrika tantrum tap tape taper tapestry tapir taproot tar tarantula tardy target tariff tarmac tarnish tarsus tart tartan Tartar task tassel taste tasteless tasty tattered tattle tattletale tattoo taught taunt taut tavern tawny tax taxation taxi taxicab tea teach (taught) teacher teacup teakettle teal team teammate teapot tear (tore, torn) tearoom tease teashop teaspoon teat technical technician technique technology tedious tee teem teen-ager teeny teeth teethe teetotal telecast telegony telegram telegraph telegraphic telepathy telephone telescope telescopic televise television temper temperament temperate temperature tempest temple temporary tempt temptation temptress ten tenacious tenant tend tendency tender tenderhearted tenderness tendon tendril tenebrous tenement tenet tennis tenor tense tension tent tentacle tenth tenure tepee term terminal terminate termite terrace terrarium terrestrial terrible terrier terrific terrify territorial territory terror terrorize test testament testify testimonial testimony tetanus Teutonic Texas text text-book textile Thai Thames than thank thankful thankless thanksgiving that thatch thaw the theater theatre theatrical thee theft their them theme themselves then thence thenceforward theologian theoretically theorize theory therapeutic therapy there thereafter therefore therefrom therein therewith thermal thermometer thermostat thesaurus these thesis thews they they'll they're thick thicken thicket thickness thief thieve thigh thin things think (thought) thinker third thirst thirsty thirteen thirteenth thirtieth thirty this this many a day thistle thither Thomas thong thorn thorough thoroughfare those thou though thought thoughtful thoughtless thousand thousandth thrash thread threadbare threat threaten three threepence thresher threshold threw thrice thrifty thrill thrive throat throb throne throng throttle through throughout throughway throw (threw, thrown) throwback thrown thrush thrust (thrust) thruway thud thug thuggery thumb thumbscrew thumbtack thump thunder thunderous thunder-storm Thursday thus thwart thy Tibet Tibetan tibia tick ticket tickle tidal tide tidiness tidy tie tiger tight tighten tightness tightrope Tigris tile till tilt timber timberline timbre time timekeeper timely time-table timid timidity timothy tin tine tinfoil tingle tinkle tinsel tint tip tiptoe tirade tire tired tireless tiresome tissue titan titillate title titter to and fro toad toadstool toast toaster tobacco tobacconist toboggan tod today toe toga together toil toilet token Tokyo told tolerance tolerant toll tomahawk tomato tomb tomboy tombstone tomcat tome tomorrow ton tone tongue tonsil tonsillitis too took tool toolbox toot tooth toothache toothbrush toothpaste toothpick top topaz topic topmost topography topple topsoil toque torch tore torn tornado Toronto torpid torrid torso tortoise torture toss tot total tote totem totter touch touchdown tough tour tourist tousle tout tow toward towel tower town toxic toxicology toy trace traceable track tract traction tractor trade trademark tradesman tradition traditional traffic tragedy tragic trail train trait traitor tram tramp trample trampoline trance tranquil transaction transcend transcendence transcribe transept transfer transfix transform transfusion transgress transistor transit transition transitive translatable translate translation transmit transom transparency transparent transpiration transpire transplant transport transportation trap trapdoor trapeze trash travel traveler traveller traverse travesty tray treacherous treachery tread (trod, trodden) treadmill treason treasure treasury treat treatise treatment treaty treble tree treeless trellis tremble tremendous tremor tremulous trench trend trepidation trespass tress trestle trial triangle triangular tribal tribe tribesman tribune tributary tribute triceratops trick trickle tricycle tried trifle trigger trill trim trio trip tripe triple tripod Tripoli Triton triumph triumphant trivial trodden troll trolley trombone troop trophy tropic tropical troposphere trot trouble troublesome trough trouser trousers trout trowel truce truck true truism truly trump trumpet trunk trust trustworthy truth truthful try tsunami tub tuba tube tuberculosis tuck Tudor Tuesday tuft tufted tug tugboat tuition tulip tumble tumbling tummy tumor tumult tumultuous tuna tundra tune tunic tunnel tuppence turban tureen turf turgid Turkey Turkish turmoil turn turnip turnout turnpike turnstile turntable turpentine turquoise turret turtle turtleneck tusk tut tutor twaddle twang tweak tweed tweeter tweezers twelfth twelve twentieth twenty twice twig twilight twin twine twinkle twirl twist twitch twitter two twofold twopence tycoon tying tyke tympanum type type-writer typhoon typical typify typist tyrannical tyrannosaurus tyrannous tyranny tyrant tyre

udder Uganda ugly ukulele ulna ulster ultimate ultra umbrella umpire unabashed unabated unable unaccented unaccountable unaffected unanimous unanswerable unarmed unashamed unattractive unavailing unawares unbalance unbearable unbecoming unbelievable unbend (unbent) unbreakable unbridle unbroken unceasing uncertain uncertainty unchanged uncharted unchecked uncircumcised unclad unclassified uncle unclean uncomfortable uncommon unconcerned unconditional unconscious unconstitutional uncontrollable unconvinced uncountable uncouth uncover uncut undamaged undaunted undecided under underbrush underclothes underclothing undergo undergraduate underground undergrowth underhanded underline underlying undermine underneath underpinings underprivileged underrate undersea undershirt underside understand (understood) understood undertake (undertook, undertaken) undertaken undertook undervalue underwater underwear underwood undesirable undeveloped undies undisturbed undoubted undress undue undulate undulation unduly undying unearth uneasy unemployed unemployment unequal unequivocal unerring uneven unexceptional unexpected unfading unfair unfamiliar unfasten unfeeling unfinished unfit unfold unforgettable unfortunate unfriendly unfurl unfurnished ungainly ungracious ungrateful unhappily unhappy unharmed unhealthy unheeded unicorn unicycle uniform unify unimaginative unimportant uninfluenced unintelligible uninterested uninteresting union unionist unique unison unit unite universal universe university unjust unjustifiable unkempt unkind unknown unleash unless unlike unlikely unlimited unload unlock unloose unlucky unmanned unmannerly unmarried unmatched unmistakable unmitigated unnatural unnecessary unnerve unnumbered unobstructed unofficial unopened unostentatious unpack unpleasant unpopular unpractised unprecedented unprejudiced unprepared unprintable unprofitable unquestioned unreadable unreasonable unreliable unremitting unriddle unroll unruly unsatisfactory unscramble unscrew unscrupulous unseen unsettle unshaven unsheathe unsightly unskilled unsociable unsolved unsound unspoken unstable unsteadily unsteady unstressed unsuitable unsympathetic untamable untenable unthinkable untidiness untidy untie until untold untouched untoward untried untroubled untrue unused unusual unvarying unvoiced unwanted unwarrantable unwary unwed unwelcome unwieldy unwilling unwise unwittingly up upbeat upheaval upheld uphold upholster upland uplift upon uppermost uppish upraise upright uprising uproar uproarious uproot upset (upset) upstairs upstream upstroke upturn upward uranium Uranus urban urge urgency urgent urine urn us USA usable usage use useable used useful useless usher usual usurp usurpation utensil uterus utility utmost utopia utter utterance utterly uttermost uvula

vacant vacation vaccination vaccine vacillate vacuous vacuum vague vaguely vain valentine valiant valid validity valley valuable value vamp van vane vanguard vanish vanity vanquish vapour variable variation variety various varnish vary vase vassal vast vat vault vaunt veal veer vegetable vegetarian vegetation vehemence vehement vehicle veil vein velocity velvet vendor Venetian vengeance Venice venison venom venomous vent ventilation ventilator ventricle venture Venus veracity veranda verb verbal verbatim verdict verdure verge verify veritable verity vermin vernacular Versailles versatile verse versed version versus vertebra vertebrate vertical very vessel vest vesta vestige vestigia vet veteran veterinarian veto vex via viable vibrancy vibrant vibrate vibration vibrio vicar vice vicinity vicious victim victoria Victorian victorious victory video videotape Vienna view viewer vigilance vigor vigorous viking vile vilify villa village villager villain villainous vindicate vine vinegar vineyard vintage vinyl viola violence violent violet violin violinist virgin Virginia virile virility virtually virtue virulent virus viscous vise visibility visible vision visionary visit visitor visor vista visual vita vital vitality vitiate vivacious vivid vivify vocabulary vocal vocation vociferous voice void volatility volcanic volcano volleyball voltage volume voluntarily voluntary volunteer voluptuous vomit vortex vote voter vow vowel voyage vulgar vulgarity vulgarize vulnerable vulture vulva

wacky wad waddle wade wafer waffle wag wage wagon waif wail wain waist waistband waistcoat wait waitress wake (woke, woken) (waked) waken wale walk wall wallaby wallet wallop wallow wallpaper walnut walrus wand wander wanderer wane want war warbler ward warden wardrobe ware warehouse warfare warhorse warlike warm warmth warn warning warrant warrior warship warty was wash washbasin waste wasteful wasteland watch watchdog watchful watchmaker watchman watchtower water watercolor waterfront Waterloo watermelon waterproof watershed waterway waterwheel Watt wattle wave waver wavy wax way we weak weaken weakling weakness weal weald wealth weapon weaponless wearily weariness wearing wearisome weary weasel weather weathercock weatherman weave (wove, woven) web wed wedding wedge Wednesday wee week week-day week-end weekly weep (wept) weevil weigh weight weightless weird weirdo welcome weld welfare well Welsh went wept were west westerly western westminster westward westwards wet whack whacked whale wharf what whatever whatsoever wheat wheel wheelbarrow wheelchair wheeze whelk when whence whenever where whereabouts whereas whereby wherein whereupon wherever whether whew whey which whicker whiff while whilst whim whimper whine whinny whip whipsaw whir whirl whirlwind whisk whisker whiskers whiskey whisky whisper whist whistle whistler white whiten whither whitish whittle whiz who whoever whole wholesale wholly whom whomever whomsoever whoop whop whose why wick wicked wicket wide widen wide-spread widow width wield wife wig wiggle wigwam wild wildcat wilderness wildlife will William willingness willow wilt wimble win (won) wince winch wind (wound) windbag windcheater winder windmill window windowpane windscreen windsor wine wineglass wing wingspan wink winner winning winter wintry wipe wire wireless wiretap wiry wisdom wise wish wisp wistaria wistful wit witch witchcraft witchery with withdraw withdrawal withdrew wither withers withhold within without withstand witness witty wives wizard wizened wobble wobbly woe wolf wolverine wolves woman womanhood womb women won wonder wonderful won't wont woo wood woodchuck woodcutter wooden woodland woodpecker woodsman woodwork woofer wool woolen woollen word wore work workable workbench workbook worker workman workmanship workshop world world-wide worm worn worry worse worship worst worth worthless worth-while would wound woven wrangle wrap wrath wreath wreckage wren wrench wrestle wretch wretched wriggle wring wrinkle wrist wristband wristwatch write (wrote, written) writer writhe writing written wrong wrongdoing wrongly wrote wrought Wsssilliam

xerox xylophone

yacht yak yank Yankee yap yard yardstick yarn yawn yd year yearn yell yellow yellowish yelp yen yes yesterday yet yew yield yogurt yoke yolk yonder yore York Yorkshire you young youngster your yourself yourselves youth youthful yurt

zareba zealous zenith zero zest zig-zag zip zither zodiac zone zoo zoological zoology zoom

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