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Психотехники and English

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Психотехники and English

Shalnoff School

Пишет Илья Шальнов

Как обычно, в эту пятницу в 19 часов мы встречаемся в Английском Коммуникационном Клубе на Арбате. http://www.englishclub.org.ru/

В моей группе будут обсуждаться две темы:

Coming back to the thirties, who are we going to elect?

We are in the thirties now, and we have an election. It’s up to us to decide who will be the leader of our country. Bolsheviks have just offered Stalin. After our discussion, we are going to vote for Stalin or for somebody else. Who is better than Stalin?

1) Stalin took very poor, almost illiterate agrarian country and turned it into a cosmic superpower.
2) Stalin accomplished the industrialization. But for the industrialization we would have been defeated by Nazis. The collectivization was also necessary for the industrialization.
3) Stalin destroyed NEP. But NEP had to be destroyed. Nations can’t exist, if new capitalists show open disrespect to common people of labor.
4) It was not Stalin, who started repressions. Atrocities started by capitalists in the time of the First World War, and they could not have been stopped at once. In that harsh time there were less people in prisons, than there are today.
5) Indeed, people were tortured in prisons in his time, but at least, it was not done as openly and cynically as it is done today in our country and in America.
6) Retreat-blocking detachments were necessary in the time of World War Two.
7) Could other leaders have created the atomic bomb? And what would have happened if we should not have created the A-bomb in time.
8) The moment the international situation had normalized, the Soviet Union began to build lodging for common people. Nobody else would have done it, but communists.
9) Free education, free medical care, full employment… All that was destroyed by his opponents… So…
10) It is said that Stalin murdered real communists like Buharin, Zinovyev, Tuhachevsky and many others, but they were not real communists, they were traitors.
11) Stalin was a tyrant. But how else can we motivate our people to build great state and to defend themselves against a hostile encirclement and against our homemade exploiters?

Democracy versus communism

1) Only democratic regimes have a right to exist. -- Only communism is the real democracy.
2) Freedom of speech is an essential human right. -- Propaganda of war, of parasitism, of hatred must be forbidden.
3) Sexual freedom is an essential human right. -- Sexual freedom can destroy any society. If not, then communism can get along with sexual freedom.
4) Only individualists can provide and guarantee the progress. -- Collectivism is what must be the tool and the goal of the progress. Individualism leads to corruption, crimes, unemployment, high death rate and other terrible things.
5) Democracy leads to prosperity. -- On the contrary, democracy means the power of rich. In capitalism the rich become richer and the poor become poorer.
6) Communism is like fascism. -- It’s capitalism, that chooses between democracy and fascism. Communism and fascism are the absolute oppositions.
7) Why should someone decide what I may do and what I may not, as it always happens under communist regimes? -- That is always so in any regime; so nothing can be done with that. Bad traits of human nature must be suppressed by the responsible state.
8) Communism is economically ineffective. -- West democracy, as we can see now, is worse than communism also in economic terms.


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Шальнов Илья Вячеславович

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